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GRAVELLE died December 3, 1889. His wife Elizabeth 100. Charles S. POLLOCK born June 10, 1895 died Novem- I
Kennedy BURK died August 24, 1928 aged 84 years ber 19, 1967 his wife Catherine E.B. BOA born Septem-
ber 21,1893 died July 2,1989
1047. In memory of Jane McFARlANE beloved wife of Rich-
ard STEVENS died in North Bay, Onlario February 20, 1064. In loving remembrance of Robert BOA who departed I
1907 aged 38 years this life April 4, 1933 (1935?) age 81 and his wife Ellen
SMITH born December 13, 1857died September 21.
1048. In memory of 1868 William McQUAT 1942 his wife 1944. Twin sons of Robert &< Ellen BOA born February
Margaret H. McFARlANE 187D-1949 and their daugh· 28, 1890 died February 28, 1890 'Blessed are the dead
ter 1898 EJiza Ethelwyn 1899 I
who died in the Lord'
1049. McFAUL James Carpenter 1889-1941 his wife Sarah 1065. Rev. FelixjOUSSE born Rocquefort, France August 30,
Jane BARR 1875-1921
1050. James McFAUL died june 3, 1907 age 72 also his wife died June 2, 1890 his wife Georgette HAERRIG(?) born MelZ, I
Janet McPHAIL died May 28, 1905 age 58
France January 20, 1827 died March 26, 1908
1051. In memory of George MORRISON born March 5, 1833 1066. Ala memoire de Jean Theophile jOUSSE ne Ie 2 sep-
died February n.1916 also his wife Flora GRANT born tembre 1855 decede Ie 15 decembre 1966 olson epouse
February 28, 1845 died November 14,1925. Their son Ephyse(?) PICK(?) ne Ie 21 septembre 1858 decede Ie 30 I
Thomas MORRISON born March 31,1867 died Septem- juin 1914 'Regrettoo de tous'
ber 13, 1947 and his wife Annie COOPER born Decem-
ber 30, 1896 died June 16, 1987 1067. Albin Ernest 2eme fils de T. et E. jOUSSE decede Ie 23
fevrier 1896 dans sa 14 annoo •
1052. John, infant son of D. SUTHERLAND born July 1, 1903
died September 10, 1903 1068. Lea Eugenie JOUSSE epouse de Rev. A.F. jOUSSE de·
cede 15 mai 1893 a I'age de 35 annees 6 mois
1053. George CARPENTER born December 22, 1857died
May 31, 1922 wife Mary J. MOORE born October 1. 1069. In loving memory of Christine H. McGIBBON beloved •
1866 died January 30, 1903. Mary A. BARLEY wife of wife of Wm. DRENNAN died April 15, 1900 age 43
Robert CARPENTER born January 18, 1927 died Octo- years 1 month 16days also her infant daughter. Wm.
ber 15, 1920. Jessie OSMOND born August 14, 1873 DRENNAN died January 20,1928 age 80 (back face) In
died August 9,1963 wife of George CARPENTER memory of Christina Catherine DRENNAN 1891-1979 I
wife of Hugh Campbell McDONALD 1892-1987 (side
1054. Rev. A.B. GIVIN died March 11,1903 aged 45 years
face) their daughter Annie Elizabeth born September 28,
lOSS. In loving remembrance of Wm. MacVlCAR died De- 1899 died June 10, 1970. Robert DRENNAN died Octo-
cember 14, 1901 age 52 and his wife Isabel ARM- ber 12, 1955(?) age 42 (side face) Jessie E. beloved daugh- I
STRONG died March I, 1925 age 81. (side face) In ter of Wm. &< Christina H. DRENNAN died March 20,
loving memory of Robert McVICAR died December 22, 1911 age 24 years 2 months. Mary DRENNAN born Sep-
1965 age 83 (side face) In loving memory of Ruth MOR- tember 29,1850 died April 10, 1917
RISON infant daughter ofJames &< E. MORRISON 1070. In loving memory of William MILLER born january I, •
died July 5,1909 age 1 year
1844 died October 10, 1912 also his wife Isabella GOR-
1056. In loving memory of Wm. John SIMPSON died Octo- DON born May 5, 1850 died September 6,1926 Tho lost
ber 27,1901 age 50 years his wife Mary FITZGERALD to sight to memory dear' (north face) Isabella j. daugh·
1849·1918 ter of Wm. &< Isabella MILLER born July 5, 1874 died I
February 13, 1880
1057. Peter Robert McGIBBON born January 14,1853 died
December 18, 1921 and his wife Margaret Elizabeth Ma- IOn. In memory of Capt. George Dunbar WALKER born Feb-
cARTHUR born March 16, 1856 died February 21, 1937 ruary 9, 1851 died October 17, 1928 and his wife Ellen I
(side face) Maud A. McGIBBON born December 28, COPElAND born January 2,1858 died July 22, 1930
1881 died August 23, 1901 their daughter Ethel M. WALKER 1885-19n (south
face) Ernest Andrew eldest son of George &< Ellen
1058. James A. McGIBBON September 1, 1855- August 1, WALKER born October 5, 1879 died May 10,1908
1925 his wife Jean MASON AugustS, 1859 - February 1072. In memory of James DRYSDALE died October 28,1907 I
21,1921 'Go home my friends and dry your tears, Must
stay here till Christ appears' aged 68 years'At rest' and his wife Mary KETn'LE No-
vember 1848 - June 1930
1059. Esther Annie daughter of I. &< A. SPECK died May 22,
1909 age 2 months 1073. In memory of Isabella GORDON wife of William A. I
WALKER born February 25, 1873 died April 20, 1917.
1060. In loving memory of John Adam MEYER born May 9, William A. WALKER born January 31, 1872 died May 6,
1926his wife Eleanor Mary WTLSON born March 10, 1959. Isabella TODD wife of John A. WALKER born
1927. Adam Linton MEYER born July 30, 1895 died March 18, 1867 died April 6, 1917. John A. WALKER I
March 11,1985 husband of Margaret Ruth McCUTCH· born June 9, 1868 died March 23, 1957 their daughter
EON born March 12,1903 died January 29,1977 The Margaret Alma born August 6, 1895 died September 19,
Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want'
1954 (north face) Robert S. WALKER born April 4, 1901
1061. Elizabeth HUME beloved wife of Samuel GRANT died died December 21,1983 his wife Katie A. SHEPHERD I
August 17, 1891 age 31 years 'At rest' born May 18, 1900died December 3, 1984 (south face)
Robert WALKER born 1817died October 9, 1882 his
1062. Thomas H. HUME August 8,1863· December 18, 1954 wife Catherine GORDON born March 26,1831 died
his wife Mary JS. DOIG October 31, 1880- May 8,1957
June 20,1904 I