Page 275 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 275
attack against the English anny &are in the great family inheritance
which was completely successfuI. which was divided between Henry,
Joan was always in the forefront of Richard and Geoffrey bis elder
the battle with her pure white brothers, hence he acquired the
amour and riding a black horse nickname ' Lnckland '. This, hm-
and she possessed three banners ever, was later remedied when his
which she is said to have treasured fatber, King Henry, gave him the
more than her sword, and in fact county of Mortain in France.
she was never known to have shed
He was originally a5anced t0
Alice of Savoy, though the mar-
Her career was short because, rîage never actually took place.
after fulfilling her promised mission However, in early days fiancement
to relieve Orleans and having had was generally looked upon as
one or two other srnaller successes, equivalent to a rnarriage and many
slie was capturcd on the 25th May historians describe Alice of Savoy
1430 and a year Jater was burnt at as John's first wife.
Ris first official marriage took
the stake as a witch.
place in 1189, his wife being Isabel,
Jousting C3ecks - Strips of paper daughter of William Earl of G~OUC-
or parchment which were marked ester. However, after ten years of
with the points scored by corn- childlessness he divorced her, much
batants during a tournament. Scores to the annoyance of the English
were kept generally by pricking the nobility, and a year later married
parchment or marking with a small Isabella daughter of Aymer, Count
stroke as each Knight scored a win- Angoulême. Isabella was ooly
ning hit. Few of these survive today twelve years old, while John was
and those tbere are, are in the Col- 32, and six weeks later she was con-
secrated Queen of England.
lege of Arms in London.
John's reign is remarkable on the
one hand for his acts of brilliance
and on the other by the utter cruel ty
and ru thlessness. Nevertheless, pri-
rnariIy by diplomacy, he managed
to remain on the throne until he
I l
died at the age of 48 in 1216.
King Job - Mediaeval people for- Knighb of St. John of Jerusalem -
gave their Kings much. because the One of the great monastic orders of
worst King was better than the knighthood which largely grew out
shortest spells of anarchy. ' King of the crusades. Originally known as
John in the sparkle of his intelli- the Knights Hospitallers, rheir ear-
gence was a true Plantagenet, excel- liest duty was to protect and enter-
ling in military and diplornatic tac- tain pilgrims to the Holy Land and
tics, a great charmer of women, a records show that in 11 12 their
fine bunter but cruel and mean '. monastery in Jerusalem was capable
Tnus he is described by Andre of housing as many as 2,000 guests
Maurois. in addition to providing accommo-
He was his father's favourite and dation for the sick. When they were
in the early years was popular with turned out of Jerusalem thoy
his brothers. He was born in 1167 acquired the island of Rhodes and
near Oxford. At first he received no for a time were known as the