Page 277 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
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preservation of ancient rights and ter King John had no intention of
privileges. It was worded so as to observing its clauses and he was
involve general principles and these supported by Pope Innocent the LX1
made possible interpretations which who, in spite oE earlier disagree-
ments, sided with Jolin and excom-
had never occurred to the Barons.
In drawing up Magna Carta the municated both Magna Carta and
counsellors and justices who framed Stephen Langton the Archbishop of
it drew extensively on Henry I's Canterbury. who had sided with the
Charter of 1100 which was a recog- barons in revolt. John died a year
nition of the national laws and later to be succeeded by the young
King Henry III in November 1216,
which largely secured the rights of
land owners whether of high or low and the charter was confirmed by
William Marshal as regent and as
Thcre were 197 Iay barons plus guardian of the young King. It w?s
39 ecclesiastical, or 236 in all. The in fact read in al1 the Churches in
lay Baronies were held by 45 barons England twice yearly throughout
who maintained 127 castles, thus the Middle Ages.
a number of the barons held several
baronies. The total of 236 was Mangonel - A siege engine designed
divided into 7,200 Knight's fees or to hurl Stones high into the air
Lordships which consisted of a against a fortified place, and it was
manor or a tenure with sufficient also used actually for breaching the
income to support a Knight. Of the walls. It worked by torsion and had
45 lay barons only 24 were in revolt. a long flexible beam which was fixed
These 24 barons. together with the to twisted ropes. This was forced
Mayor of London composed the 25 backwards and downwards and the
Magna Carta sureties. The other 21 missile was placed in a hole at the
barons either remained neutral or free end.
sided with the King and were only
interested in preserving their fiefs. Mêlée - The oanle given to hand t0
Thus it is clear, the baronage was hand fights between two teams of
not united against King John and knights at a tournament.
of the Knights only a small percen-
tage was in revolt. As for the great Middle Ages - The period in his-
mass of Englishmen there was no tory generally taken from the 5th
national feeling in that age: each to the 15th centuries. The name
man was bound by fealty to his Higli Middle Age is generally taken
Lord and Pollowed his banner no to mean the period covered by the
matter how vacillating that may be. 13th and 14th centuries which em-
On June 15th 1215 on the plain braced the principal age of chivalry.
of Runnemede King John was
forced by the barons to grant Mine - A method used by besiegers
Magna Carta. which he ensealed to breach the wall of a castle or
but did not sign. However. this fortification. It generally consisted
was not unusual because at the time of digging under one corner of the
many important nobles and even structure being attacked and prop-
some Kings and Emperors could ping up the walls with stakes as
neither read nor write, hence it was the mine progressed. When a suffi-
more usual to enseal al1 documents ciently large area had been un-
rather than to append a signature. covered the attackers withdrew. hav-
In spite of his granting the char- ing first set fire to the stakes. When
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