Page 89 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 89
26-0riginea ethnique. de la population du Canada, par provinces, 1951
26-Racial Origina of the Population of Canada, by Province., 1951
Ongine ethnique - RadaI Orillin
Torre·Nouvo-NlId, 361,416 3~7, 780 9,&\1 214 103 70 368 31i8 12,073
Ile-du-P.-E.-P.E.l. 98,42~ 80,669 15.'1.77 21 !j6 !loi 31.7 257 1,678
N.-EcOllllo-N. S.. , , 6·12,1i84 482.1i71 n.700 2,063 2 .~\l4 2,364 28,761 2,717 47,874
N.-llrun.wlck .. ... 6l5,GU7 294,894 107.631 1.096 635 340 2,623 2,255 16,424
8u!>bec ... , ....... 4.055,681 491,gl8 3,327,128 73,019 34 , lB5 16.998 12,249 14.031. 85.673 ............ 4.507,5'12 3,081,919 477 ,677 74 ,920 87,622 89,821) 222,028 37,370 b2U,181
Mallitobn .......... 776,6'11 302,1i50 66.020 18,&\0 2,882 37,933 61,21i1. 21,021 213,011
SllRkntchewnn .... , . 831,728 351..862 iii ,!l30 2,702 1,028 26,034 131i,1I81 22,2110 240,338
AlbertA............ 939,0501 461,700 56,1 5 3.035 ô.mln 29.1l61 107,985 21,163 2fi2,867
Col.-Drit.-13. Col .. 1,165,210 766,1 Il 41,91U 4,858 17,207 16,301 55,307 28,478 234,1l51
Yukon ........... 9,090 4,829 6'15 3 -11 130 303 I,li33 1,543
Terr. du N.-O.-
N.-W. 'ferr...... 10,004 3,095 904 la 13 120 109 3.838 7.805
C.ANA.O ....... . 1.4,008,429 6,709,685 4,319,167 181,670 152,245 219,1146 61S,9S6 155,874 1,6S0,SU
(]) CompreDd leo Denonn.. d'onaine noD~6elar6e. (1) In.lud.... pe..on. wJtb rROiel orlaln not .tated.
Source: l'IaU?llèmfj rt!C~t1-iwm"'711 du C(~fj(lda, Vol. 1. Source: Ninth C.nsu. of Canada, Vol. l.
L s Anglais et Jos FTlI.nçais fonllent 1 -1' deux Ellglish and Frt\l~eh are the fuudl1D1ental
groupes eLhniqnes fondamentaux do la popu- etlmical groups of the Canadian pOpullLtion.
lation cll,nadienne. 11;n 1951, les personlles
In 1951, oitizens of British oligin totalled
d'origillO britanniquo se chiffrent 0, 6,709,685
6,709,685 and those of French oligin, 4,3] 9, i67,
et oelles d'origine fl'an~aisl:l il 4,319,167, com-
parl1tiv6ment il. 5.715,904 et 3,483,038 en 1941. oompll,.red ta 5,715,90<1 and 3,483,038 in 1941.
Au oours de IlL dornil\1'0 dC'Crumie, le proruier DuriDg the last ten-yoar ]}Elriod, the tl.rst group
groupe s'est o..norD de 90;1)81 ullité ,soit 39.7% lncl'oo,sed by 993,781 Imits, that is, 39.7% of
de l'augmentation totlLle de la populn.tion olLnn.- tho total gl'owth of the Canadian population,
diennn, et le seoond de 836,]29, soit 33.4%' and the second by &36,129 or :33.4.%.
Le tableau 27 indiqne les origines ethniques TlLble 27 SllOWS the raoial origin of the popul-
de IlL popullLtion dl:! la province de QuélJec lLtion of the Pl'oviuce of Quebco t'rom 1901 on-
depuis 1901. En Hl,'il, IlL population d'origine
wlLrds. ln 1951, tho population of !<'reDch
française s'élève i. 3,~27,128, Roit 82.0<)~ de !iL
origin axnount d tü 3,327,128, that is, 82.0%
population totale dl> la Province; il y a 491,818
persnntlOs de J1),()OS des Ill'l8 BlitanniquoR, soit of tJ10 Provin(:(\'H total populll.tion; 491,818
12.1 % cie la population totnle; les autres races individllo.Js or 12.1 ~;_ of the population tro.eed
eonstituent 5.9';0 de la populaLion. De 1941 their origin to the Dritish Isles; other racin.l
:. 19:,1, l'll,.ugmi'lltntinn numérique fut do groups modo up 5.9% of the population, The
723,799; i\ cet acÛI'OiRRl?ment, la contribution lIumerical inorease. fi'om 1941 to 1951, wn.s
des pel"sonnes d'orir,ine fro.nçaise a été de 723,709; \.Iorsous of French origin o.ccountOO
632,096, et celles de races dos Iles Britanni- for 632,096 of the growth and those of British
ques, de 38,93 l, comparativement il. 424,973 et origin, 38,931, compa.n:d to 424,97:3 and 20,161
20,161 au cours de la décennie précédente. during the previous decen.nial period.