Page 173 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1956-57
P. 173

           B-ENSEI GNEMENT                        B-ELEMENTARY
     Eu ] 95,5, dans les 9,6.'32 éeoles pri m:lire~  In 1!j55, therc wcre 9,G12 primllry schools
   de la Province, 37,529 in8t.itut,ellr~ el, inll-  in t,he Prnvinec with :1 (l':I.chin:.; st,lIft' or
   LiLlltrices  di~pcnlla.icJJt  l'enst'igncmcllt  j\
                                        ;~7,,')2û Il.nd 876,294 pupils.
   87G,294 ~10ves,
   4-ÉcoleB élémentaires et secondaires, personnel enseignant et élèves inBcdh
       dans les écoles catholiques et protestantes, province de Québec, 1938-55
   4-Elementary and Secondary Schools, Teaching Staff and Pupils Enrolled in
           Catholic and Protestant Schools, Province of Quobec, 1938-55

                                PeTlonnel .JUIeignnn~      ~lèvC8 inocrit.
                                      -                       -
                                  Tenclung .tA/!           Pupll••nroUed
        ANN~EB       l!:col.s                             -
          -           -    In.-liluteurlI InetitutrÎcca
        YE.\RS      Sohool.   -       -              Ooroono  FUI••
                             Mole    Fem~lo  TOTAL    -       -    F
                            Tellcbers  TOLLChel'l~    Day.    Olrl.
   1937-38.......... , .....  8,351  4,3:16  17.258  21.604  28-1,800  285.831  570.631
   1041-42......... '" . ..  8,600  4,008  18,138  22,746  277 .346  279 ,083  fjJG,42Q
   1042·4L, .......... ...  8,740  4,004  J8,273  22.067  273.&02  277 ,082  5.'il.4SC
   1043-41., ..... , ........  8,707  4,738  18,468  23,200  273.487  277,667  "iil,rH
   10444".  " ............  8,770  4,866  18,616  23,611  271.167  273 ,334  6H,401
   10411-46................  8,777  4,020  18,771  23, (\07  270,610  272,486  543,096
   1046-47... , ........  8.874  6.0Bli  19,261  21 ,~36  272,108  276,1&0  &47,367
   1947-48................  8,020  6,070  19,760  24,820  270.819  281,330  6BI,14G
   1948-40 ........... , . , . ,  8,060  6,066  20,340  25,30a  288,003  289 .636  078,239
   1040-liO................  8.0M  6.149  20.8111  2G .966  30G,160  300.MO  00&.70G
   1050-51 .. , ...... , ......  O.Qil 1  5.353  22. lOG  27,G18  312,017  310. Ill-!  623,101
   1001-52.............. ..  O.IlG  5,MI  23.088  21\,620  327.876  320,172  0.;4.048
   1052-53....... ...... ..  0,102  Il.720  24,330  30 ,0.'\1)  nH,05·1  342,406  080.160
   1953-51 (2~ .... .... , ....  0,34:5  5,085  25.790  :31,781  :W8,772  31>4,IH  n2.916
   1954-55......      !1.270  0,2!l2  27.M17  3:1,1170  :l1l3,il71  3M.612  7$0,2811
                  f<:COLES PR01'E TANTES (l)-pROTESTANT S<:HOOLS(I)
   1937·38......... . . . . ...  676  000  2,287  2,787  88.681  37,177  76,768
   1941-12............. , ..  030  602  2.360  2,862  35.071  35,181  71,152
   1012-43 ................  003  4:~'1  2,381  2,805  31,733  33,880  68,022
   1043-44 ................  576  101  2,:)90  2.803  35, III  33.068  60,069
   1044-4.6....... , ........  MO  488  2.~48  2,830  34,006  33,710  08,4011
