Page 47 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 47
Plot; #522-A Plot #532&
F,-I!szn---- J. Hammond
Anrici Agnes Dean 1892-1970 James i7. Hammond 1872-1949
Fr.:irices Ellen Dean 1897- Mary Hicks 1874-1949
Pl:~t. #523 Plot X533
- --- L. Neuman
F. 1,. Stewart
hl~t:r:ar,der' Bayne Lawson, Louis Neuman
Peter Lawson Stewart,
1871-1946 Flot #534
vlife, Robert J. Mulli~
A,- ne s Anne Drummond ,
1877-1960 Robert J. Mullin 1878-1952
wife, Lucy C. Burton 1886-1969
Flot #523-A Orvil Mullin
A. A. - Gilmour Eileen Mullin
Arr.hur A. Gilmour 1900-1973
wife, Frieda Gilmour Plot #535
1b99-1970 D. A. Ritchie
Daniel An3rew Ritchie 1930 @ 74
Plot $524 wife, Mary ROSS 1956 @ 83
Wmu J. Neil
Georgiqa Ritchie '-934 @ 19
William J. Neil 1905-1965 wife of Cecil Hutson
wife, Baby Hutson
Mary A. Stewart 1907-
-Cver the hi11
George Donald Stevenson 1840-1923
wife, Catherine Cameronl849-1927
John Carrieron Stevenson 1875-1932
James Storie 1866-19ï7
Mary Alberta XcI~ianus, wif e,
1877-1946 Agnes Bell Stevecson 1869-1929
Alfred M. Storie 1893-1963
wife, Mabel E. Strong 1904-
Wil Lian Eric IJcManus,
Mary A. McManus 1901-1947 Plot #537
vil-c of Harry Sullivan ------
J. Blaisdell
Julius Blaisdell
Mary Hill