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1895; and their son William Guillband bom April 11, der died February 11, 1888 aged 28 yea.. (east face) John I
1874 died June 25,1935 beloved husband 01 Jessie L. S. LOW 1868-1958 his wife Mary Ellen MOTHERSOLE
PAUL bom September 25, 1871 died September 3,1947 01 Suffolk, England 1865-1956; their son Gareth Alex
(east face) Cecil Ross son olWm &: Jessie STAN1- 1907-1961 their grand daughter Elizabeth Amaliah Janu-
FORTH bom September 21,1904 died June 12, 1972 ary 14, 1940· January 10, 1988 I
994. In lOVing memory 01 George, eldest son 01 James W. &: 1008. Mildred Victoria McNIECE passed away at Huxley, Al-
Janet I. RAfIT bom July 26, 1880 died March 8, 1902 berta July 25, 1915 aged 28 years 'Until the day break
also infant son James Arthur died June 23, 1890 'Gone and the shadows fade away'
but not forgotten' I
1009. In memory 01 John McN1ECE died October 31, 1836
995. (North face) In loving memory 01 Edmund Henry aged 41 years and his wile Emma Jane LOUGHIED(?)
McCOY bom October 26,1858 died July 30,1932 and passed away at Chauvin, Alberta March 13, 1933 aged
his wife Mary Louisa ARNOTT bom September 9, 1868 82 years and 9 months I
died August 5, 1900 (east face) Ethel Eliza bom Novem-
ber 1, 1889 died April 8, 1896; Edmund Henry bom July 1010. In loving memory of Aorence Beatrice died April 28,
8,1892 died September 10, 1893 - children 01 E.H. &: 1911 'Thy trials ended thy rest is won'
M.L.McCOY 1011. Ruth TODD Owen TODD I
996. In memory 01 George H. JOSS bom November 18, 1854 1012. David TODD 1855-1938 and his wife Katherine
died April 29, 1907 also his wife Elizabeth STALKER BUCHAN 1857-1923. D.P. Ross TODD 1888-1970. D.M.
bomJuly 31,1859 died October 24,1929. Bertha H. Ruth TODD 189S-1984. Owen e. TODD 1895-1986. Ma-
JOSS bom September 26, 1887 died October 2, 1894 jor John Stuart Erie TODD M.e. July 1, 1890 - April 26, I
997. (North west) William Henry died January 12, 1902 aged
29 years and 4 months, son 01 W &: E SMITH. Hannah 1013. (East face) CRUISE Father, John CRUISE 1871-1938.
SMITH wife 01 Henry CHAMP died April 1,1941 aged Mother, Ellen BENNETT 1872-1950 (north face) In lov- I
75 years (north east) In lOVing memory 01 Eliza. J. TEES ing memory of Driver J. Willis CRUISE 79th Btry died
beloved wife 01 Ward SMITH died November 12 (-) at Wimereux Hospital France September 4, 1918 aged 19
aged 49 years and 10 months. Ward SMITH bom May years 4 months and 22 days'At rest' Pte. Lloyd J.
15,1911 (there is a long quotation, illegible) CRUISE Black Watch Regt killed in France 1911>-1944
(south face) In loving memory of Ethel May CRUISE I
998. In memory 01 William A. GORDON 1860-1939 his be-
loved wife Lydia A. BOA 1871-1925 died February 20, 1914 aged 19 years 9 months and 20
days 'Her last words were Sale in the Arms of Jesus,
999. Our beloved darling Hattie GORDON bom October 4, Safe on his gentle breast, There by his love o'er shad-
1909 died February 2, 1922 'Too beautilullor earth' owed Swee~y my soul shall rest' I
1000. In memory 01 Archibald MURDOCH died September 1014. (East face) In memory of Alex. R.N. McALLISTER died
18,1869 aged 73 years and 9 months a native 01 Elgin, November 15, 1898 aged 72 years and 6 months native
Soo~and. 'Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, 01 Sterlingshire, Scotland (south face) Mary E. I
they -their labour and their - to lollow them' MITCHELL wife of Alex. McALLISTER died May 10,
1909 aged 78 years
1001. In memory 01 Mary BAIN wile 01 Archibald Murdoch
died June 8, 1898 aged 83 years 'Blessed are the dead 1015. John G. McRAE 188l>-1959 and his wife Susie e.
which die in the Lord' McPHEE 1881-1977 I
1002. In memory 01 Jane, daughter 01 A &: M MURDOCH 1016. George McRAE accidentally killed at Bluefield, West
died September 22, 1864 aged 22 years VA June 20,1888 aged 25 years
10m. In memory 01 John WARWlCK who died August 1, 1017. (East face) WilliamS. SHAW born March 22,1857 died •
1863 aged 32 years and his child Christiann who died July 25,1898. Elizabeth Ann THOMPSON born Febru-
September 1893(1) aged 13(1) months (long quotation, il- ary 7,1863 died July 28, 1943. Richard E. CARKNER
legible) born January 25, 1859 died May 8,1941 'At rest' (south
face) Richard W. CARKNER bom May 5,1901 died No- I
1004. In memory 01 William MURDOCH died February 1877 vember 12,1901 'Budded on earth to bloom in heaven'
aged 21 years. Lena MURDOCH died August 16, 1881
aged I year 2 months and 11 days also infant son March 1018. (East face) Archibald MITCHELL born in Belgium Sep-
22,1884. Made (1) died 1885(?) tember 28,1828 died in Lachute August 15,1899 also his
wife Grace DEWAR born March 3D, 1830 died October I
1005. Peter ROBERTSON died February 16(7),18- aged 60
years native 01 Perth, Sco~and and his wile Martha died 11,1911 (south face) James MITCHELL died July 16,
1874 aged 11 years, 11 months and 12 days John B.
July 15, 1879 aged 40 years 01 Dundee, Sco~and (west MITCHELL 1867-1910 his wife Edith D. ROONEY 1869-
lace) Andrew died February 1837 aged 14 years, Robert I
died 1897(?) aged 14(7) years son 01- ROBERTSON 1948. Gladys L.M.1899-1941
1019. (East face) Robert CROZIER died June 1,1895 aged 81
10C6. Helen ROBERTSON wile 01 James E. TOWNSEND
years also his wife Margaret WALKER died November
1007. (North face) In loving memory 01 Catherine LOW died 6,1898 aged 82 years native of Berwickshire, Scotland I
January 9, 1924 aged 66 years, 6 months 'Asleep inJ.. 'Weep not for us our children dear, We are not dead,
sus, blessed sleep' also George LOW died July 10, 1929 but sleeping here' CROZIER (north face) In lOVing
aged 57 years (west face) In memory 01 William LOW memory of John A. CROZIER beloved husband of Jane
died February 21, 1898 aged 71 years native 01 Glans, RYAN died March 25,1928 in his 84th year'At rest' and I
Forlershire, Sco~and also his wile Jessie STORMONT his wife Jane RYAN died August 1, 1944 in her 92nd
died January 17, 1899 aged 70 years. Their son Alexan- year (south face) Andrew W. CROZIER died May 29,