Page 152 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 152
Edey, Edmund
Zdey, Cdmund
Edey , bh S. Edmurid
Edey, Charles
Edey , Uelïingtoc Iiv.
Ebbs, Edward
Ebert, Ewald 'I Block FE
bchliq, Alfred Ford
Bchlin, >label
Eckf ord, Alice P.
Eckf ord, Donald
Cckf ord, El1 en
Eckf @rd, Cthel
Eckf ord, Benrg
Eckford, James
Eckf @rd, Jame s Jr . 147 F.E.
147 F.E.
Eckf ord , Liliian 5 20
Eckf ord, Mons 126
Eckf ord, .!. Glen 095 '
Ednunds, Alfred E.
Elcorne, Edwin 440
Elcorne , John 440
Elias, Jane 48 F.E.
Elliot, David 47.1
Elliot, Eleanor 47
Eiiiot, Ethel Shaw 29
Elliot, Eva J. 325
Eliiot, Florence 1159
Eiliot , George 29
Elliot, James 4 7
Elliot, James J. 7 7
Elliot , ldary 4 7
F,liiot, Thomas 47
3lliot , Thomas J. 451
Zlliot, Shos. Jackson 45;
Eilis, John
Zllis, Annie 2.
313 ' LIS. bsbs
Bllis, adwar?
allis, Edward George
Ellis, Lleanor S.
Ellis, Jessie Belle
Ellis, John
Zllis , IbTârgaret D.