Page 43 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 43

Plot  #472                                      Robert  W. Moir                   1866-1935
                R . M(zKie                                        iVif e,
                                                                  1v:argaret  W.  Gammill         1859-1925
                Maria  Rankin              1889-1971
                 wife  of                                       Viellin~ton Moir                  1898-1945
                 Robert  IhcKie            1891-1976            ~hristina !/loir
                                                                      ?         Moir
                Anriie  McKie              1915-1916
                dlex McKie                 1923-1923
                Viilliam  J.  NcKie              -1928
                                                                 Plot #a- Reserved  for  fountain

                Plc1t  #473                                      Plot  6480
                                                                 A.  W.  McGreggr
                Jac;.  Gaudette                                 ----
                --a                                                                               See  163
                Jacies  Gaudette           1867-1935  '         Allan  Fieston  MacGregor  1877-1942
                 wi.f e ,Alice  Gaudette                          wife,  Irene  G.  Givens  1897-1970
                                                                John  Givens  MacGregor           1919-1969

                Plot  #  474,  475
                J.  C.  Williams                                Plot  #481
                                                                --  --
                                                                 S.  Ked~
                Jas.  C.  Williams         1860-1915
               Hu.l.dîh  Magoon      .     1862-1933            Margaret  Julia  Smith            1917@ 70
                                                                  wife  of  Samuel  Kedey         1930 @  91
                Larrenna  Williams         1926 @  41
                 wife  of  W.  E.  King                         Vincent  Barnet                   1873-1962
                                                                  wife,  Addie  E.  Kedey         1876-1972
                Marvin  Williams           1894-1951
                 ivif e.
                 01.ivé  Elizabeth Morris,                      Plot  #482
                                          1892-1976             W.  G.  McKx

                                                                William  G.  McKay                1855-1934
                Plot  #476                                        wife,  Elizabeth  A.  Butler
               Fred  Runt z                                                                       1859-1929
                                                                Rhoda  G.  McKay                 1844-1937
               Fred  Runtz
               Doris  Runtz                    -1945
                                                                Plot  #483
               Aug.  Preuss                                     A.  CC Smith

                                                                Betty  Smith                     1914 @  1
               Plcit  #477                                      A.  Cockburn  Smith              1882-1950
               J.  R.  McQui~~e (was  ~.~ittner)  Marion  Millar  Smith                          1880-1965

               J. Robert  McQuigge  1857-1941
                 wi.fe,                                         Plot  #484
                 Elizabeth  Wallace  1868-1948                  &rd-.-_Scheel

               Reginald  Lemoine          1887-1946             Ferdinand  Juiius  Scheel
                                                                 \vif e ,
                                                                   in nie  Bertha  Karyus          1855-1928
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