Page 36 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 36

Plot  #388                                       Plot  #396
               --                                              Robt.  Goodfelllow
               F.  Neill
               Frank  J.  Neill             1912 @  54          Mariah  Duncan                    1855-1513
                wife,  Hannah  Neuman  193%  71                  wife  of
               Edith  Neill                        1973           Robert  Gooiifellow             1853-1938
                                                                Sarah  Goodfellow                 1882-1919
               --               Over  the  Hill                 Allan  Goodfe llov)               1887-1976
                                                                Roland  S.  Goodfellow            1895-1974
               ---              Over  the  Hill                  wif e,
                                                                  Violet  S.  Goodfellow  1902-

               Plot  #391
               G.  N.  Hunt                                     Plot  $397
                                                                J. W.  Dodds
               Thomas  Hunt                 1867 @  59
                wife,  Sarah Hunt           1868 @  49          Mary  Jane  Adams                 1873-1943
                                                                 wife  of
               George  N.  Hunt             1843-19i8              James  iies1.r~ Dodds          1872-1961
                wife,Margaret  Argue  1843-1919
                                                                James  Wesley  Dodds              1895-1912
               Robert  Dufferin              1874-1947
                wife ,Bernice  Cosiett,X383--1946
                                                                Plot  #398
                                                                He  Thomson
               Plot  #392
               Wm.  Fraser                                      James  Thomson                    1896 @  22
                                                                William  Thomson                  1911 @  54
               William  Fraser                                  Margzret  Thomson                  1928 @  62
                wife,  Etta  A.  Hanna                          Hiram  Thomson                     1935 @  60
                                                                 wife,  Fanny  C.  Gromar  1933 @  54

               Plot  #393
               A . 'ti&e                                        Plot  11399
                                                                - --- -- - . -
                                                                J.  Millar
               Ann  Riddell                  1848-1913
                wife,  iiuilliam  J.\ihyte                      James  Millar                     1839-1918
                                             1843- 1920          wife,  Catherine  Scott  1842-1920
               Anne  R.  khyte               1877-1943
               Jean  Carswell  UJhyte        1885-1968          Mary  A.  Millar                          1930
                                                                 wife  of  J.  Il,  McKenny

               Plot  #394
               C.  Bartell                                      Plot  #400
                                                                1 L~-L-- J.  Ifloskos
                                                                John  Albert  P,loors              1915 @  65
                                                                 wife,  Jane  Stitt                1925 @  82
               Plot  #395
               -cNabb---                                        James  P.  UIoskos                 1882-1966
                                                                 wife,  Evangeline  ltlatthews,  -1900

                                                                Jonn  Moskos                       1926-1926
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