Page 53 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 53

Dimidiation  - Chiefly  used  with  Dolphin - A  fish  which,  though  in
                               reference to a method of  joining the  reality  straight,  is  almost  always
                               arrns  of  a  husband  and  wiie which  borne  embowed.  If  the  blazon
                               was used  before  the introduction of  mereIy used  the word ' dolphin ', the
                               impaling.  It  consists  of  taking  the  position  naiant  is  implied;  other
                               dexter half  of  the dexter shield  and  positions  must  be  stated  specific-
                               the sinister half  of  the sinister shield  ally.
                               and joining them. It was an unsatis-
                               facrory  method  and  was  soon  dis-
                               Diminutive - A lesser form of  ordin-
                               ary which is never charged.
                               Disarmed - An  expression  used  in
                               connection  with  a  beast  of  prey
                               borne  without  teeth  or claws, or  of
                                                                          Dolphin  naiant
                               a  bird  of  prey  without  beak  and
                                                                Dormant  - Sleeping with  the  head
                               Dismembered - An  expression used  resting  on  the  fore  paws.  If  the
                               to  denote  that  the  head  and  limbs  expression  is  used  in  conjunction
                               have  been  cut  off  but  retained  in  with  a  title  it  implies  that  it  has
                               their  correct  positions.
                                                                been  unclairned.
                                                                Double - Used  in conjunction wilh
                                                                a  charge  it  implies  that  there  are
                                                                two of  the particular charge stated.
                                                                Donbling - The lining of  a  robe  or
                                                                mantie which  should in al1 ordinary
                                                                cases be  of  the  fur  or  metal  of  thc
                                                                arms. If  Or or argent it is supposed
                                                                to be  of  cloth  of  gold  or white fur.
                                                                thus it is  blazoned  as gold  or white.
                                                                as the case may be.
                                                                Dove  - A  bird  found  occasionally
                                                                as a charge,  sometimes blazoned  as
                                       Lion  Dismembered        colomb.
                               Dhplayed  - Expanded,  principally  Dove  tailed - A  line of  decoratioii.
                               used  to express  the position  of  the
                               eagle and other birds.           Dragon - The dragon is one of  the
                                                                monsters  (q.v.)  which  is  fajrly  fre-
                               Distingnished  Service  Order  - An  quently  found  as a  charge  in  Her-
                               order  introduced  in  1885  for  aldry. It is also the badge of  Wales.
                               bestowal  on  commissioned  officers
                               of  the  fighting  services  who  have  Drops - See Gouttee.
                               appropriately  distinguished  them-
                               selves.                          Ducal Coronet - See Crest Coronet.
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