Page 39 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 39

Fredrick  E. Drake                 1903-1971
                                                                 wife,  Dorothy  Binns             1904-

               Wil.l,iam Lampole            1878-1962           Hugh  A.  Campbell                 1890-1970
                 wifi-,  Minnie  Smith  1883-1956                aife,  Helen  Drake

               Inf'ailt                                         Edward  Drake                      1862-1939
               Lampole                                          Rose  Macpherson                   1868-1939

               Plcit  #419                                      Plot  #424
               -----                                            --
                                                                G.  Goodfellow
               G.  iii.  Boyce
               All.ain  G.  Boyce           1903-1967           Orville  Goodfellow                1912-1914
                 wi:Ce,  Wanda  Osborne
                                                                Helen  Mabel  Mosley               1913 @  21
               Ida  A.  Taplin              1872-1940            wife  of  Geo.Goodfellow                -1932
                 wifa  of
               Gecnrge  Yi.  Boyce          1869-1953
                                                                Plot  8425
                                                                -----                            Sec  485178
                                                                S.  E.  Johnston
               Plot  #420
               Ed Ehbs                                          Sidney  Empey  Johnston            1877-1926
                                                                Sarah  Elizabeth  Mhyte  Johnston,
               Ca thsrine  Wallace          1856-1936                                                    -1976
               Mar ion  Gardner             1895-1959

               Cora  Clarke                 1891                Plot  #426
               Edua-d  Ebbs                 1879-1952           Hartley  Miller                    See  #371

                                                                Peter  J.  Bethune                 1875-1902
               P1c.t  #421                                      J.  Eartley  Miller                1885-
               G.  Leacock
                                                                Lavinna  J.  Glenn                 1880-1968
               Andrew  Leacock              1860-1938
               Catherine  Ledgerwood  1858-1944                 Plot  #427
                                                                &,tavenow                          See  #706
               Gecrge  Leacock              1936 3  85
                 wife,  Ellen  Bethune  1921@77                 Wm.  J.  Stavenow                        -1937

               Plct  #422                                       Plot  #428
               J.  Phillips-M.  Stewart                         H.  Carr
               Mary  Primeau                1864-1913           Hartley  Carr                           -1972
                 wife,  Joseph  Vincent                          wife,  Pearl  Lavlna  Leitch  -1971

               Margaret  Vincent            1884-1924
                 wife,  John  Boicey                            Plot  #431
                                                                F.  McRae

               Plo~ #523                                        Francis  G.  McRae
               E.  F. Drake

               Ruth  Drake                  1  4  189          Note:  Plots #429,430-Over  the  Hill
               Ruth  Welch  Drake           1!5;111942
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