Page 158 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 158
Gilpen, 1,~lai-y Ann V Elock FE
Giroux, Francis J Block FE
Givens, Irene G.
Givrns, Lena Beatrice
Givecs, ?da bel I.!.
Giadden, Violet 3.
Glenn, Charlotte J.
Glenn, Dalton E.
Gl~enn, Ethel L.
Glenn, Xarrÿ H.
Zlenn, Lavinna J. 426
Glenn, I'iergsret A. 320
Glenn, '!i'iesley 266
Glenn, '~vlllian 371
Glenn, idilliam Ben jarnin V Elock FE
Glendinning, Eileen 147 F.Y.
Glien, Jane
Good, Richard George
Goodfellow, Allen
Goodfellow, Allan Roland S.
Goodf eliovd, Elizabeth
Goodfellow, Geo.
Goodf ellow , Gibscn
Goodf el10~1, Joseph 3.
Goodfellow, Orville
Goodfellow, Robert 396
Goodf elloa, Sarzh 396
Goodf ellow, Thomas J Elock FE
Goodf eliow , Violet S.
Goodwin, Alexander H Elock FE
Goodwin, Ihs. 3ell9 172
Goodwin, Chas. ii Block FE
Goodwin, Cat3erine
Gcodwin, Dola ld
Goodwin, Jas.
Goodwin, John D .
Goodwin, John J.
Goodwin, Margaret
Goodwin, îvlargaret
Goodwin, Feter
Goodwin, Feter
Soodwic, Roy F.