Page 2 - index
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In  a  copy  of  The  Biickingham  Post  and  Labelle  County
             Echo  ùated  Friday,  Novernber  20,  1925,  Volume  29,  No.  29,  uncler
              the  title  "History  of  Buckingham"  we  find  the  following:

                            "Republished  from  the  Post  of  January  5,  1899.  The
              authorehfp  ia tvithheld  by  request.

             The  Episcopalinn  Church  was  built  in  1852,  land  being.given
             by  Baxter  3owman  for  the  purpose.            The  land  for the  parsonage
             and  burying  grounil  vms  given  by  Geo.  Eaton,  agent  for the
             proprietors.        The  first  settled  clergyman  i,ras  Rev.  H.  L.  Steven-
              son .

                            The  75th tinniversary  Souvenir  progrnm  of  the  Town  of
             Buckingham,  Quebec,  June  26-July  4,  1965,  page  27,  states:

                            "St.  Stephen's  Church-accordinp  to  the  existing  parish
              records,  St  Stephen's  ,,nglican  Church  iiates  back  to  1845.  The
              early  settlers  of  Buckingham  viere  the  most  part  United  Empire
              Loyalists  or their  descendants  an6  the  majority  of  them  pro-
             fzsse~l the  '~nglicari faith.

                           Religious  services  for ,inglicans  were  held  prior  to
              this  date  by  travelling missionaries  who  visited  the  comnunity
             an?  helcl  services  in  the  mil1 cookhouses.

                            The  first  official  act  recorr'.erl  was  the  ba~tism of
             Henry  Osgood,  son  of  John  Osgood  and  Sarah  11r.n  ~mith-on ,,ugust
             29,  3.845. "
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