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which  projected  ourwards.  These  Sacrisiy  in  the Church  of  the Holy
                              were designed so that the  defenders  Sepulchre  at  Jenisalem.
                              could  shoot  down  along  the  wall.
                              particularly  at  attackers  trying  to  Golden  Fleece  - The  second  most
                              make  a  breach  at  the  base  or  to  famous  order  of  Knighthood  in
                                                               Europe  coming  after  the  Order  of
                              mine  under  the  walls.
                                                               the  Garter.  Founded  in  1430  by
                              Frederick of  Barbarossa - Emperor  Philip,  Duke  of  Burgundy  it  was
                              of Germany  11 55-1  189 - He was a  probably  named  fronl  the  fieece or
                              fine  rnonarch  possessing  al1  the  sheep wool  thar  was  the foundation
                              qualities  most  admired  in  the  age  of the wealth  of  Burgundy.
                              of  chivalry.  He  set  out  with  an
                              army  to  join  the  third  crusade but  GuiIlam, John  1665-1621  - One  of
                              was  drowned  when  crossing  the  the  best  known  early  writers  on
                                                               Heraldry.  His  book  ' The  Display
                              River  Calycadnus.
                                                               of  Heraldry ' published  in  16 10 was
                              Free  Conrse - One  of  the  methods  the  first  serious  treatment  in  Eng-
                              of  combat  in  a  tournament  but run  lish  of  the subject, and he  was also
                              without the centre barrier. The chief  an officer  of  arms.
                              object  or'  the  contest  was  to  shiver
                              one's  Iance  against  the  adversary's
                              shield  or  armour.
                                                               Henry V. 1413-1 422 - Not on1 y was
                                                               Henry  V  a  cultured, handsome  and
                                                               reatly Christian type of  man.  but he
                              George,  St.  - The  patron  saint  of  was  one  of  the  finest  generals  thar
                              England  and  hero  of  one  of  the  Britain  has ever known. He person-
                              most  famous legends of  the  Middle  ally  planned  and  organised  the
                              Ages.  The  real  St.  George,  George  whole  of  the  expeditionary  force
                              of  Cappadocia  was  a  Christian  which  left  EngIand  on  the  14th
                              soldier  who  was  martyred  in  A.D.  August  1415  for  France.  Prior  to
                              303 after  imprisonment  and  torture  their  departute.  every  inlet  and
                                                               creek  along  the  Hampshire  coast
                              in  defence  of  his  faith.
                                The  council  of  Oxford  of  1222  opposite  the Isle of  Wight had  been
                              ordered  that  23rd  April  should  be  packed  with  shipping.  The  largest
                              maintained  as a  national  festival  in  ship  of  the  fieet  was  the  Trinitk
                              l~onour of  St.  George  but  it  was  Royale  which  was  Henry's  flagship.
                              approxirnately  100 years later  when  This  ship hâd  a  crew  of  300  under
                              Edward  IIT  nominated  him  as  her  master  Stephen  Thomas  and  a
                              patron saint of  England.   ,    portage  of  500  tons.
                                                                 The  program,  of  loading  and
                              Godfrey  of  Bouillon  - One  of  tlie  the  loads  of  each  vesse1  were
                              leaders  of  the  first  crusade  wlio  planned  by the King who personally
                              became  the  first  ruler  of  the  Holy  exercised  supervision  throughout.
                              Land. He  refused  to  Wear  a  crown   Following   disembarkation   in
                              or  to  use  the  title  King.  His sword  France  the army carried  out a siege
                              and spurs are preserved in the Latin  against  the  small  but  defended  sea
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