Page 206 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1956-57
P. 206

lSS                   Ill'S'I'JWC'I' rQN-E DUC11 T ION

                   H-CONSTRUCTION ET                   H-CON5TRUCTION AND
                  RÉPARATIONS D'ÉCOLES                 REJPAIRING OF SCHOOLS
              Le" munieipulités 8L'(lbil·t'H Ron!. divid""  ~ch()ol  nlunicipalitiell  art>  ,Iividcd  iutù
            PlI lJl'rolldiH."el.l"":tlt.~ d6lilllit.éH pU,J' )..:, C()Jn-  di~(ri('ts, who>lt) limiL::: arl' fhed by thr' c 'm-
             JniSRUil'p.s Oll ln.• 1<.vndiCi> d'écolr's; il:.. ne doi-
                                                  missioners or Sc1lool lrllSlpC>l and must not
             vent. pas cxeérlf'J' eillq milles Cil IOIl!':ueul' nu
                                                  cXct,,~d live luiles i" l""v;th  01' in width.  A
            en  IUl'1!:"lIl'.  Pour f'U  IHol,ivel' l'établisse-  sehool diiltriet ma)' bl' cl:It,a.blishcd whcrcver
            mont, il suffi l, (IU'il y "it vingt ellfnnt.~ ùgé~
                                                  there 01'(' twent.y children in u locnlity,
            ria eillq fL sc·i?o uns daus ulle loeuli(.é.
                                                 I.H'11.ween tl,,' aji;Cs vI' live and sixLcel1. There
             t,uollf'mellt, il y a une I.1laison d'c,,,ole ChillS
                                                 iR genel'lJlly <1. el1oul-housl.' in cllch of thf'se
            cho,cune dl.' IlI:S di visiulls.  RtIr delll:1 nd.., II)
                                                 Ji vision~.  TIH: Dl'I)urt nwn L of ErlucuLion
            dépnl'l,(·mcnl. de l'In$Lruclion publiqu0. folll'-
            nit gl'nt,uitI'Jnp.IlL tles pln.lls aux eUI·porM.iOlls  f>upplies l'rc,(-: plans, on requesl" 1.0 the sdrool
            R('ulrlireil pour la cUII~tl'uct,ioll c)cos "".)11'''; ~i  Clll'pOrlll,iOllS fnr tlw. eOlli';I.l'uetion uf schooJ-
            Ica plun~ IIU viennent pas du Il:ou veJ'uernellt,  houses; \l'hen the pl:lns !He Ilot supplicd by
            il;; doivent i1tl'e approuvés pnr' le :>ul'Ïnten-  t.he Government. thpy Illust he approved by
            ( dp l'lll:;truc:boll puhlique.  Ce l'i'gle-  t!w  Superilll.endcllt  of  ]ï;duc:atioll.  l'hill
            monf. u pOUl' but d'empêchcr 1" cunstruction  l'ule wu~ adoJltcd in ortler to prE'vent the
            (le ~fdle:R rl'(' illsldu!Jrc;;.  cunstl'ucl:ion uf un8l\niULry el:188room8.
              L'lmgll\cnttüiull eonsidéraole dps ins!:rip-  The If~l'ge inerei~~c ln the number of pupil8
            ,;ion>l d~~1H: Ip~ é~oleR prilllllires 11 pntmÎné un  enrulled in pl'iJl1tl1'Y schoolR hllS resulted ill
            bc.5oill  prp.~~lHrt,  tl'écoles  nouw!II",,;  voilii.
                                                 l~ pl'cosing T10CO fur ncw 5(:11001s ILnd M  (1
            pourquoi  Ip.s dÔp':nHC'1' Cllconrucs pal'  [!'.8
                                                 rcsull. the cxpenditurc of the school cor-
            c:orpurntionM il<:olairPR pour leur construc-
                                                 pomtions fOI ouilding purpoRCs, which dirl
            l.ion, qui ne r.ltJpl>s..;o,ient. Pl],,'! deux millions
            en 1944-4.'), R'litrd)lissaient 1'1 $.13,792,820 cn  not. exccerl t,wo million doll:us in t944-4!),
            1!~54-55.                            amounted t,o $.'3:3,7~2,R20 in 1954-55.
              Cet.t,e sectiun préspnt" un l,u.blr.::w donutlnl.  A lablc' iu (,hiR .Rect,ion Rholl's {,he nu mbcr
            h:"uornbr(' oes éeol('s construitcs .·:t réparées,  uf 6ehuol~ built. and rcpllil'ed) Ils weB Ils t.he
            ainsi que le eoflt des constructions (lI. d!!"
            rGpIHllt.ioDl:l, par régions l;l,onomiques ct di-  eost oC const,ruct,ion and rcp"irs, by ccollolOic
            visions st.(,iquea en 1954-55.  1'P.j:r;ionR ll.J.ld stal,isticli\ c!i\'iRÎ0I18, in 1954-.55
            46---École8 con8tl'uiti!l8 et l'épAl'ée8 et coût dee con8truction8 et des réparation8,
                               province de Québec, 1944-45 - 1954-55
            46---Schoole Con8tructed a,nd Repaired and C08t of Con8truction and Repaira,
                               Province of Quebec, 1944-45 - 1954-55

                                         Jr:oolos ODOStruite.       ~coloe réparéee
                                        Bchoole conetnlowd          Schoole repai,od
                                                     CoOt dos           - CoOt des
                   YEAW,         (.]ooloe  CI8.lI8OS  Cuu8tnlotiona  Écolo.  1  r6Plltl\tiOno
                                 Scbool.  GllllIIICa  Cost Dl   Schoola  1  COHt of
                                                    construction            repaira
                                  No.      No.                    No.        S
           1944-40.•..........•.........  188  288   1.827,1_12  1.126     1.047,907
           1045·~a.........•.......•.. "  114  31~   2.431.749    838       033.800
           1946..·17  ,        .  103       237      2,81 J, Il!l  917    1.073.020
           1047-H!.................•....  173  412   4.760. SUO  J.2"-1   1.261.708
           1948-oH\...........•......... ,  303  1,007  13. (18~ 1:UiS  I.G;1:1  1,500.988
            104\J-&J         ,  .  Z8n    1.050     13.901.717   1.501!   l ,7iJ.l ,ij88
           1950-IH..............•.......  2 1 J5  1,010  17.161.212  1.376  1,643.675
           1951·52       .        3:H      J .488   25.283.870   1.538    2, ]42,833
           1952-.1.1 ..•........•...•....•.  420  1,932  35.000.004  1,498  2.161,307
           10;;:1·1\1          .  38U     2.028     39.6RO.212   1.447    2.267.128
            UlM ·uf>           .  S67     l.829     33.702,820   1.404    3.670.834
             (1) S.ll.Q., 1941. cbap. M, !le parlio. oect.inn 1.  (1) Q.R.... 19H, Chap. 51l. !llh Pl>,t. di>; iOTl 1.
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