Page 52 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 52
Victoria Cross. George Cross, Albert
Cross, Distinguished Service Cross,
Military Cross. Distinguished Flying
Cross, etc., awarded by the Sover-
eign, may be suspended by their
appropriate ribbon below the shield
Dagger - A shortened form of sword in armorial bearings in their correct
used principally for stabbing. It order of precedence, the senior being
appears as a charge in Heraldry to the dexter.
when it is given a much more
pointed blade than the sword.
Deaescent - A half moon where the
horns are turned to the sinister.
Damasked - See diapered.
Deer - An animal of the stag type
Dancetté - One of the lines of
sometimes found as a charge.
decoration differing from indented
(with which the old Heralds often
confused it) in that the indentations
an animal who has Iost his tail.
are considerably wider at the base
and between the points.
Degraded - A charge pIaced upon
degrees, grieces or steps is said to
Dancetté ioretty - Similar to dan-
be degraded.
cettC but each point is decorated
with the upper half of a fleur-de-lis.
Degrees - Steps generally three in
number, representing the three
Dannebrog - A Danish order of
graces: Faith, Hope and Charity.
chivalry. The cross patté argent:
fimbriated gules in the arms of
Dejected - Hanging down. Used of
Denmark is known as the cross of
the head or tail of an animal.
Dannebrog and appears in the arms
of George of Denmark and Queen
Demi - When an animal is referred
Alexandra consorts of Queen Anne
to, its upper or fore half is always
and King Edward VII respectively.
intended. When anything inanimate,
it is generalIy the dexter half per
Debruised - An expression used
where a charge has an ordinary laid
over it.
Dexter - The right hand side of the
shield from the point of view of the
DechaW - Dismembered. Defamed - An expression applied to
man behind it, that is the left hand
Decked - An expression used in the side to the viewer.
case of feathers trirnmed at their
edges with a difïerent colour. Diaper - An old-fashioned method
of relieving the plain tinctures of
Declinant - Applied to the tail of a fields and charges by artistic enrich-
serpent when hanging down. ment of the surfaces.
Decotlated - Having the head cut off Difference - A method used to
at the neck. assist the identification of other
branches of a family for iilegitirnacy
Decarations - Awards includjng the or cadency (q.v.).