Page 145 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 145
CoIIege of Anna - The Headquar-
Larnaca - 1914 but incomplete
records from 1895.
ters of English Heraldic authority.
Here though the work carried out
Limassol - 1899, plus British
is principally in connection wjth
births from 1896.
heraldry the Heralds and Pursuiv-
Nicosia - 1900, but incomplete
ants carry out a considerable
records for years, 1890. 1893
amount of genealogical research.
and 1895.
Paphos - 1850.
Though the fees are high, their
opportunity for research is vast as
they have the records preserved at
the College available to hem.
County Record Offices - County
Record Offices are maintained by
the County CounciI in each county
and a great many of the earlier Date ReEorm - There is one pitfall
records are now gathered together which one must avoid in searching
under the one roof, though the for ancestors in Britain. Prior to
actual extent of the records held
1752 the legal year ended on 24th
Vary somewhat in the different March, thus records dated Say, 20th
February 1710 would in fact be
In many cases the Record Offices 20th February 1711 according to
are extremely helpful and will carry the historical calendar. Thus. prior
out a limited amount of research in to 1752, January, February and up
return for a comparatively small to 24th March must be considered
fee. in other cases these offices wili as being the Iast three months in the
merely reply offering the names of
local researchers who can carry out
Domesday Book - See History
the work for you.
Aflecting Genealogical Records.
Conrtesy Titles - These are nominal
degrees of rank conceded by RoyaI
Grace to the children of certain
Pers. It applies particularly where
the father's second title is borne
during his lifetime by his eldest son.
Cyprns - The completed registers East India Company - A great
are kept by the District Officers of Company founded in 1601 which
the six Districts; Famagusta, becme one of the greatest adminis-
Kyrenia, Larnaca. Limassol, Nico- trative uni& in the world. The East.
sia and Paphos. Dates of availa- India Company's records are
bility Vary, being as follows: amongst the finest there are and the
Famagusta - 1914 but incomplete material is available in the India
records to 1830. Library, Commonwealth Office,
Kyrenia - 1st Aprii 1915-31st King Charles Street, Whitehall,
March 1920 and from 1st London S.W.I.
January 1926. Cornpleted regis- The records contain information
ters of Marriages are deposited about both civilians and of the
with the Registration Officer, officers and other rads who served
Niçosia from 1923. in the company's army, together