Page 10 - index
P. 10

109.  m, Oliver,  1837-1921.                 91s      120.  H:p.NE,  James  of  kl'insor,  dngland
               wi.fe,  Christy  itnn  Bigelokv,  1846-                born  :',pr.  22,  1886,  (lied  ~ipr.
               1913.     Their  db~ghter 3lsie                        20,  1911.  Erected  by  the
               1890-1913,       Uessie  ii.  Fhay,                   management  ond  staff  OT  the
               adop-ted'daughter of  Isaac  &  S.                     Bell  Mines.
               Shepherd,  1096-1918.
                                                             121.  I --          D  Teaadale,  born  Jan.
       110.  O'LEARY  - Beatrice  hnn  Chaplin,                       25,  1636,  in  Yorkshire,  Zngl-
               1866-1958,  Wife  of  Patrick                          and,  (2ied Apr.  25,  1924.  His
               Michne1  O'Leory,  3889-1960.                         m.ife,  IvTary  Rigg,  born  Jan.  17,
                                                                      18~;6, in  Il'estmorland,  Snglanu,
       111.  3IG-7LO\iIY Hiram,  1853-1938.  Fiis                     died  Apr.  23,  1925.
               wif e,  Kancy  Lenieux.  1365-1896.
               ~heir childreii  -. Xlizsbeth  age  122.  3F,ILHt;RTZ,  Hubert,  1902-1965.
           .  .  1 JT,  Roy  Lsyton  age  1 yr.,                      Son  of  *Ibert  Beilhartz,  his
               Nsrcy  Helene  age  5  mos.                            wife  Regina  Othmer.
                              .  .  .
       112.  SI'IITII,  James  Blatchford,  born  in  1             -           Robert  T., born  dug.  '1,
               Devonshire,  Angland,  bug.  24,                       1050,  died  Oct.  SC,  1922.  dilso
               1RY8!> died  Nov.  23,  1894.  Helen                   his  son,  Percy Edward,  born
               born  Liverpool,  :nglnnd,  I'ay                       Oct.  18,  1369,  àiea  on  the
               L?  r,                                                 Somme,  France,  Sept.  26,  1916.
               or9 187.1,  died  in  Montroal  Feb.
               23,  1901,  age  26  yrs.  9  mos. .                  Bis  vtife,  Marian  Chapmon,  bom?
                                                                     Feb,  17,  1863,  died  Oct.  19,
       115.  DAV  IS  - Pearl M.  Pappas  1919-                       1956.     Lydia  lui.  CieC  Nov.  7,
              1966. Srnie  J. 1915--                                  1970.

       114.  RO!;X,   Ronald  Clifford  1889-1956.  12.i.  SI:ITH,            Freclerick  Samuel,  1857-
               Xis  ;)if e  Slizabeth  Mag~?.ella                     1936.  His  iidife,  Ilargaret
               Spuriien  1081-1950.         Agiles  Rowe             Parker  1b59-1921.
               1911-3.927.      Ruth  1915-1967.
                                                             125.  L0I;SDALL  -  Lois  Senney,  wife  of
       115.  Ehlf:XT'l',   Rev;  Robert,  1666-i955.                  Thomas  Lons6al1,  Aied  Sept.  24,
               His  1;iife Jessie  Taylor  1874-                      1876,  age  26  yrs,
               19Ch.     Jessie  Xora,  daughter  of
               Rev. H:  &  J-. Emrnett  died Oct.            126.  N:?,'I,~TON, iilelvin , died 1,lay 13,
               21,  1913,  age  7  mos.                               1881,  age  12  mus.  11  dsys.
                                                                      1-Iarold  Sonfiforcl  died  1Aar.  9,
       116.  LONS~E~LE: Clarissa,  wlfe  of                           1890,  sge  3  yrs.  24  days.
               Thomas  Lonsdale,  cllecl  ~!or. 5,                    Children  of  Richard  &  Sophin
               loÇ2,  nge  66  yrs.                                   liev~ton.  Ethel  Pearl  Lied  Mar.
                                                                      27,  1680,  age  15 yrs.  10  mos.
       117.  PE&SCN,      Jennle  Von  Ross  aied                     15  days,     Hazeal  f,,!ildrefi  die6
               ,<Pr.  I5,  1920,  age  13 yrs.  8                    NOV.  16,  1895,  age  9  mos.  86
               mos.     James  French  1873-1930.                     riays;  Children  of  K.  &  S.  hew-
               Cathcrlne  Pearson  1866-1942.                         ton.    Richard  3iei-i  Dec.  27,
                                                                      192.5,  age  78  yrs.      Also  his
       118.  SELLSHS  -  Mary  ~nith 1862-1925',                      wife,  Sophio  Lonsdale  Lietl
               wifr  of  Walter  Sellers  1874-                       Sept.  2,  1937,  age  87  yrs.
                                                             127.  LONS3+.L%,  Thomas,  died  Hug.  8,
       1x9.  PRICE,  Johr,  A.  born  June: 13,
               1866,  died  Oct.  10,  1914.  Bis                     1912,  age  64  yrs.       His  v~ife
               mit's,  Marie  Kaufmann  born  iiug.                  H.  M.  Smith,  1856-1920.  F.W.
               22,  $878,  dieci  June  10,  1938.                   Lonsdale,  1875-1950.
               Cûttierine,  born  Dec.  5, 1909,
               died  Jan.  17,  1926.
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