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I 970. Peter CRUISE March 18, 1873 - May 20, 1913 his wife 984. 1261740 Gunner james PAUL No.6 McGill Siege Bat-
Eveline Emma THOMPSON April 20, 1874 - january 2, tery April 21, 1977
1950 their children Maggie M.j. july 17, 1897 - August 985.2016 Private Stanley R. PAUL Middlesex Regiment 2nd
I 31,1897; Arthur A. August 14, 1901 - july 4, 1923; Wil- February, 1920 'Peaceful be thy silent slumber'
liam P. September 16, 1899 - january 2,1931
986. jlmes PAUL died May 20, 1892 Iged 89 years. jannet
971. Olarles W. ARTHUR 1861-1920 and his wife Christina KEER died February 8,1889 aged 80 years (side face)
I A. WALKINSHAW 1862-1930 their children Annie E. Lillian Ouistina daughter of john &Annie PAUL died
1893-1944; Philip j. 1897·1897; Lome R. 1903-1906; Philip
j.1875-1895 April 11, 1921 aged 15 years Ind 5 months (side face)
john PAUL died February 17, 1931 aged 82 years his
972. In memory of Andrew McCONNELL died November wife Annie BURNS died Februlry 28, 1961 aged 89
I 3, 1893 aged 69 years 7 months and 9 days also his wife years
Martha jane BRADFORD died April 11, 1913 aged 82
years 11 months 'Watch therefore for ye know neither 987. In loving memory of james MARSHALL died Novem-
ber 9th, 1896 ased 38 years Ilso Margaret Grace infant
the day nor the hour wherein the son of man cometh' daughter died July 19, 1886 aged 7 months 'Sweet rest
I (south face) Andrew W. 1858-1923. jessie A. 1861-1941. in heaven' (side face) In loving memory of Grace TODD
Richard G.I856-1942. Hugh C.1873-1943. jean L. 1867-
1953 beloved wife of Daniel CURRlE and widow of james
MARSHALL born September 21st, 1861 died May 29th,
I 973. jessie jean 988. In memory of William BUCHAN born November 4,
974. Alex RIDDELL january 7,1852 - May 4,193Oand his
wife Margaret CARPENTER july 9, 1858 - December 27, 1826 died April 9, 1901 also his wife Catherine STE-
1943 (south face) Muriel Kenmure 1BBS-1899. Lyall Fen- WAJRTbom December 3, 1826 died August 4, 1910'At
wick 1899·1910. Gee. Vemon 1895-1918 (west face) In rest' (side face) Peter born October 17, 1854. Daniel Al-
loving remembrance of Sarah RlDDELL died Septem· Ien born August 24, 1866 died September 12, 1887. Wi!-
ber 15, 1890 ae 11 years and 12 days 'Our loved one' Jilm A. born january 28, 1864 died April 21, 1882,
Wm. W. RlDDELL died February 25, 1886 ae 4 years 10 Andrew born january 16, 1869 died at South Pasadena
November 28,1885 buried at San Gabriel, California.
I months 22 days (north face) Gertrude died October 17, SonsofWm. &Catherine BUCHAN (side face) Mary
975. David HAMBLETON 1838-1912 his wife Sarah Ann BUCHAN born August 24,1830 died january 19, 1918,
Mary (Minnie) BUCHAN born june 25, 1859 died May
WELLS 1839-1888 their children Elizabeth 1868-1892; 25, 1938. Margaret A BUCHAN born june 25, 1859
I Martha 1870-1875; Beatrice 1875-1885 died january 18, 194:
976. Duncan Daniel McGIBBON 1862-1928 and his wife
Ann BUCHAN 1861·1952. Creighton E. RICHARD- 989. Albert, infant son ofsr & EL MacKIMMIE
SON 1886-1967
I 977, W.H. GARRETSEE born November 4th, 1862 died Oc· 990. (North face) Simon MacKlMMIE born in Morayshire
Scotland july 6, 1833 died in Lochute October 5, 1915
tober 1st, 1932 his wife Isabella H. CRESWELL born Oc- also his wife janet POLLOCK 1838-1922 (west face) Ra-
chel S. MacKlMMIE wife of james S. ELLIOTT born
tober 10th, 1867 died March 28th, 1944 August 2, 1877 died january II, 1958 (south face) In
l 978, In memory of Harry ROSS infant son of W.H. &Isa- memory of Elizabeth beloved wife of Duncan OGDEN
born September 13, 1861 died October 21, 1899 (east
bella GARRETSEE born june 11 died October 6,1889
face) Erected by her parenlS in loving memory of
• 979. In memory of Margaret GLEAND wife of john GRA- Amelia jane, daughter of S &j McKlMM1E and be-
HAM died january 5, 1894aged 37 years &5 months
loved wife of john FORBES born April 26, 1868 died
(verse illegible) (side face) Robert GRAHAM died Sep-
january 14, 1896
tember 20th, 1869 aged 56 years. Sarah GRlFFlTH wife
• of Robert GRAHAM died july 2nd, 1886 aged 73 years 991. (North face) In memory of Emelia ROBERTSON be-
loved wife of Alex'r McFARLANE died April 6,1915
(side face) Alice infant daughter of john GRAHAM
aged 83 years (west face) Enuna McFARLANE died
died May 3rd, 1881 aged 7 months. Emma I. GRAHAM
january 4, 1953 aged 84 years. john McfARLANE died
died May 19, 1897Iged 19 years and 16 days. Andrew
daughter of A & E McFARLANE died jonuary 16, 1860
I Rinehardt died july 27,1918 aged 71 years (readace) fa· September 5,1962 aged 92 years (east face) Margaret,
ther john GRAHAM born February 19, 1844 died
Ie 16 mos. Willia McfARLANE died April 7, 1901 aged
March 6, 1906
980. In memory of james McALLISTER who died jonuary 38 years 5 months, Elizabeth McfARLANE died Sep-
tember 25, 1945 Iged 80 years
21,1883 Iged 46 years 11 months. A native of Lochute
I to thee And happy will the meeting be when parting is 992. (North face) In memory of Andrew DOIG died Septem-
'Faithful dear friend, A long forewell, Soon we shall rise
ber 7, 1897 aged 70 years and 6 months I native of Stir-
nomore~ lingshire, Scotland and his wife jlne CATTON died
April 2, 1905 aged 77 years (east face) Andrew DOIG
981. john BOTHWELL died july 29th, 1890Iged 72 years
l also his wife Elizabeth VEITCH died November 6th, born May 18,1862 died july 10, 1922 his wife Mary
Eleanor WOOD born September 2, 1874 died june 19,
1896 aged 73 years
• 983.516042 Private Clarence E. PAUL 8th Batln C.E.F. 3 june 993. (North face) William Wood STANIFORTH born Sep-
982. David PAUL born Mlrch 31,1893 died August 23, 1943
son of the late john PAUL of Olatham, Quebec
tember 11, 1841 died July 9,1901 (interred at Arundel,
Quebec) also his wife Mary THOMSON born Septem-
1921 'Thou Lord didstwin the battle That they might
ber 11, 1849 died August 15, 1935 Ind their daughter
1 conquerors be' Lizzie Porter born February 1,1879 died December 24,