Page 276 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 276
Knights of Rhodes. However, in without success. It eventually fell
1530 they moved to Malta and in 1271 to another Sultan. It was
became known as the Knights of
high on solid rock and no expense
At the height of their power they was spared in its beautiful interna1
were an immensely strong organisa- decoration.
tion, extremely wealthy and were
responsible for building great castIes
such as the Krak des Chevaliers,
barracks for their Knights, hospitals
for the sick and rest houses for the
Tlley established communities in
a number of European countries
which were responsible for provid- 'Laissez Auer ' - kt go. This was
ing recruits to the order and raising the command called by Heralds at
a tournament as a signal for the
The order was suppressed in Eng- Knights to charge.
land by Henry Vm but in 1888
Queen Victoria granted a Royal Lists - The actual area where jousts
Charter which constituted a restora- and tournaments were held. The lists
tion of the old religious and military used at the farnous tournament held
at Srnithfield in 1467 were 90 yards
order under the title of the Qrder of
the Hospital of St. John of Jeru- long by 80 yards wide surrounded
by posts 7+ feet high which were
joined by heavy bars. This area was
Knights TempIars - The second of
for a contest between only two
the great religious rnilitary orders knights and when contests involved
arising out of the crusades for the a greater number of knights larger
protection of pilgrims and the areas had to be used. At the Field
defence of the Holy Sepulchre. The of the Cloth of Gold (q.v.) the lists
organisation was much the same as were 300 yards in length by 100
tiiat of the Knights of St. John in yards in widtli, this area being sur-
îheir early days but because of the rounded by a deep ditch to keep
great corruption. vice and heresy back spectators.
which arose in connection with the
order, accusations were levelled at
it from al1 quarters. imrnensely strong, having been built
In October 1307 the order was
suppressed in France with consider-
able crueIty and a few years later it
was suppressed in England but
without acts of cruelty. The
property of the order was handed Magna Carta - The Great Charter
over to the Knights of St. John. is generally considercd to be a docu-
ment wrested from a tyrannical
Krak dm Chevaliers - The great King by a united Baronage sup-
castle of the Icnight's Hospitallers posed to bc the champions of the
which was built sorne 25 miles in- liberty of al1 individuals. Yet it was
land north east of Tripoli. They not intended to be a revolutionary
were frequently attacked by Saladin document. but 10 provide for the l