Page 153 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 153

Znnis,  Louise,

              Essex,  Fred  Iï:.

              Pslkp Doris  Frances                                                                353
              Fdii,  Karie  L~?~iise                                                              3  53
              Falk,  liiartha  Louise                                                             793
              Feik,  '~i:nelrnins                                                                 ÿ  Block  FE
              Fal-k,  Nilliam                                                                     353

              Falls,  L11a
              Fal!~, Fredrick

              Farnier,  Arthur  J.
              Feriner,  Edwin
              Faraer,  E. R.
              Fariner , Ireiie
              Farner,  Samuel
              Fa~'iie:r, ivilliam

              Fery , Patrick

              FeatPierstone,  Catherine
              Featherçtone,  Thomas  G.  C.

              Fellhaver,  Orville  Joseph

              Felskie,  Arby
              Felskie,  Beatrice
              Feisi<le, Bertha
              Felslcie,  Erneçt
              rel.sliie,  Harvey
              Felsl-ie, F!ulda  (Fieiland)
              Ferguson,  Annebel                                                                  ,
              Fergazion,  David                                                                   912
              Fer~::~son, D.  hi.                                                                 191 F.L.
              Ferg.<,son,  Mrs.  D.  Id.                                                          Tg1  F.C.
              Ferguson,  Doily  D.                                                                949  N-S
              Fergirsori,  Duncali                                                                616-fi  SS
              Ferguson,  Duncan  ',Ji.                                                            1008  Y&
              Ferguson,  Etta  May  (Rynes)                                                       917
              Ferg:ison,  James  A.                                                               164 F.E.
              Fer{;~son, Jemes  S.
              Ferguson,  3.  E.
              Ferguson,  Lovella  G.
              Ferguson,  Melvin
              Fergüson,  Sadie
              Ferg~son, Thozas  E.
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