Page 147 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
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held  in  the cusfody  of  the Senior  called Angleland  which  was divided
                                                                into  a  number  of  small  Kingdoms.
                                 Cathedral:  Birtlis,  Marriages  and  known  as  the  Kingdoms  of  Tlep-
                                                                tarchy,  constantly  at  war  with  one
                                 Deaths,  1836, held  by  the Dean.
                               Roman  Cathoiic:
                                                                another.  Once  again  the  few  survi-
                                 Births  1704,  Marriages  1705,  vors  of  this  invasion  gradually
                                 Deaths,  1697, held  by  the  Parish  became
                                                       (Presby-  records  were  ever  made  of  the
                                 terian):  Births,  1840.  Marriages  population  at this  time.  In fact  the
                                 1842, Deaths  1855,  held  by  the  on1y  possible link, which any family
                                                                could  claim  today  with  the  Saxon
                               Wesleyan  Methodist:  Births  1804.  period,  might  be  where  a  surname
                                 Marriages  1840,  Deaths  1818,  is  similar  to  one  of  the  old  Saxon
                                                                place names and this does arise in a
                                 held  by  the Minister.
                               Jewish:  Births  1807,  Marriages  few  instances.
                                 1823,  Deaths  1828,  held  by  the
                                                                  In  1066  Britain  was  once  again
                                 Registrar, Webrew  Community.
                                                                invaded.  this  time by  the Normans,
                                                                and  for the  next  two  or  three  cen-
                               Gilbert  and  EUce  Lslands  - The  turies  they  were  completely  under
                               registers which  date from  1893 are  Norman  influence.
                               retained  in the  custody of  the High
                                                                  Wi th  the coming of  the Norrnans
                               Commissioner, Tawara.
                                                                the system of  record-keeping began.
                                                                The  Nonnans  paid  great  respect
                                                                to  birth  and  nobility,  probably  be-
                                                                cause  most  of  them  possessed
                                                                neither  of  these  qualities  until  en-
                                                                nobled  by  William  the  Conqueror
                                                                for  the  support  they  gave him  dur-
                                                                ing the invasion.
                                                                  Everyonc has heard of  the Domes-
                                        Affecting  GeneaIogical  day  Book  which  was  the  earliest
                               Records  - The  Ron~ans occupied  form  of  record.  However,  this  did
                               Britain in 55 B.C. and although they  not  contain  genedogical  material,
                               intermarried  largely  with  the  indi-  but  was  merely  designed to set  out
                                                                how  the  land  in  England  was  held
                               genous  population,  no  records  of
                               any  sort  were  kept  and,  though  and  the  value  pIaced  upon  it.
                               some  peopte  may  like  to  believe  Between 1066 and 1538 when Henry
                               that  they  are descended  from  these  VTII  ordered  that  al1  Parishes
                               early  times,  any  possible  chance  of   should  maintain  records  of  bap-
                               proving  it  is quite  out  of  the ques-  tisrns.  marriages  and  burials,  only
                               tion.                            a very few records of  any sort were
                                 When  the  Roman  Empire  had  in  existence,  partly  of   course
                               collapsed,  Britain  was  invaded  by  because  so  few  members  of  the
                               the  Saxon  tribes  from  across  the  population could  read  or write.
                               North Sea and  180 years later, when   Even in the families of  the nobil-
                               Britain  once  again  made  serious  ity  and  landed  gentry, where a cer-
                               contact  with  Europe,  there  was  tain  amount  of  recording  was
                               nothing  left  which  in  any  way  carried  out,  there  is  littie  whicll
                               resembled  a  Roman  Province.  survives  further  back  than  the  six-
                               hstead  had  risen  a  new  country  teenth  century  and where  it does it
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