Page 205 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1956-57
P. 205
J;u.~pect. fi nnncier dr. l'cn~eigllemel1 L H(' [nfonnl1( i011 on the lillll,llcinl uspccLs of
peul. 'H,rr. ignoré de mt)me que les contribu- "ducation, lwd I.lle sOlin;..,;; ft'om whieh tbe
tions dr. rr.ux qui en dMrl1icnt le coût. Ln rl'qnirr.<\ l'('venue is dr"wll :\re givcn IIUller
tablea.u ci-11près lnolltrA qne le GoGt, t.oud this hel1rlinl~. The tnhle br,low shows t!lut
dl~ l'emleign011Jent. l\ pl1ss6 ùe $lOR,~)99,OOO t.h<; Lot,al cost of eLiucatiOll rose from $108,-
il, $221,708,000 entre les !lunées 1948-49 ct. 9DD,OOO 1.0 $221,708,000 blll,wcen Hl4.-8-49 und
1954-55, soit, une l1ugm(~IlLation de 7.'5%, [954-1.)5, f,hilt is, un illcreaso of 75 pcl' cent.
44-Coi.H de l'enBeignement et contributionB financières
44-Cost oF Education and Financial Contributions
(En milliers de Jolhus-In tllll11Sl1nd of dol1ur~)
CONTlUBtiTIONS 191 -10 1040-50 1950-51 lOJI-l12 1052-5:1 10.53·54 10M-55
--- --------- ------
S $ S S $
Corpuro!.lona aco1f\.ires--8chool eOl"pomtion8... ,. 33, &4'; 48,YI8 ,~3 ,0,-,4 61, "til 70.(\23 78,037 87.l28
Institutions ind~pendl\nto.ct 0r;ollllca-
Indll) "odent inlititutÎons une epccÎD) achooh;... 32,207 30,35(; 30,081 41,028 47,516 40,417 5/i,1J3
Gou\'crm:rncnt. do If). provin<'ù de Q\léhoc-
Provln(~o of Queboc: go\·crmocnt.. ....... .... 41,020 11,252 oJ7 ,02[, 48,878 n7,:;81 02,131 78,404
Oouvornem,mt du CalUldn (1)-
Governmont of Cnnnù....... .............. 2.11}1 943 1,204 3,234 1,217 1,220 763
--- --- --- --- ------ ---
TOTAl. DER cONTrunu'rzoNA .B:I' COUT DK l.'.~NSKT~
TorAl. CO:-lTllWU'J'TOS8 AND COBTOJf "~UUGATION. 108,999 127.463 138,9U 155,301 176,970 190,814 221,701
--- ------ ---------
tillves de l'ioscriptiou totole (00 millio11l d'6Ié""0)
Tolel student enrohnent (in thollllllnds) ...... 788 833 8;'7 890 0<19 1,0(2 1,00&
CoOt meyen (en doIlM')
Averng~ coot (in doUu.'"). ..•.. _... ... ....... 138 In3 1&2 173 186 100 208
(1) Ln "nrtdu gouvernemont du Cn·ou.dn ost 00081,it"60 (1) The Canallinn ~ovornmont'8 0111110 i. mnde UP
Dn~l1qUt· C.xclIJBlv('lllcnt. pur l'aide qu'il apporie t\ J'cnsei- nlmoljt cxc)usively of th.::. Huppr,d. it. givû8 to tecuni(',llJ
j.l;1l1'1t1f'1lt. t.c'.chn1<1U6 on vurtu d'ontente à cottl~ fin, 8LLUf edllf'ILtion in uC~L1rdnn('.o ","ith p.n OgrceIllenl. to UH)t. end
pour l''ill 1!)lil~!i2 qui cOUlpreDu ûgnlcrTlcnt 108 hut lor tbe Yt'''' 1051-52 it IIlso in<.lllde,~ th~ ""10 ',,1
12,027.800 nCt·.oTdés el\ subventions ou.x unjvorsitée. S2,027,800 in grnntB (.Q uoivcr8it.jc~.
