Page 54 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 54
Dnch&s - The title and rank of the
wife of a Duke.
Duke - The highest title in the
British Peerage. The first Dukedom
created in England was that of
Cornwall which Edward III con-
ierred upon the Black Prince, his
son, in 1337 since which tirne the
eIdest son of every Sovereign has
been styled Duke of CornwalI from
his birth.
There are two types of Dukes,
those of Royal blood generally
uncles, brothers or younger sons of
the Sovereign and those not of
Royal bIood.
Eaglo displayed
Dungbill Cock - The farmyard
cock (q.v.).
coronet or charged on the body or
wings and it may grasp any object
in its talons and even some in its
Eagle - The eagle is the principal
charge amongst birds. It is of very
early origin and was emblazoned
upon the standards carried by the
Romans in battie. If was the em-
blem of the Roman empire and has
been used extensively in Germany
and by the Czars of Russia. It was
also used under Napoleon Buona-
parte as the standard of the empire
of France.
The most commonly found posi-
tion for the eagle is ' displayed', crowned, gorged with a collar or
when the body is affronté, with the
wings and legs spread out on either
side, the wing tips upwards and the
head turned to the dextcr.
An alternative ro displayed is with
wings inverted, it is othenvise the
same position with the tips of the
wings downwards.
Other positions occur in connec-
tion with the eagle such as preying,
close, rising and with the wings in
different positions. Tt may also be Eagle rising, wings elevated and adorsed