Page 4 - index
P. 4
1. -- SMITH, John. Feb. 9, 1928, ege 60 12, IIOLLIlTGS\ORTH, JO hn Burton Lee
yrs. Hollinasworth D.V.S. hpr. 9,
1873--Bec. 26. 1941. ~is wife
2. K.ZhQv'DriLL, Harriet A. daughter of Mary ann ~lizabeth Smith Oct.
Wm. G. & Harriet Kendall, died 26, 1873--6Iey 3, 1955. Burton
Oct. 29, 1858. 15 yrs. 1 month. Lee 1896-1897. John Burton
~'dwartl 1906-1922.. Win ifred
3. -- hlORRIS, William, son of Rev. W. Elixabath 1898-1923. Elizebeth
M0rri.s. 5 Apr. 1858, age 8 mons. Hoilingsvvorth member of 'Hazel
Rebekah Lodge No. 40, Ottawe,
4. -- kIORHIG, Rev. Vin. Morris, 8 native Ont. Joined h1ar. 15, 1945--
of Newtonbarry, Co. of Wexford,'
Died at auckingham 1884, sge 13. THOMPSON,'VVilliam, born June 4,
84 yrs. 1838, died Jan. 9, 1871, age
. 34 yrs. 6 mons.
5. -
XAI'TS, m. David, rector of St.
Stephens Church, drowned at the 14. GOUDIX - Erected by t heir son,
Sigk'Palls, May 9, 1889, age 26. Thomas A. in memory of Daniel
Gouùie died 14 June 1894, 77
6. -- FERRIS, James G. died July 6, 1912, yrs. His wïfe Rose Cosgrove
age 36 yrs. 8 mons. Robert Sied 1Jov. 1892, age 56 yrs.
Ferris 1835-1920. klso his wife
Mary J. E.lcFaul 1843-1925. Emma 15.
- -
Jane died Mar. 17, 1870, aae 3
yrs. 16. NZIdTON, iirnold, died Jan. 10,
1907, age 86'yrs. Hannah
7. -- HUGII.:S, Zdward died Nov. 25, 1892, Lonsdale, wife of nrnold Few-
age Y4 yrs. 11 mons. 8 days. His ton. died June 3. 1917. in her
wifs ~lliabeth Lambe died-MOV. 89th yi-.
18, le99. Hm 78 ma.
17. N"iBV'i'OT.7 - Zrected by Arnold Kew-
8. sHEPITX;!D, George. Born at Sher- ton in memory of his son Isaac
ingham, County of Norfolk, ~2na- 'died Mar. 10. 1859. 2 ?cars
land. Died une 26, 1865. ~rect- 8 mons.
-- -
ed b~ his brother~.
18; DUNi;IIJG - 3va Hewston, wife of
9. ShlITlI, Eilward, 1849-1930. His * Eclv~ard Dunning 1892-1917.
wife, . Sarah Hughes 1049-1921. . 19. (sae below)
William ddward, 1876, age Zmons. 21). UII.JEY - Laura Hewson, wife of
John. Rainey 1852-1926.
10. -- BOITRJ'X (:, lfilligm. Born in Iviltshire,
%gland. Nov. 5, 1810. Died iipr. 21. LAURIN - Family of Samuel Laurin
10, 1.868. Hge 57. Youngest Maxim 1825-1907. Iiis wife
daughter Annette Marian 27 Oct. IIârceline Lengevin 1845-1917.
1871, age 25. Somervills,. Ottawa. Their sons - Silas Laurin 1860-
1918; Samuel Laurin 1856-1944,
Il. Sm, Caroline -1. Buck, viife of His wife Anna broulx 1856-1918;
James Smith, died Jan. 26: 1863, Their children - Alma 1895-
age 44 yrs. 2 mons. 29 days. 1896, Ralph 1898-1898, Dona
Also their two children Flora H, 1899-1099.
died Oct. 20, 1862, age 3 wks.
and FIiram (lied idar. 12, 1863, *19. IIUNXING, Elizabeth Rainey 1889-
age 15 yrs. Il mons.. 1959, beloved wife of ddwin
Dunning 1889-1964.