Page 156 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 156

Freiwalt,  Charles  A.
              Frivalt,  Srnest
              Fri?~h?alt , Fredrick
              Frivalt,  Gecrge  S.
              Frivalt ,  Villien  A.

              Frizzell,  Mrs.

              Frobel,  Sdna  B.

              Frost,  Bessie

              Fulford,  Agnes
              Fulford,  Earl  Dawson
              Fulf ord,  George
              Fulf ord,  Zean  A.
              Fulf ord,  Luelia

              Fulton,  Andrew
              Fulton,  Gertrude  A.
              Fulton,  Gladys
              Fulton,  Nildred  J.

              Fumerton,  herbert                                                                022
              Fumerton,  \lillirru                                                              022

              Furkua,  Louis                                                                    19 F.E.


              Galvin,  Johanna                                                                  65 F.E.

              Geinsf 3rd,  i!Iübel

              Gardiner,  A.  Reginaid
              Gardiner,  Annie
              Gardiner,  Dorothy  Frances
              Gardiner,  Edith  Irene
              Gardiner,  Elizabeth
              Gardiner,  Herbert  W.
              Gardiner,  Hubert
              Gardiner,  B.  'ii.
              Gardiner,  John  O.
              Gardiner,  I'Iarion

              Garland,  Anna  kglaria

              Garvin,  Joyce
              Garvin,  Mary

              Gaudette,  Aiice                                                                  473
              Saüdette,  Leila                                                                  8  F.E.
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