Page 56 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 56

connection  with  the  wings  of  birds
                                                                 when  they  are  raised.
                                                                 Elk  - The  animal  of  that  name
                                                                 which  is  but  infrequently  found  as
                                                                 a  charge.
                                                                 EmbattIed - Crenellated (q.v.).
                                                                 Embtazon - The act  of  translating
                                                                 a blazon  to paper  or  other  material
                                                                 in full  colour.
                                                                 Embrasure  -  The  open  space
                                                                 between  two  merlons.  See  Crenel-
                                         Cardinal Godfrey
                                                                 En Soleil - An  expression  used  in
                                                                 respect  of  a  charge  irradiateci  with
                                numbers of  tassels borne either side
                                                                     of  the
                                of  the  shield, See attached  Chart.
                                                                 Enarched - Arched  or raised  in the
                                Eel - Has no specific Heraldic char-
                                acteristics  but  may  be  blazoned as
                                conger eel.
                                                                 Endoree - A diminutive of  the pale
                                                                 of  which  it  is  $ in  width.  It  bears
                                Eight  foi1  - A  floral  figure  with
                                                                 exactly the same relation to the pale
                                eight  ~etals which  is  sometimes  as  the cotise to  the fess or bend.
                                blazoned  as double quatre-foil.
                                                                 Enfield  - A  type  of  monster  (q.v.).
                                Electoral Bonnet - See bonnet.
                                                                 EniiJed - Encircled  as by a coronet,
                                Elephant - May be found alone but
                                more  frequently  with  a  castle  on
                                his back. Elephant heads also occur
                                                                         - Pierced through the heart.
                                as  charges.
                                                                           - A  line  of  decoration
                                                                 consisting  of  small  arcs  of  a  circle
                                                                 between  points,  thus  giving  a  kind
                                                                 of  sca1Ioped  edge.  When  engrailed
                                                                  the  ordinary  has  the  points  out-
                                                                 wards.  The  points  inwards  give
                                                                 ' invected '.
                                                                 Enhmced - Raised  above  the  nor-
                                                                 mal  position.
                                                                 Entire - An expression used  in con-
                                        Elepbant and Castle
                                                                  nection with certain ordinaries when
                                                                  they are extended to the edges of  die
                                Elevated  - An  expression  used  in  shield.
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