Page 176 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1956-57
P. 176

158                    INSTRUCTlON-EDUC.4TION

           8--Écoles. personnel enseignant et élèves dans les écoles catholiques et protes-
                ta.ntes, par régions économiques et divisions statistiques, province
                                      de Québec, 1954-55
           8--Schools, Teaching Staff and Pupils in Catholic and Protestant Schools, by
              Economie Regions and Statistical Divisions, Province of Quebec, 1954-55

                                Éoole8 catholique.  ~eole prote8tante8  Ensemble de. écolos
                                 CaU.olie school8  Pro <llltanl. 8ehool8  Ali 80hool8
           RtOIONB &: DIVlSrONS    PelllOnnal        PelllOnnel        Personnel
                                    ensei.            eosei-            ensei-
                              Éole  gnant  ÉlôvC8  ~eole8  a nnnt  ~hlv  ~ea1e8  gnant
                              Sellools T nchina  Pupil8  School. Teacbiog  Pupil.  School. Tea bing  Pupil.
                                     tal!             StaIT              Stnff
           ----------1-------------------------                                   _
                  Poo VI N OH. . •. . • ••  9,210  33,819 180,288  382  3,850  96,008  9,632  n,629 176,2S.
           1--0 ABPt8J"II-R,  P.-SUl>
              GA8PEBIA-SOUTIf 81101Ct.~  1,182  3,692  86,244  30  83  1,914  1,812  3,676  8 1.61
               Bonnvenlure  .   In2   3:17  8,747  12    ·12  1.047  20<\  379  Il.79t
               Oli8P        .   255   674  14.1;143  13  31   777   ~t:H  nos  l!"),"\~O
               Kn.clourasko.•. , . ,  .  lM  271  5.977             lM    271  fl,U77
               L·hlet.•......... , ..  la~  ~2U  .5 ,0.'10          la~   ~~tI  5 1 °:)0
               Mat.nno.•....... , ....  3~a  662  Il;, 250  2  "3'  3;i!i  O[)!'")  1n .. 291
               Mul1tllla.gny, •.... , . , .  III  236  5.41-1       III   2:11;  .1,,101-1
               Rirrlu\IHld  .   2-10  60S  11.02,';  2   a     39   251   (lOI  H,UM
               Rivière-du- Loup  .  866  605  16.102  1   1    10   357   G95  16.118
           2-SAQORN AY-LAC-S-r-Jll'Al'/  635  2,387  52,684  7  31  820  642  2,425  53,304
               Chi('.fllltim1. •.•.......  203  1.340  30.82&  3  28  478  266  t .3fiH  :il.304
               Luo·1;aint--Je"n  .  372  1.047  21.8G8  4  10  112  370  I.Oli7  22.000
           3-QcrBBBO   '"   .  l,fin  5,181 U3,9fil  15  69  1,665  1,694  5,2:10 Ufi,8D8
               Denuee      .    293   665  12.605              2    291   ono  12.667
               BoIleehn  ."  .  155   280  6.826                    J(i;i  280  6.826
               Charlevoix   .   122   288  0.236                    I~~   2B8  0.235
               Dorohe.ter. . .. .. .  .  239  388  8.718            Z:W   3l!!!  8.718
               1.,6,.;•................  110  143  10.151  1  1  14  III  1H  10.168
               LotlJinière  .   177   29:1  0.816  1     3     29   178   :tOIl  0./H5
               Montrnorcmcy  .   01   10.1  ·1.621  1     1    Il    ü2   In1  1,032
               Ptlrtc(~uf..•..........  18n  ·In  9.7:17  2  4  61  lHH   47r.  0.798
         " .   ~36  2.239  49.179  o    69  1.638  2,1;'  2.298  60.717
           4-TlIOI8-RlvltnIt8  .  780  2,18~  68,221  6  41  1,049  788  2,814  fiS,210
               flerthJer    .   100   271i  5.817                   100   276  6.817
               Clmmpln;n    .   :J39  9011  20.37,1  ··"··1· " .. 12 " ..221·  243  053  20. uliS
               M1U!kinongé•...   82   21n  1.1H5                     82   216  4 .•34[,
               Nicolet..•.......  210  378  6.817                   210   878  6.817
               Snint--Mnurico....  149  DaG  20,868  2   36   '82[,'  161  992  21.693
              i::ASTSIlN TOWX8110·S  .  1,305  3,831  83,142  48  .01  1,811  1,U3  4,238  92,OU
               A~th"b"81'a  .   171   4aa  9,060  .·s               174   433  0,060
               Brofcc............•..  :i7  62  1.333     51 .. i:il:i1'  ~(o  113  2.bü7
               Compton .....     7·\  195  lI.72'1  8    87   825    82   232  1.5,19
               Drummond....•..•..  1'12  (i1:1  11.710  2  18  331  144   531  12.04\
               Frontenao   ,.   HH    832  7.337    1    2     'lG  lR2   334  7,382
               ~~f.~~~~j:".:.'.'.:::::  Hi!)  468  10.;,02  3 li  46  1.030  17~  4~0  Ifl. 71.l
               Sh ·fford  ,  .  l'H   455  0.111   2     30   892   l.tO  1111  10,003
               Sherbrooke   .    Ull  638  12.221  o    122  2,310   \)9  MO  14,510
               SlaJllltead  , .  73   345  O. :;10  10   80  1.856   83   ·125  8.131
               Wolfe  .         121   190  '1.3tH  2     4     92   JZ:J  194  4.453
   171   172   173   174   175   176   177   178   179   180   181