Page 37 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 37

plot  #376                                       Plot  #382
              J.  Fi.  Gillies                                 -----                             See  #985
                                                               J.  E.  Hudson
              James  R.  Gillies           1843-1925           Ed  Hudson
               wife,                                           Mrs.  E.  Hudson
               Mary  Jane  Courtney  1849-1933

                                                               Piot  #383
              Plot; $377                                      hm.  Splane
              J.  A.  Vieir
                                                               killiam  Splane                   1853-1916
                                                                wife,  Mary  Knott               1859-1921

                                                               James  Splane                     1891-1911
              Plot  ,41378                                     A.  Ernest  Austin                1885-1971
              -ou:---                                          Lottie F. Splane                  1886-1960

              Elizabeth Wolf               1891- 1913
               wife  of  James  Lafleur                        Plot  #384
                                                               A.  C.  Jeffrey
              Bertha  Marie  Draeger  1858-1936
               wife  of  Car1 Wolf                            Noble  Wallace                     1911 @  49
                                                              Annie  Gelena  Jeffrey             1948 @  77
              Cora  l~arie ~olf             1935-1936

                                                              Piot  #385
              Plot  iY379                                     G.  Ledgerwood
              J.  MacKlem
                                                              Daniel  Ledgerwood                 1829-1894
              Geraltl  Richard  MacKlem,                        wife,
                                            1909-1910            Mary  'Ann  Templeton           1841-1933
              Dora  Graham                  1865-1946
               wife  of                                       Agnes  Ledgerwood                  1861-1882
                 Sames-William  MacKlem,                      Mabel  Ledgerwood                  1880-1914
                                            1861-1931         George  Ledgerwood                 1870-1927

              Plot  #380                                      Plot  #386
              - -- - -- -                                     C.  MacDonald
              C.  St:ielow

              Mary  C.  Loock               1888-1936
               wife  of
                 Charles  W.  Stielow  1884-1956
                                                              plot  #387
                                                              D.  J.  &TacLean
              Plot  #381
             -----                                            Donald  John  MacLean              1837-1914
              A.  S.  Russell
                                                                wife,  Margaret  Hunter  1839-1919
              Arthur  Samuel  Russell
                                          1875-1967           Katharine  MacLean                 1873-1948
               wife :,                                        Minnie  Hunter  IllacLean          1879-1969
                Illargaret  Isabel  Bean,
                                   y   ,  1879-1958           Margaret  MacLean  Montgomery,
              Arthur  Allan  Russell  1910-1911                                                  1867-1958
              Claribell  Patricia  ~ussell,.
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