Page 34 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 34

Piot  +#356                                      Plot  g.360-A
              lm. Bonb                                         JO 14a ckIiilan                           1924
                                                                wif e,  Jean  .I!iIcLean                 1930
              Henry  Charles  Bond  1910 @  31

                                                               Plot  #301
            I. -.__
              Plot  #357
                                                               Cha S.  Kenm
                                                                                            ; c
              J  Blodel:

                                                               Plot  #361-A
              Plot  #358                                       M-Cam~bdl
              ii.  D.  Csborne
              -- --
                                                               A.  Ihoore  Campbell               1920-1972
              11,largaret  Eliza  New  1867-1953                 wif e,
                wif e,                                            Ihargaret  Elaine  Freel  1926-1974
                Edmond  D.  Osborne  1864-1357

              Iflona  Osborne             1893-1968            Piot  #362
                                                               J.  Ifiont~omery.
              Plot  #358-A                                     James  IJontgooiery                1910 @  55
              -----                                            Jean  McCullo-igh                  1915 @  64
              J.  Johnston
              John  G.  Johnston          1908-1972
                wife,  Ruth  M.Frieday                         Plot  k362-A
                                                               G.  IIalpee~
              Plot  $359                                       George  S.  Hal-penny              1902-1972
              -----                                              wife,  Dorothy  New
              E;.  DeReiîz.y
              Edward  DeRenzy             1834-1911
              Jessie  DeRenzy             1842-1928            Plot  $363
                                                               S.  Felskie
              Eaude  J.  DeRenzy          1871-1957
              Minnie  May  Dehenzy  1873-1972                  John  H.  Schu1.t~                 i9fi  @  68

                                                               Wilhelmine  Duhn                   1910 0 46
              Plot  #359-A                                       wife  of  Ernest  Felskie  1863-1950
               J.  IBa cIilillan
              Kevin  J.  I~!lac! 1953-1972              Plot  #363-A
                                                               E.  Kenyon

               Plot  #360                                      Edwîrd  C.  Keriyon                1921-1972
              -                                                  wife,  Joyce  Garvin
              E.  DeRenzs
               Nina  H. DeRenzy           1877-1969            Piot  #364
              R.  Vi.  Id.  McCormick
              E.  M.  M.  lf:cCormick                          Ernest  iiieiland                  1876-1951        .  .
                                                               Hulda  Felskie                     1882-1973
                                                               Arby  Felskie                      1909-1923
                                                               Beatrice  Felskie                  1911-1912
                                                               Harvey  Fe1ski.e                   1920-19  20
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