Page 8 - index
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       66.  VALIXY  - Maria  Jones,  beloved                79.  HIGGINSON,  John,,  1820-1876,
              wife  of  Joseph  Valley,  <lied 23                  Maria  Fernie  1825-1906,  wife  Of
              Dec.  1870,  age  51  yrs.                           John,.  Thomae  Crawford  1857-
                           (P.A.  Taylor,  0ttawa)                 1894.  irgnes  Park  1859-1951.
                                                                   Alaria  Edith  1868-1958.
       67.  SMITH,  Joseph,  died L!ay  14,  1875,
              age  53  yrs.  19  days.       Native  of  80.  S'TWKLiND,  Emmanuel,  born  ot
              Shropshire,  angland.                                Glaisdale,  Yorkshire,  Gngland,
                                                                   died  June  3,  1891,  age  51 yrs.
       68.  -- SMITI:  -  Mary  Ann  .Freeman  dikd
              Sept.  10,  1893,  age  66  yrs.              81.  STRICKLMD,  George,  infant  son  of
                                                                   E. &  ~~l.Stricklancl, died  Sept.
       69.  m, Levi  Joseph  died  Aug.  22,                       6,  1870.
              1885,  age  32  grs.  6  mons.
                                                            82.  STRICKLAN3,  Emmanuel,  born  a t
       70.  ROB:l-tTS,  iiiilliam,  died  25  >ipr.                Rosedale,  Yorks.,  Tng.,  born
              1874,  nge  60  yrs.       Native  of                Mar.  4,  1812,  died  Jan.  16,  1693.
              ~lymouth, Enaland.          drected  bs              Mary  Bov~es, widow  of  late Erman-
              Annie  Busby.                                        uel- ~trickiand, Sr.  died Nov.  5,
                                                                   1914,  nge  82.      Hannah,  vdife  of
       71.  NXGESS,  James,  diedldar.  17,                        Dr.  H.  N.  ~~ustin, died  Sept.  26,
              1882.                                                1901, age  48  yrs.,  native  of
                                                                   Rerby,  hloorside,  Yorks,  Angland.
       72.  am, ~ichard, born  at Onibury,                         Alice  Strickland  1866-1933.
              Shropshire,  Eng.  Dec.  19,  1826,                  Thomas  P.  1863-1935,
              fi.iel'< i'qov.  2,  1905.   Mary  Maria
              Rowe,  native  of  Ludlow,  ~r?glan&,83.                    -  Jennie  D.  ~'Flaherty,
              iiie6.  Oct.  21,  1894,  age  75  yrs.              wife  of  Robert  3.  Scott  19G4-
       73.  GRIFFITHS,  Betsy  Ann,  ivife  of
              !.:illiam  Griffiths,  die6 July             04.  hPIIiTON  -  Grace  Xliza  O'Flaherty,
              27,  1892.  ahpe  26  yrs.  bJilliam                 wife  of  .Arthur  i;lilton.  born  Mas
              1866-1947.                                           1,  1887,  (lied  ï,;!ay  14,  192T,  âge
                                                                   34  yrs.    arthur  Pilton  July  11,
       74.  ShlISE,  Thomas  H., native  of  Lon-                  1879--Dec.     28,  1955.,  and  their
              don,  EnglanZ,  (lied Sapt.  4,  1915,               three  infar, t  sons.
              age  32  yrs.
                                                           85.  CURRIZ,  George,  died  Aug.  19,
       75.  HOLIITES!,  Iva  May,  claughter  of                   1575,  age  51 yrs.  drected by
              ilex- Oé  Pheobe  Holmes,  Cisd  Mar.               .i.  H. Pearson,
              1,  1905,  oge  6  mos.  16  clbys.
                                                           86.  YOUNG      Joseph  C. , Sergeant,
       76.  HOLE333,  Willie  Kenneth  tliecl  Sept.              41603C,  2nd  astt'n  C.  i.~. 3 Dec.
              4,  1902,  age  1 mos.  nlick  Keith                1921.
              die6 Sept.  27,  1902,  age 1  mos.
              23  days.,  children  of  Vrn.  &            07.  COPELO~X - Ethel  Augusta  Bnrkley,
             Emrno  Holmes.                                       wife  of  James  Copeland,  died  iiug,
                                                                  28,  1913,  in  35  yr.       James  Cope-
      77.  LOI'.'SUiLE -- 9  ?,clmund,  c?ied  Jan.  31,          land  1871-1947.
              1911,  nge' 52  yrs. 9  mons.
                                                           38.  BiiRKELEY,John,  Gied  Nov.  19,  1914,
       76.  TOI@i;INS  - New  stone  -  no  engrav-               age  63  yrs.      His  wife  Jemima
              ing.                                                Polmer  died  ivîar.  4,  1936,  age
                                                                  79  yrs.
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