   1046-46..... , ........ ,.  531  636  2. 2,il  2,886  34,033  32,001  67,604
   1010·17..... , ..........  40:1  657  2,110  2.703  33,207  31,0,\0  66.246
   1047-48. .... ' ........ ,.  460  570  2,132  2.702  B3,840  32,460  00,3011
   )048·40........ , .......  430  MO  2,169  2,738  36.088   31.067  67,650
   1040-60................  130  506  2,283   2,888  30.631   34.684  71.211'>
   1060-ôl .. " •... , .......  413  601  2 ,3&8  3.019  38,328  36,383  74.711
   1961·52... " ...........  401  718  2,408  3.100   40,361  38.016  78.906
   1052-53................  SOl  782  2.100   3.272  43,313   41"I{)7  84 ,810
   1053-.'\1 (2) ........ .....  :JfIb  814  2,001  3.115  -16.7811  1a.llO:1  80,782
   101\4-55...............  362  851  2.7nll  3,1100  19.015  11;.1193  00,008
   1037-38...... , ....... ..  0,027  .j ,836  19,M5  24.381  323,381  323.008  646.380
   1941-42................  0,280  6,110  20,188  25,508  313,317  314 ,204  627,681
   1012-~3..... , ..........  0,319  6,118  20,fiM  26,772  308,236  3lJ.871  620,106
   Hl43-44 ....... , ........  0.372  6,202  20,867  26.060  308,608  311.616  620.213
   194445................  0.320  6,ll53  20.904  26,347  305,862  307,044  612,806
   IOolS-olO................  0.311  fi,liOI  21,022  26,68:1  305,243  305,117  010,600
   1016-47....... , ........  9.367  Il.642  21,307  27,030  305,40~  307,108  612,608
   1047-48.... , ..... , .....  9,382  ~,619  21, 8152  27,531  313,050  313.700  627,468
   1918-40................  9,300  l).tl25  22,!l00  28. \3·1  321.2811  321.603  046,880
   1040-50................  0,410  IJ.754  23,000  28,853  341,781  33[,,113  67B.024
   1050-61 ................  0',604  6,044  24,623  30,607  361,246  :Mil ,607  607.812
   10Ill-52................  0.520  6.280  26,106  31, 786  3M,227  364,817  7:13.014
    1952·63 ...... ..........  9.5li3  6,611  20.820  33,331  387.307  383,903  771, 270
    11153- 4 (~)  ...  0,708  6.700  28.31l7  :l5,190  414.501  408,137  822,608
   19M-55..... , ..........  il,632  7.133  30,300  :J7,1;20  olA2.0Bll  433,110i.  876.204
     (1) f:lémuutl1iz'eA t intorm~diniJ'e8 ct "Iltglt Seho 18",  (1) ElolJlontlLr~·. int.ortoediat.o und Ilil:h Sebool8.
     (2) Une partie do l'augmentation con.tutée  nlrc  (2) Tbe increase notcù Irom 1962-.03 to 1003-64 ;8
    1952-53 ct 1053-54 provient du fait flue les ~ooles Jnl,ter-  due in part to the ruot Lhut infant Hchooltt Dcd ILRTi.
   nollOfJ ct les orphc1inntr o.grjcolcs cornptés l\.nWri~urelllcnt  culturo.) ~rphanngc.81 fo~m rly clR.s~o 0.'3 8Pc~i~1 tichoolfl.
   dnn. los 600les sl)6cinlos ont, 61<\ versés "ux écoles pri-  are DOW Inr:luded 10 prllrlllf}r Ht'.hooIR. that h\. in nH 87
    mair.s, soit dans 1'0n8Ombie 87 éooles. 202 prof08S<'lIrR ot  .r.hools, 2H2 tMchers and 0,60'\ pupib; of thl. nllmbor
    6,504 (\lÔves: ur 0  nOlllb.. il y fi 3 écoles. la profes-  3 8ohools. la t<llwhel'B and 100 pllpil. rcprosenlcd Pro-
   a61lr!'t I:t 100 éll~V"'S pour JCt.~ mflotemcUCM prote.stantos.  testan t kindergart.ons,
   168   169   170   171   172   173   174   175   176   177   178