Page 51 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 51

Plot  P576

                IiiTliarn  Fhillips         1855-1925            Llargaret  ~yers                  1926 @  57
                  vrife,                                           aife  of  Jas  D.Fraser         1948 @  82
                  ltbargaret  Robertson  1859-1939
                                                                   wife,  Ethel  F.  Burns  1930 k?  39
                Merion  riose  Fhillips 1901-1942
                Y~!II.   Fredrick  Pniliips
                                             1886-1942           Plot  #577
                Al ns ~lay Phillips          1838-1956           Farrner  Eros.

                                                                 Edwin  Farrner                    1862-1927
                                                                   wife,Ernma  C.Johnston  1862-1928

                                                                 Arthur  J.  Farrner               1898-1958

                                                                 Flot  $578
                                                                 J.  ?Kullins

                                                                 Catherine  Payne                  1871-1942
                                                                   wife  of  John  Liullins  1874-1951
                 NaLlianiel  J.lills
                 . .                         1919 @  19
                 nashington  Mills                 -1956
                bfrs .Washington  Allills          -1946
                Tec!  Ki1l.s
                                                                 Flot  #579
                                                                 J.  Sheffield
                Pioi;  #573
                7.  Iiartviick                                   Jas  Sheffield                         - 1943
                                                                 Mrs.  Jas  Sheffield                   -1949
                 Chnrles  hecry  Hartwick  -1971
                  Uary  Eartwick

                                                                                &a See  #593
                Plot.  #574                                      ~l0t~q80
                2,  _':cCornick                                  J.  Kennedy
                                                                 John  Kennedy                     1857- 1940
                                                                 Mary  Cornor s                    1863-1958
                                                                 Bessie  Kennedy                        -1970
                Iie.rtiert  McCorrnick       1893-1919
                  wife,  Ida  Bradley  1891-1934
                                                                   wif e  of  ~ohn-\/.Kennedy  '  -1977
                                                                 Olive  Kennedy                   1917-1918
                                                                 Arthur  Kennedy

                Ed!hi3rd  D.  Coghlan        1921 k?  7m

                 Chsrles  T-Coghlan          1918 @  72
                  w:i.fe,                                        Grville  Joseph  Felhaver  1914-
                  idarietta  Cowan           1944 @  97          Eva  Elizabeth  Scheel             1917-1970

                Mrs.  Ken  Coghlan  'bqilson  1953
   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56