Page 271 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1956-57
P. 271
3-Valeur nette de la production du Canada, par provinces, 1938-1954
3-Net Value of Production ln Canada, by Provinces, 1938-1954
ANN~ES Terro-Neuve lIe-du·P.·E. N.-ltco.... N.·.Brull8wick
- C.ŒADA - - - - Québee
YEARS NDwfoundland P. E. I. Noya Seotu. New DnlUowick
1938............ 2.71>4.030 .............. 1'000 1'000 1'000 ,"'000
61. 709
1030......... ". 2 .007,279 .............. 9,700 98.425 67,009 774.074
1040.......... , . 3.046.482 .............. 10.·143 116,430 77 ,509 oa2,290
1041............ 4.350.228 ............ ,. 10.187 123,606 03,~16 1.216,081
1042.. , , ........ 5,762,364 .... , ......... 15.003 163 ,472 108,&47 1,644,145
1043...•........ 6.1J3,438 .............. 18.072 178,424 123,4113 1.772,673
1044 ............ 6,609,48l1 .............. 18.281 186,4114 120.463 1.850,366
11I46...... ...... 5.900,017 .............. 20, J52 170,M6 1~2,703 1,061,780
1940............ 6,234,630 .............. 21.282 187,306 1;;",128 l ,mo ,086
1947..... ...... 7.428,618 ............. , 18,614 188.304 175.128 1,976,220
1948............ 9.608.667 28,544 240.647 214,700 2,460,408
1940.....•... ... 1I,990,308 .. "70:082" 30,741 2G3,091 214.942 2,667,007
19ôO... ......... 10,767.660 97,238 30.810 250,732 242.112 2.1116,309
1961, .. ......... 13,074,797 136,111 36,506 290,702 268,:!~G 3,337,6119
1052....... ..... 13,727,704 140,046 41.885 315,788 266,G70 3,008,148
1953.......... .. 14 ,ü4li .302 163,\)\)2 :l4 .002 320.823 262,062 3,800.010
1964....... ..... 14,126,207 167,054 37.642 339,642 268.638 3.868,814
ANNJ!:ES Col.-Brit.
- Ootario Manitoba B4.kI>t<lbe....n Alberta - Yu koc 4; TOIT.
YEARB Briti.b Col.
1'000 1'000 1'000 1'000 $'000 1'000
1938.•.......... 1.214,070 186,&13 114,038 106,830 228,673 4,276
1930, ........... 1.261.488 137,315 211,440 193.1104 231.874 7,141
11I40........•... 1,521.681 103,374 212,4l8 228,787 277.147 Il,400
1941. ........... 1.063,364 187,203 171,132 210.246 360,668 8,246
1942............ 2,371,032 200,022 430,6112 386.675 472,470 9.030
11I43............ 2,026.011 276,773 338.830 320,674 1>61.201 7,818
1944.•... , ...... 2.018,106 302.048 520,616 400,771 Oal,621 5.135
1\146.......... " 2,441,504 268.850 331,008 330.310 0211,360 4.666
11I46•......•.... 2,470,317 814.852 378,5l4 422,672 6113,347 6,328
11I47............ 3,068.8.50 :WO,811 445,863 470,805 786.411 0,623
1048............ 3.777,302 499.040 036,134 715,&13 021.601 1I,1i98
10,19............ 4,082,002 481,803 641,086 731,034 884 .821 12,639
1900.... 4,li.14 ,260 483,800 040,060 734 ,148 096.2.14 17,041
1961. .... : : : : : .. 0.277.360 6ô!) .n5Z 89J.151 1,002.713 1. 240,~~!i 18.114
1\162.. .......... 5,478.80& 680,424 968,227 1,050.381 1,230,UUII 19,401l
1053............ li ,Ollol, 856 673,638 887, lOG 1.170.778 1,320,.534 20,976
1964" .......... 6,822.111 639,088 606 .li04 l.n7.200 1.330.261 37.311
La. valeur nette de la production éeouo- The net value uf the Province of Quebec's
mique de la province de Qu~bec pa«sait de economic pr'odur:tiou rose l'rom .$697 million
$697 mÎllious en 193R Ù $3,A()9 millions en in 1938 to $3,869 million in 19-54, thereby
1954 pour enrn{!;i~tf('r une augmentation de rccordi ng un j ncreafle of 4·55 pel' ce nt. Pro--
455 pour cent. Au cours rie cette rierniè\'e
duel,ion in Quebee during 1954 represented
année, la prOdLll:lion québécoisr. repl'tisenLait
27.39 pel' cent of CamLdiafi production which.
27.39 pOur cûnt dc la production canadienne HJl10ullted tu $14,125 million, Betwecn
qui attl)i~nuit $14,12-5 millions. La contri-
Hl38 n.nd 195<1, tho Province of Qucbec's
hution dt, la province de QUI'],P(' à "êconomie
contribution to the C:U1adill.n economy wa.s
cllnll.dicnne s'établissait eutre 25 et 29 pour
bctwl~()n 25 anù 29 pel' cent. From 25.3
cent entre 1938 et 19iJ4.. De 25.0 pour cent
pel' ccnt iu 1938, it increll"''') during the
en 1938. elle s' élevée duraut les années
wur y(·".r~ and attl1iued 29 pl'Jr cent in 1943
de guerre pOUl' attcindrr. 29 pour cent r.n
194:~, et ensuite fléchir 4 uelqu" peu et R'6ta- to ],(l"l'de subsequcntl:v and represent 26
blir à 26 pOlir cent de 1947 il. 1953 et iL pel' cent l'rom 1947 1,0 1953 a.nd 27 pel'
27 pour cent en 195-'1. cent in 1054.
L'industrie mauufl1cturi0re dc III provincc The ùomillllnt factor in Quebec's proùuc-
de Qu6bec, dont lit vll.leur l\ plus que ""xtupI6 tion i" the manufu.cLuring illdustry which
de 1938 à. 1954, domiue toujours la produc- incrcll"..d sixfold from 1938 to 1954 ll.nd
tion avec 6;~.3 pour cent de la production accoullted for 63.3 pel' cent of the total
totale en. 1954. L'industric dc Ill. construc- output in 1954. On the other hll.nd, the
tion, par contre, mll.rque ht haus"" la plus most important advanec is shown by the
impressionnante. La vll.)eur de~ travll.UX construction industry. The villue of work
elIeetu6s (bll.timents uussi bien que truvaux carried uut (building and engineering works)
cie génic), qui se chiffrait à $52 millions en which ll.mounted 1,0 $52 million in 1938