Page 69 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 69
ID-Superficie et densité de la population de la province de Québec, par région~
économiques et divisions atatlatiquea-(Fin)
lO--Area and Density of the Population of the Province of Quebee, by Economie
Regions Dnd Statilltical Divillions-(Collclud~dJ
Aue. ou din'lin\J~i()o
Su pcI"ficic Populbtion \051 Pupulation
On milles IncrcaKc or dccrcnae
c~rrâ. 1-----\-----1-----1-----1----,---.-:...:..:..
RÉorONB & DEV!BWNS PLlr mille
Arcl\ in carr6
8(ll1UfO Tutale 1\J11 1931 1041-ul 1031--11
14,742 551,375 37.47 447.230 395,759 105,145 51,Ul
Arl(out.euil , , . 783 25,S72 33.04 ~2,670 11\,070 3,202 3.lm4
BlLgot " . :H6 10,224 B.~).1)6 17,642 1lI,0H 1,1>32 728
Be.o.uhl1rnoia . 147 :J8,74S 2H.'l.r,n 30,260 26,1(\3 8,479 6.106
ChtltelLUI(III'Y . 26& 17,&'\7 (17.38 14,443 îa,125 3,414 1,318 .
Doux-Muntagnes ,. 270 21,()'IS 7&.'14 10,716 H,~84 4,302 2,4112
Hllntilll(don, , , , ~61 13.11i7 37.~H 12,30·1 12,340 1,06:1 <Il)
IbIJrvillo. , W8 13,507 6~_22 10,273 9,102 3,n4 871
Joliette" . 2,{jO~ 37,251 14.86 ~1 ,71:1 27 l!a~':J r',5:J8 4,128
Labelle, .. 2,392 27. Jll7 11.37 22,974 20 140 4,223 2,8:14
u.\'ie. ,. 170 18.t\30 1O!L.<14 13.730 t3 :1(11 4,1109 230
L'AssOlliptioD " 247 2.1,20;; oa .or. 17,1\43 15,:l.2.3 6,002 ~ "20
1\1if'lflÎSC)lIui. . 375 24,08!L U5.&\ 21,112 10,11:1(1 3,247 ï:soo
ivrootculln ,. 3,8l101 L7,.'i~() 1.60 15,208 13.StiG 2.312 1,313
Napiervillu . 140 0,20:\ (II 77 8,320 7,!jl)1l 874 72:J
Ri 'hclieu . 221 30.801 13~). 37 23.691 21,'IR3 7, llO 2,208
ltunvillc.. . . .. " 243 10.504..; BO.27 15,842 13,7iB 3,lif.;<\ 2,06r;
Snint.llyucintho. 278 38, LOI 1:17.05 31,645 2r,.I164 0,4:)5 5,7111
ninf..Jcan . 20f> 2R,702 [,.10.0 L 20.584 17,(j·19 8,118 2,Oi\ü
~~'ml~ng " J3L, il ,2:1:) t>7 .SO 9,328 !)I()l,J9 -06 220
lcrrcbonn . 782 (l7 •4:17 ~O. 2'1 4U,864 38. fil 1 20,573 8,253
Vaudreuil. . 201 17.378 a.'IO 13,170 12,Olb 4.201:1 \. Ir,[;
Vurchôrcs . 100 L7,729 80.00 14,21·1 12,603 3,f":; 1,611
YIlll1l ka . ::W5 HI.071 H.o.1 IU,61H 10.R20 -44f) -:.104
7· -lVloN'rroLo\L l"hb'nOI'OI..l'J't\ IN
lItlOWI'1CEAL ?\'l,c'rllopor..lTAN 432 1,436,006 3,324.08 1,170,885 1,046,819 265,121 124,066
Chombly . 1~8 77,11~1 6G472 32.1·51 2H,80J 40.477 fi,{i!,:1
lIo-r1,,·Monl·ré~l. 204 I,J;jtl,076 ·1 ,Gl0 .30 L, 138,431 1,020,()18 210,014 Jl8.'113
8--0Ul.'''OIl.\1f1.. U,712 142,659 10.40 U8,sn 114,357 24,068 4,234
Il,,11 , , . , . 2,&71 02,582 :l6.0L 71,188 1'03,870 21,:1114 7.318
Papin"iHI . •... , •.... 1.5 1 2tl,~81 18,58 27.551 20,246 1,830 -1,01111
POJlLine . O,oUO 20,!lIHi 2.\6 IÜ.85Z 21 ,20\1 844 -1,:l8U
U-.'\, $[TIU I-T'J:;;\IISC.\ M J N 00 1... 85,702 141,458 1.65 108,160 44,301 33,298 &3,859
Ahit;!>; 76,72;' 86,:lfi!l 1. 13 67,080 23.002 18,5(17 4:1,0117
'!'foIllÎSC IIdll~..'JW. 8,lI77 n5. J02 6.14 40.171 20,000 1,1,031 III ,802
315,116 42,864 0.14 29,419 22,161 13,245 7,251
·nltllf'nu~·.. 316,176 0.11 29,41 [) 22.16L 13,2,1['> 7,258
Sour",,: Ninlh Con."" of Conado, Vol. l,