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930. Dieter WIMMER May 8, 1939 - (-) his beloved wife 952. MONCRlEFF Roland John 1905-1981 husband of •
Christa LOHMAN August 22,1936-(-) and her Rhonda CULLEN 1909-1987. Their dauldlter Sandra M.
mother Marie Louise SEFFER October 16, 1918 - (-) MONCRlEFF 1943-(--) 'Love is etema1'
931. Jrmgard MEYER-BRODTHAGE October 13, 1913 - (- 953. James BEATTIE February 23, 1902 - December 19, 1983
) beloved mother of Renate Wimmer November 21, 1935 I
- (-) beloved wife of Lucien GlJ1LBAULT September 954. In memory of William John BEATTIE born March 18,
7,1928-(-) 1863 died November 1,1952 his beloved wife Emma
COOMBS born January 24,1879 died June 28, 1958
932. Bertha B. mlBAULT May 16, 1907 - October 16, 1964 I
beloved wife of H. Manly GARDINER January 10, 1902 955. In loving memory of Florence MURDOCH July 30,
• November 29, 1983 1907 - July 24, 1965 beloved wife ofThomas McCUL·
LOUGH September 23, 1900 - May 30, 1980 'At rest'
933. In loving memory of John CAMPBELL 188S-1979 be- 956. WILSON Mildred M. GAUDREAU 1907-1957 Williard
loved husband of Cecelia BENETTE 1897-1981 I
S. WILSON 1905-1961. Mother
934. George MONCRlEFF born February 23,1894 died Sep- 957. Father Therrin WILSON 1909-1984 WILSON Motner
tember 1, 1976
Aurore RAaNE 191Q..1983 'God love you'
935. In loving memory of Richard HODGE 1853-1931 and 958. Dave HINE born September 9,1916 died September 23, •
his wife Elizabeth STRONG 1865-1937'At rest' (side 1967
face) their son Robert S. 1891>-1949
936. Alexander B. GOODFELLOW 1903-1985 his wife M. 959. In loving memory of John Alexander KETTYLE March
8,1890 - September 22, 1969 and his beloved wife Elsie
Agnes HODGE 1902-1976 960. William PETLEY 1908-1975 husband of Mary E. MA- •
Maud VOWLES July 18, 1891- May 3Q..1970
937. Cecil D. CHATTERTON 1907-1980 his wife Alice
HODGE 1904-(-)
SON 'Peace, perfect peace'
938. Myrtle MARSTON 1889-1975 beloved wife ofJ. Keith •
O'BRIAN 1891-1975 961. PROSSER Charles England 1903-1984 his wife M. Ena
MASON 1906 - (-) their son WiUiam Dean 1935-1974
939. Baby Melissa Lyn BERGERON born June 21, 1974 died 'At rest'
December 23, 1974 I
962. James Hector MASON 1902-1972 beloved wife of Amy
940. HAZEL James Edward 1907-1982 his wife Janet Beatrice COMBIE 1901>-(-) The Lord is my Shepard'
McMULLEN 1911-(-)
963. In loving memory of Manfred H. BUCHHOLZ 1935-
941. FLETCHER Gordon Henry August 29, 1928 - Novem- 1983 beloved husband and father I
ber 25, 1982 and his wife Lill E. TOMPKINS August 11, 964. Harold W. SMITH 191Q..1986 his beloved wife Eva F.
1935 - (-)
HAZEL 1911>-(-) 'In His presence is fullness of joy'
942. George SllITON 1911-1986, Johanna RlEBEEK 1921-(- 965. Donald York COCHRANE 1907-1978 husband of Edith
-) 'Always remembered'
Eleen WEBSTER 1908-1987 •
943. BROWN Stanley, Ruby, Denzil, Michael
966. In memory of Sarah GRAHAM wife of Henry
944. BLACK In memory of Handyside BLACK died January PADGETT died January 29, 1898 aged 56 years. Henry
9,1878. David BLACK died December 11, 1875. Natives PADGETT died April 27, 1922 in his 81st year 'Blessed •
ofTorry Bum, Fifeshire, Scotland his wife Margaret BIL- are the pure in heart for they shall see God' (north face)
SLAND 1851-1895 their daughter Mary Turcan 1870- In loving memory of Minnie C. PADGETT wife of
1954, their son William Albert 1881>-1892 James STRONG died June 10, 189? aged 20 years and 8
months (south face) Robert W. PADGETT born Decem-
945. Edward H.G. SECKER 1889-1955 and his wife Rose 967. In memory of Jean Elizabeth DAVIDSON beloved wife •
ber 16,1873 died April 23, 1917
Mona PASCO 1881-1974
946. John Wm CUMBERS 1872-1951 his wife Ann BUDD of John MORRIN died December 26, 1943 in her 84th
year. John MORRIN born January 20,1862 died Febru-
947. Joe CUMBERS 1905-1983 his beloved wife Elizabeth ary 1,1918. Their infant son Hector died February 12,
SEARY 191Q..1985 'Rest in peace' 1899 'Watch therefore for ye know not what hour your
Lord doth come'
948. William J.C. BIRCH January 11, 1892· February 7,1980
his beloved wife UUian KING March 17, 1897 - June 9, 968. SMITH In memory of Catharine L.C. BUCHAN be-
1969 loved wife of John SMITH Sr. died at Thomas Gore Oc-
tober 17, 1898 aged 77 years 2 months and 6 days.
949. Harry MOSELEY born February 15, 1872 died July 20, Nalive of Perthshire Scotland 'Jesus has called the
1961 and his wife Janet BROWN born February 28, 1862 mother home, her flesh lies mouldering in the tomb, I
died June 15, 1943 'Safe in the arms of Jesus' (side face) God grant her offspring may be blessed and meet her in
William MOSELEY 1902-1954
etemal rest' (south face) John SMITH Sr. born August
950. Charles H. MOSELEY August 4, 1900 - January 9, 1970 30, 1820 died August 9,1911 'This end was peace' (north I
his wife Margaret R. SHARP December 11, 1906 - Octo· face) Catharine, 3rd daughter ofJohn &< C. SMITH Sr.
ber 4, 1978 'Dying is but going home' born February 20, 1856 died May 25, 1915
951. ln loving memory of Margaret M. COX wife of John 969. In loving memory of Francis MITCHELL born Novem-
MONCRIEFF died August 11, 1951 in ner 80th year ber 3, 1836died June 13, 1900 his beloved wife Maria I
LAWSON born September 3, 1839 died January 4, 1896
'At rest'