Page 45 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 45

Flc-t #500                                      Pl-ut,  $511-H
                 T.  IIcCarthy                                   O.  ?elver
                 L1:L:lian  Shaw            1891--1916           Orville  E,  Peever               1890
                  viife  of                                        wife,  Elizabeth Raycroft  1890
                  Thomas  KcCarthy          1879.-1946

                                                                 Plot  $512
                 1      $501                                     EL O.?... ---'.ew
                     %i. Beattie
                !! L
                                                                 Richard  Di Nieman                1870-1954
                                                                   wife,  Mary  L,  Scheel  1879-1933

                                                                 Alvin  L.  Nieman                 1903-1930
                  cl.:^:: a  Beattie              -1965          Wesley  H. Rieman                 1910-1929
                                                                 Edgar  F.  Nieman                 1908-1922

                                                                 Plot  $512-A
                                                                 Neil  IvicKay-
                                                                 - . . . . . - -
                 RcSert  Scheel             1924 @  54
                 Tena  8trrich              1946 @  74

                                                                 Plot  $513
                                                                 - - --- .- - - - -
                                                                 F.  Kumm
                B;  l  liam  BtreLch        1917 @  55           Frank  E.  Kumm
                 A~zilsta F.  Streich  1949 O  86                Mar y  Ne urna n

                                                                  Irving  Neuman
                                                                 Frances  Neuman
                                                                 Clara  E;  Kumm
                                                                 Bert  Kumm
                 Prnnk  Moore               1890-1951
                 Anrite  Idocre             1906-

                                                                 ?lot  #514
                Hrien  Lawson               1917 @  77           L.  Slater
                 301:in Stewurt             1841- 1920
                                                                 Lenes  Ernest  Slater             1882-1926
                                                                   mife,  Emma  Wolf               1885-

                                                                 Plot  $514-A
                 iiots #  505-506-507-506-509  -
                            51O?  Over  the  *il1

                 Pl.,.>t $511                                    Plot 11'515
                 !  ~icB?thur
                                                                 C.  !dI;~cholson
                - . . - . - - . .. . . - . -. -                  - .. .. .- - . . . - . . - -
                 Jarricis  Shaa                   -              Charles  I,!iichelson
                 A       Shaw                                      :.tif" >  Albertina
                                                                 ?sr -c
   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50