Page 159 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 159

Goi  jn, George
               Gos An, George

               Gocï:I~ay, B~by
               GourLay,  Collee  Lluriel
               Gour:l-ay,  Zmrrson  F.  Robt.
               Uourlay,  Ida
               Goii~lzy, Roy  i?!.  J.

               Grece,  Charles  Fi.
               Grare,  b.ilÏred  1'1.

               Grahan,  Albert  C'~nnineha21
               Gral:am,  Annie
               Grahan,  hnnie  C.
               Grcih~in;, Charles
               Grz~ham, Dora
               Grah~m, Fredrick  Stenley
               Grailam,  Gertrude  E.
               Graham,  John  ibW.
               G    r   .  Ma;colm
               Grzc13ni,  idargaret  if.
     ,  i\!lcry
               Gr~kiem~ I'.Jary  I!!cLean                                                        142
               G        r  Fiobert  L.                                                           54
               Gr~nz~n, Stewart                                                                  75  F.E.
               Gr&,~a%, hilliamine  J.                                                           54
               Grsiam,  'r.illiam  G.                                                            54
               G~  ... ,.. .cr.~q \/illiari J.                                                   54
               Grzl~:m,  George  L.                                                              833

               Gïsr;t,  Kleanor                                                                  91 F.E.
               Grant,,  Babes                                                                    52 P.E.
               Grant,  filiza                                                                     52  2.5.
               Gri:~t. , Jennie  Tb.
               Gruiit,  John

               Grsy,  Arcnie  H.
               Grsy,  Kenneth  H.
               Grzy,  Lcrne  iiI.
                  .   ,
               Greer:e,  Albert
               Greerie,  Gdith  Niildred
               Greene,  Ethel
               Greene,  George                                                                   5
               Greene,  George  E.                                                               0831-A
              ,Greer~,  Grace                                                                    H  Block  IV,
               Grean,      Joseph  J.                                                            J  Block  SI:

               Greg~ning, Drniel
      , Ed7,vnrd.  Zenry                                                      101 F.E.
               Greening,  Gerf ield                                                              1085 Y$
               Greraing , Gus                                                                    1148
               Greenir~g, 3.                                                                     815
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