Page 46 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 46

Plot #515-A                                     Plot  #518-C
                Watters                                         Smith

                           Batters                               Gordon  B. Smith
                Annie  Russett                   -1976

                                                                Plot  +519
                Plot  #516                                      -----
                                                                C.  A.  Mchrab
                8.  L.  Hdat-
                                                                 Colin  A.  Ificltab              1843-1917
                                                                  wife,  Sarah  E.Bryden          1863-1927

                                                                James  R.  Seattie                1886-1966
                Plot  #517                                        wife,  Janet  McNab             1881-1972
                C.  W.  ZhcCreary                               blalter  McNab  (Baby)                   1945

                Arthur  Wesley  UIcCreary,
                                          1903-1934             Plot  #520
                Charles  wesley  ~,lc~reary,                    H.  Xckford  (Peter  Goodwin)
                 wife, Jessie  ?/icMillan,                      Henry  Eckford                    1854-1925
                                          1881- 1962              wif e,  Clara  Parsons          1863-1920
                                                                Lilian  Eckford                   1898-1917

                Plot  #517-A
                                                                Plot  #520-A
               R.  Penny                                         O   Stewart

                                                                 Oral  J.  Stewart                1933-1969
                Plot  #518                                        wife,  Doreen  A.  Tourangeau
                J.  McCreary

                James  PtTcCreary         1883-1972             Plot  #521
                                                  .  .
                 wif e,                                         't;.  Steele
                 Annabel  Ferguson  1883-1958
                                                                 Sarah  Charlotte  Olmstead
               Wm.  Harold  A.Short  1894-1967                                                    1944-1917
                 wife,  Dorothy  PlcCreary                        wife  of
                                                                  r~illiam Steele                 1844-1938
                Plot  0518-A                                      Annie  Laura  Steele            1885-1970
                A.  Hoad  --

                Sidney  Hoad              1917-                   Plot  #521-A,
                 wife,Rachel  Wendt  1919-                        G.  E.  Harding

                John  S.  Road            1945-1971               Cra  J.  Bethune                1928-1969
                 wife,  Catherine  Iglitchell                      wife  of  George  E.  Harding

                Alec  Iioad               1907
                 aife,  Della  Schubrink  1903                    Plot  #522
                                                                  Jno  Findlay
                Plot  #518-B
                E.  Kerr                                          John  Henry  Findlay            1873-1959
                Ernie  Kerr                                        Lavina  May  Steele            1880-1970
                                Schubr ink                        Vera  Findley                   1908 @  5m.
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