45--Contributions du gouvernement de la Province pour finB d'enseignement
45--Contributions by the Quebec Governmant for Educational Purposes
ÉNUMÉRATION 19&0-&1 1052-53 19&3-51. 10&4-55
s s
D-WPART):~:Yll'lNT Ott L'JNS- Dli:rAnTM~N'J' ott EDUCAO
TRUCTJ()N l'UOL1QUE..... TIaN .... , .• ,. . ... 2·1,102.~BO 27.J 17,70734,145,101 JG ,(jO~,851 40,8li8,838
AOTnt!:8 DtPAn'1'''':M,ENTf:I: OTJ'IER DElPAn'1'~f&~T8:
AtTair08 municipDlc8 . Municipal A1Tairs . [, ,877 ,034 4,m13,323 1,477,5073,207,1354,8.10,Olll
A~riculture . Agriculture.......•...... 1.02Y,048 1,.JB5.·WB l ,;;():;, 172 I,(WO ,300 1,882,710
Dieu..ô oùcinl ct. Jeunet! SOciul Wellure and Youtb. 7 .J3U. 944 7.434.U2:l 0.800,92212,054, ôô7 11,1 J4, 002
C"lonhuHLon . Colonjzutiun . 4. Mil 4,lko·! '1,808 5,128 5,048
CDo.cil e~6cutir. . ExccutivQ CouRcii . 3fi7,23.1 1,:HI,OI,7 40\1,483 408,531 10,004 ,113
F~nrmcos... . . Fino.oce , . 28,102 28,10\) 2\),0&3 28,1~:? Il,Om
l ndulItric ct Corume"l~c.. an(] COlTlmerce . 4:l.0IB 51 ,388 30,4·;,;. 57,770 (\9,010
Millce , . Millos . 184,078 184,\107 214 ,3UU 7:1,(\37 Ga ,800
Péch· ries . Fisheriea . 50,802 81,787 107 ,{)()4 220,l}lIr. HO,OO~
S'>I.l!: (1)_ , Bealth (l) . 1,,1(,0,,115 1,815,888 2,2'13 ,(\16 2,n~8,8ü!\ 1,2~7 ,573
Sccr6!.nrint , . Provin in) SeoruLary'/:J. O,IO~,107 3 ,57\), 77r> 3,5 2 ,!1~3 3,472 ,8rin 3,&07,301
TerreB et IOI'êI.8.. L...\nda and l,'orcsts... 228,:J(\!) 228,044 257,Wl 17:1 ..117 72, 78ô
'Tna.vuiJ. . LuIIOllJ·..•...... , .•.. 212,UI7 223,872 36-1,45-1 3,-,8. 7YO 302,080
'Tra,VA.HX puhlicfI... Publio Wor".. . .... 171,17:3 l78,7)4 266,108 1711, tl50 180,704
Fonos di v TB ••.••••. MisceJlnueous (und•.... 23,40'1 25,)50 24,583 25,[>UI 23,8ii1
TOTAL.. 47,625,238 48,877,636 57,583,072 62,130,516 78,404,033
f'ond. d'MlI."Mion (2), , . , . . l,;tI,,~al."11I f",,,d (2). , ..... , 27,410 ,000 2·1,020,002 21l,370 ,892 2U, 980,1 18 28,413,522
(1) A c",optor de) 018-4\1 on rI ajout~ une pnrL estimée (1) B"~iI\JOiog \Vith I!H8·-10, tbo (1o"ero~lcnt's cuu-
tle~ noot.dbllt.ions dUlotolJ\' rn(:rlLont à l'cllscignomont., sur trihutlonR for CÙUl:ILtivn (:ontuin 'Ul cstiamt.ed suU!
les montanLR V(lrs(ia aux hospÎoea reCOJlDU8 d'u.asitltnm.c mpNSSèl1tiull; t\ punion of tbe gl'antt! ma.dc La publia
publique: ut recevn.nt dea ~nfn.Ht6 d'ngo tlcfJIf\,ir~. rilUrity hOl;lpitnhs which ndmi.t 8chuul ago paticnw.
(2) jo'ooda 6tnuli ou ,'·rl.lI do Lü Geo. VI, ch. 21 et (2) Fl.Iod_.ostnhlished loy virtl.lo nI !Il 0<:0. Vi, chup.
) 1 Oeo. VI, ch. 32. Le~ Ulontants provûllant de ce 21 und jj, VI. chul'. 32. The amoun'. Iroili Lhi.
fondf:!: sont eomlJt~s u.ux dépcof.lCB de~ d6puTtCl"nenta Q.ui l'uuù n.rn in(.'ludec1 wit.h the eXplmSOtf; of the DCfJarLn~cntl:l
leM unt u lili:iG~. which h( used tbcm.