Page 5 - index
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                         ST . ST.QHEN ' S  ANGLICAN  CdI,,kIT :RY,  BIJCKINGW,  QUEBZsC
           22.  --  -  Lucretia. J.  Noakes,                    31.  TOMKINS,  Robert  died  Jan.  18,
                  wif e  of  Thomas  HUghes ,. died         ~'        '1878,  age  41  yrs.  His  )vife
                  July  14,  1ô99,  age  47  yrs.                      Catherine Burns  died  ripr.  26,
                  1 mon.  25 .days.       Thomas'  ùied        '       1910,  age  69  yrs'.      ils0  their
                  June  14,  1924,  age  '76  yrs.                     daughter  Martha  M.  diad  Feb:
                             3.H.  I,IcCoy,  Lachute                   15,  1685,  age  21  yrs.  21  days.
           23.  BIGZLOV!,  .Charles died Jan.  le.,                    Hannah  dlizabeth Thomkins  died~
                  1911,  age  84 yrs.  8  mons.                        Dec.  25,  1922.

           24.  I&IL&ND,  Canon  James  Ellis  1826-  32.  DAVIS,  Victoria  Ellen  died  31
                  1928,  rector  of  St.  Stephen's                    Dec.  1870,  age  7  yrs.  7  mons.
                  Buckingham  1904-1913,  Grace                        7  days.
                  Church,  Montreal,  1913-1928.
                  His  wife  Jane  Charters  1869-              33.  NfiIJTON,  DrusilLa  Ga therine,  wif e  .
                  1959.        W.M.  Scott,  Lachute.                  of  Eddie  Newton  born  Dec.  29,
                                                                       1H69,  died Apr.  15,  1907.
           25.  WINSOR  - John  É'nürev~ I'irinsor
                  Mar.  1,  1852-Apr.  12,  1919.               34.  TZGKE,  Alex,  1890-1961.           His
                  Smkly  Palmer,  wife  of  J.A. Win-,
                  sor,  Nov.  16,  1854-Mar.  10,1935.                 wife,  Clma  Lonsdale,  1889--
                                                                       Their  children  - Boyd  1917,  age
                                                                       4  mons.,  nudrey  1926,  age  4
           26.  CUSHING,  Walter  John,  son  of
                  L.H.  and  A.B.B.,      died  Sept.  8,              mons.,  Irma,  192.6,  age  1 day.
                  18649  age       yr'                   day's'35.  T+'iLIRPHY, James,  son  of  John,  died
           C7.  COVlim  -  Isabel  Sicard,  wife  of          '        July  28,  1854,  age  16  yrs.,  a
                  Robert  FI.  Cowan,  IbTar.  19,  1882-              native  of  Buckingham,  C.E.
                  Nov.  26,  1928.  Her  Son  Leray.                                McFarlane,  Ottawa.
                  Clarke  May  5,  1907-kug.  17,
                  1927.  Also  infant  son  June  5,            36.  E, Jane,  wffe  of  James Hall,
                  1906.     John  Henry  Cowan  Apr.  19,              died  b!Iay  18,  1851,  age  45  yrs.
                  1916,  killed in  active  service                    Native  of  Larne  Co.,  Ireland.
                  Itay  19,  1944.  Robert  Henry                      James  Wallace  Hall,  infant  son
                  Cowan  born  June  30,'  1880--Feb.                  of  James  and  Ann  Hall,  died
                  12,  1962.                                           Feb.  .15,  1864,  age  4  yrs.

                                                                37.  II:IcFAUL,  Dennis,  died  Jan.  1,
                NEWTON,  Crosby  died Nov.  24,                        1891,  nge  84 yrs.  Al60  his wif e
                  191'0,  age  84  yrs.  nlso  his
                  wife  Nargaret  Timmins  died  May                   Iviary  Jane  IcicGarv  died  Jan.  16,
                  26,  1873,  age  46  yrs.        Annie  F,.          1907,  aga  96  yrs.  Native  of
                  Laing,' wife  of  Wellington  New-,.-,               County  Antrirn,  Ireland.  Their
                                                                       children  - Catherine  died Nov.
                  ton,  died June  20.,  1916,  age                    1857,  age  2  yrs.,  John  died
                  41  yrs.  Wellington  Newton  died
                  Oct.  19,  1339,  age  72. yrs.                      Oct.  1860,  age  15  yrs.  6  mons.
                                                                       James  di.ed ,>Pr.  20,  1916,  age
                                                                       67  yrs.  5  mons.      Margaret  1851-
                O            Margaret  Sarah,  wife  of                '1934.
                  Philip  liilonson , born  in  Great
                  Dunmow,  Essex.  Sngland,  died  at  38.           PhLM!JR,  George  D.  di.ed  Nov.  17,
                  Br ham.  19 dpril  1875  gge  44  yrs.
                                                                       1896,  age  68 yrs.        Iiis  wife
                                                                       Elizabeth  Blais  died May  15,
                SIb!ITH,  Stewart  Died  Feb.  24,  1917               1902  -  72  yrs.
                  age  80 yrs.  8  mons.        n1~0 his
                  wife  Elvira  Canning  died  Oct.             gg.  P*iLIaR3 William  George,  son  of
                  1921 age  81 yrs.                                    G

                                                                           &  Y
                                                                         .  A.  Palmer,  died Jan.  6,
                                                                       1884,  age. 17 yr.
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