Page 279 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
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                              doubtedly  a  magnificent fighter and  which
                              of very  strong physique  yet  he  was  defeated. In the second occasion, on
                              one of the worst  Kings England  has  the  17th  February  1461.  the  Lan-
                              ever known. He bled  the country to  castrians  were  victorious  but  com-
                              finance  the  Crusade  which  he  led.  pletely  threw away their  advantage,
                              he  was  inordinately  brave.  yet  he  because within a fortnight the York-
                              was  cruel,  greedy  and  vain.  Of  his  ist  armjes  had  taken  London  and
                              ten years as King he spent less than  Edward  IV had  been  proclairned
                              nine  months  in  England  and  then  King.
                              only  to  raise  money,  firstly  for  his
                              Crusade  and  secondly  for  his  Saladin - The  name  by  which  a
                              expedition against France.
                                                               famous Sultan  of  Egypt  and  Syria
                              Navarre whilst on Crusade. She her-  chie€$ was  known,  his  real  name
                              self  never even  visitai  EngIand.
                                                               being  Salah Ad-din Yusuf. In spite
                                Due  Iargely  to  his  quarrels  with  of al1  that has been said  about hh
                              his  allies  Richard's  crusading  army  he was  a particularly  fine, generous
                              gradually  dwindIed  and  it was  also  and  chivalrous man  and  though  he
                              due  to  one  of  his  quarrels  that  he  displayed cruelty on many occasions
                              spent  so  long in  captivity  on  his  these  occasions  were  no  more  fre-
                                                               quent  than  the  acts  of  brutality
                              return journey  from  the Crusade.
                                He. died in France as the result of  ordered  by  Richard  1  who  was
                              a  wound  received  from  a  French  Saladin's  principal  opponent.
                                                               Sandford,  Francis  -  One  of  the
                              Roll$ of Arms - It was  the  custom  early writers on Heraldry who dealt
                              in  the early days.  in  order to record  exclusively  with  the  history  of  the
                              the  presence  of  Knights at a  parti-  Royal  family  in  England  and  their
                              cular  siege,  battle  or  tournament,  armoria1  bearings.  His  work  ' A
                              to prepare  a roll  of  arms consisting  Genealogical  History  of  the  Kings
                              simply  of  the  shield  in  colours  and  Queens  of  England  and  Mon-
                              beneath  which was the  name of the  archs  of  Great  Britain ' was  first
                              Knight  W~O bore  them.  Many  of  published  at  the  end  of  the  17th
                              these rolls have been  preserved  and  century.  The best  eàition  of  his
                              are retained  amongst  the records  of  work  is  that  published  in  1707.
                              the  College  of  Arrns.  where  they
                              provide  valuable  information  from  Saracens - The gerieral name given
                              time  to  tirne.   Berengaria   of  and  the most famous of  the Saracen
                                                               by  the  Christian  ôrmies  to  Arabs,
                                                               Moors,  Moslems,  etc.  Though  they
                                                               were  invariably  Iooked  upon  as
                 ,                                             being  uncivilised  and  almost  in-
                 ,                                             human  they  were  extremely  skilful
                                             S                 fighters,  generally  far  more  chival-
                 I                                             rous  than the crusaders and in their
                                                               camps far more highly civilised than
                              Saint  Aibans,  Battle  of  - There  the  Europeans  were,  even  at home
                              were  two  battles  of  this  name both  in  their  own  countries.
                              of  which  were  fought  during  the
                              Wars  of  the Roses. The first, which  Sergeaot  - The  narne  used  during
                 ~            took  place  on  the  22nd  May  1455,  the  Middle  Ages  when  refening to
                 I            was the opening battle of  the war in  a  non-kniglitly  man  at  arms  or
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