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, 1074, RobertS. WALKER Private R.S,A.5.C. 2 December 1983 1089. In memory of Joseph PALLISER January 8, 1849 - Au-
age 82
gust 17, 1925 his wife Lily Margaret MacGIBBON
March 16,1855 - August 14, 1910 their daughter Lily
1075. Inmemory of Elizabeth GORDON beloved wife of
James GORDON born April 12, 1844 died July 9,1912.
Baird PALLISER March 17,1883 -March 1,1938 inter-
James S. GORDON born November 22, 1837 died Feb- Margaret PALLISER July 6,1891 -June 2, 1930. Thomas
ment in Brooklyn, New York (rear face) Elinor Matilda
ruary 10, 1926
PALLISER September 21, 1886 - September 9,1978.
I 1076. Andrew STEWART 1849-1905 also his wife Arlena Mary Lillian PALLISER March 21, 1889 - February 17,
FlANDERS 1852-1912 'At rest'
1077. In memory of Francis W. ALLEN October 31,1895 aged 1090. Gordon MILLAR June 29,1878 - November 23, 1960 his
66 yea" also his wife Ellen WRIGHT died May 6,1897 wife Annie BLACK July 16,1878 to December 5,1926
1 1078. Florence E. dau'r of A.H. &: Mary FISHER died March 1091. Mary Jane daughter of Thomas and Mary BARLEY
aged 68 years There is rest beyond the river'
their son Donald W. June 29,1912 to January 18,1930
21,1825 aged 9 months 'Beautiful, lovely she was but died March 16, 1874 aged 1 year 1 month and 6days
given a fair but to earth, to bloom in heaven' 1092. Paul DUBEAU decede 8janvier 1924 agee de 73 ans6
1 1079. In memory of James son of Robert &: Jesse GORDON mois et son epouse Josephine DEMEULE decede 10
died August 17, 1902 aged 17 yea" and 8 months 'Hide mars age de 80 ans
me 0 my Saviour hide til the storm of life is past safe 1093. Roy Leslie KENNEDY September 6,1895 - March 17,
l into the haven guide 0 receive my soul at last' (north 1969
face) Robert GORDON died June 21,1933 age 81 yea"
his wife Janet McQUAT died July 14,1935 age 84 years 1094. In loving memory of Alma Ruby youngest daughter of
Thomas and Jane McNEIL died at Oakland California
lOBO, In memory of William McQUAT died April 29, 1903 November 12, 1918 aged 26 yea" and 4 months
I aged 82 years. Jane DREW beloved wife of William 1095, To the memory of Jane KENNEDY relict of the late
McQUAT aged 81 years and 6 months 'Surely goodness
and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I Thomas McNEIL died June 30,1896 aged 41 yea", Sa-
will dwell in the house of the Lord forever' (south face) cred to the memory of Thomas McNEIL died March 28,
l James McQUAT died September 29,1912 aged 53 yea" 1895 aged 71 yea" 9 months Anative of County Down
Ireland. Mary Elizabeth McNEIL died December 25,
also his wife Elizabeth DREW died March 1,1931 age 66
yea" 1891 aged 2years and 9 months. Katie Edith McNEIL
• Robert DRENNAN died June29,1981 age 74 years. ory of William BLACK died May 23,1891 aged 61 yea"
died March 21,1891 aged 3 yea" and 9 months. In mem-
lOBI. Sacred to the memory of Margaret McQUAT wife of
his wife Elizabeth DICKSON died August 27, 1925
Robert DRENNAN died June 18,1939 ageBS years
aged 74 yea". In memory of David Alfred died January
29,1896 aged 7 years and 6 months 3rd son of William
1 1082. Simon E. WILSON December 11,1897. December 15, July 10,1905 and Ann Alice BLACK November 29,1909
1981 his wife Ethel M. HAY December 28, 1902 - July 3,
and Elizabeth BLACK. Elizabeth Ellen BLACK born
1989. William WILSON January 15, 1842 - February 2,
(side face) John H. BLACK died February 9, 1959 aged
1922 his wife Janet B, MacKIMMIE April 6,1864 -July 82 years and his wife Mary Agnes ROGERS born June
• 1083. Robert KEITH died March 30, 1925 aged 64 yea" 'Be ye 1096. In memory of Mary Jane WARWICK wife of A,J,
30,1890 died May 28, 1969 'Safe at home, at home with
also ready for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of
man cometh'
MacGIBBON died July 27, 1891 aged 34 yea" and 4
l 1084. In memoriam of George NICHOLS died January 15, 1890· March 5,1983
months, daughler Kay Frances MacGIBBON June 9,
1899 aged 70 yea"
1085. In memory of Thomas W. HAMMOND October 29, 1097. 'Parted on earth but joined in Heaven' In memory of
1844· October 11, 1918. Eliza J. NICHOLLS October 10, Mary Charlotte McQUAT born at Brownsburg March
1 1854 - March 7, 1942 14,1882 died August 13, 1897'Asleep in Jesus' Sacred 10
1086. Ruby C. SUMMERBY drowned June 6, 1895 aged 14
Brownsburg Aprilll, 1885 died at Victoria B.c. March
years 3 months 'God is His own interpreter and He will the memory of James W. McGIBBON born at
k make it plain' (side face) Sacred to the memory of 16,1892. Sadie C. McQUAT 1901-1983. Daniel A.
Robert K. SUMMERBY drowned May 31, 1886 aged 42
McQUAT 1866-1951 his wife Mary A. MORROW 1874·
1951. Pheobe M. McQUAT Phoebe 1903-1978
yea" 5 months (rear face) William S. SCHOLEFlELD
bom March 25,1847 died January 9, 1891 'Blessed are 1098, AustinG. BOYD April 19,1890-October15,1967his
the dead who die in the Lord'
1 IOB7. Father. Mother. In memory of Robert GOODFELLOW wife Myrtle E. DELALANNE April 9, 1894 - December
died June 21, 1890 ailed 62 yea" and 4 months Native of 1099. Hector Archie BOYD born September 23,1927 died Sep-
Armagh Ireland andhis wife Ann PINKERTON died tember 10, 1944'At rest'
l April 4, 1897 aged 69 years Native of Londonderry lre- 1100. Annie STEWART beloved wife of James DOUGLASS
land 'Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep from which none
ever wakes to weep' died March 31,1896 aged 66 years
lOBS. Robert GOODFELLOW died December 31,1933 aged 1101. In memory of James DOUGLASS died June 16, 1905
l January 7, 1954 aged 67 years. Robert Gordon GOOD· aged 84 years 'Jesus has called the father home His flesh
74 years his wife Catherine B. SANDILANDS died
lies mouldering in the land God grant his offering may
FELLOW died October 10, 1971 aged 80 years be blest and meet hhn in eternal rest'