Page 171 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1956-57
P. 171

INSTRUC,/' /ON-li'DUCA1' /ON                   15-'3

    2-Schoola, Teaching Staff and Pupils Enrolled OiBtributed by Level of Education,
                           Province of Quebec, 1954-55

      Prilllo.iN  Socondniro
      Priroo.ry  Sccondu,'y
    Mn tr'T- ~JéHU_~IJ.
     n<dle  tl\ire
               VITI-X]  XH                XCI  XUI-X\'
    Kiorlcr- EJClnIJO-
    gu.rtcn  t.nry
   -- -----I---i----I---
    8,350  758,863  138,S36  6,166  4,723  916,036  7,648  20,063  6,572  lU,289
    1,350  766,806 104,410  3,143  3,585  876,294                         2
    2,370 6811,448  8i1.288  2,llO4  3.2711  780,281\                     .1
    li,Osa  70,3{,  19.122  239  30t1  911,008
                2,878  n7          3,655  1,034  1,356
                                           112  2)                        fi
                                   3,296   188 2)                         7
                  :19   21i          65    ISO   380                      8
                 186   1fI~!         288   31    128                      9
                   r.    J            r.    2     r,                     tO
                                           2·11  4&                      Il
           813  14,140  120        15,143  2,320  4,799         42   123  I~
           660  Il.HO   18         12,118  1,734  2,046                  13
          .. ·.iz  1,:1.3[,        1,477   343   504                 123  H
            181  l ,2~7  102       l,liJO  116   264                     JR
                 175                 175   31    269  19,807       20,094  J7
                                                       9,841        &,314  16
                 127                 127   :H    127   2.120        4,182  10
                                                 13&    677              20
                                                       (;.893      10,008  21
                  18                 48                 ZOO              22
                                                         76              23
          1,174  17,332  1,125  1,138  20,765  1,224    256   6,530  ln,072  24
                        I1fi                     Tlr·1  1/0         ~,4.ç11  25
                        G&  ..•..•••..  113      110    110          030  2U
                                                                    1,847  28
                7,346  686         8,0511        700          1..~80  16,.971  29
                2,208  345         2.603      4)  392          û9   6,f1x!i  :l0
                  84    59           143         288           :119  1,2:':1  31
                6,004  2M2         ". ~86        20           1. :!':"j'2  8,0:1:1  32
                1,047              1,047                       env       33
                1,047              1,017                                 31
                1,881  :;74        ',tr.lJ                    l,Ii/O  4./ ,HO  36
                1,881  ;171        2,2.35
                                                              1•u2~ ·4 i >140· ~~
          1, 17~  7,010      l, 1~8  D,SU        eso          l.U9  80,/7tJ  30
                                                              l ,981  l ,770  40
           710               1,13R  1,894                       248 .. 6: 2~4 :1
           '1114                   7,428
                                                            ....... ...  22,1&1  43
      (1) Sorne students Lllkin~ "Ludies that cannot e divickd Irom other COUllle8 '<Ta incllJdcd in the corolmont 01
      (2) IncllJding ) 10 st",tents in n 0l'ccinl 16th yeur (7B boyo I\nd 31 girls).
      (3) 01 whicl, 645 adull." iu Adult !'.du<lltion COUI''''' in Pius XI lu,titulo (,Monl.rcul): Lhey I\l'C oot included will,
   tl'e Universi!io. in t"hloo 18. 19 und ~O, hut in Speoir] s'ction, table 28.
      (1) Pu"il. ,,1 XII t.o XV I{rades.
      (0) 17,874 Pllpi)~ in ~onventR And !'cliginu  LrothnrR' trnininA: echool~ n.ré noL iaclth.ll·d  ;n<.:c mOl:4t. uf thoUi
   to.ko tbe IHt uellren olassit:o.l cOUreo o.nd the!" rnr', nlroody included in 01 ITIClnto.ry und Rccondnry jnst.itutionA.
      (6) 7,010 pupilo ie the univol'l'lity Cou",e. am not ioduded ""cau,", Il, y h,,,·,, air ady heen iorluded, m.ail1ly
   in the 20J Jcgrco elllMical dh~"ion of  condary ooucalinn.
   166   167   168   169   170   171   172   173   174   175   176