Page 68 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 68
lÜ-Superficie et densité de la population de la province de Québec, par- régions
économiques et divisions statistiques
IO---Ar-ea and Density of the population of the Province or Quebee, by Economie
Regions and Statistieal Divisiona
Au~. ou diminution
Sup rficio Popolalion 19i11 Population
en mill 1) Incroo..'H:! or d C'T!";I
carrés 1-----,-----1·-----1-----1----,
l·mUIONS & DIVISIONS l'or mille
Areo. in cl\rrt~ 1031 1911.r,ll~=
~ql1t\rc Tolal 194 L
PH.OVINCE. 523,860 4,055,681 7.74 3,131,882 2,874,662 723,799 457,220
1·-t;A61 J tF.U)lJ-itIVJlh urJ
0- .\8,I J Ssr t\ 48::H11'11 SI-lOHl~ 17,898 360,785 20,16 319,899 270,363 40,886 49,536
Bonnvontl\l"O ;J,'IM 41,121 Il.87 3H, Ifl(; 32.4:32 1.\125 6,764
G<I"p6 . 1,1118 62,530 13.45 55 ,208 4, ,617 7,:122 0,1i91
I{I),mOUn18IUL. 1,038 26.672 26.70 25,536 2a ,0:,4 1,la7 1,581
VIslet " .. 773 22,996 29.71; 20,58IJ 19,401 2 ,~07 1,186
MILt.onc, , a,382 6-l,1 2 18,97 1i5,414 41),272 8,768 10, l42
1\-lont'1I111~'ny. 6:10 24,5l4 :l .!ll 22,04!J 20 23U :2, <1O!j 1,810
Jlhn·~II~\d . 2,089 5a.220 25,48 41,233 a3: I:il Il,:1~7 11.082
l{iviM du-Lo"" 1,874 05,550 35.00 57,675 50,~04 7,87,; 7,381
41,523 197,910 4.71 143,187 105,977 54,723 ]7,210
('hil~(I\1t.illll .. ' 17,800 115,004 ru; 1 78,88l ;)0, 7~'1 37,023 2:3, 157
L:Jl'·lS:JiI.t·,II:lLn. 2:J,723 82,006 3.4[, ü4 ,300 :)0 1 :.!:I:~ L7,700 14,0,,:1
12,219 531,219 43.47 452,543 400,266 78,676 52,287
Beauc~(l . l, A~~ M.on 18.73 48,073 401,793 6.000 3,280
Bcllech" . 25,332 38.79 23.ti76 22.000 L,MO 1,670
Charlevoix .. 2.215 28,25" 12.75 2°, 611~ 22,940 2,fi07 2,722
[)ofchm\tcl'. , .. 842 .33,:1I :1 all,M 20.8[111 27.g0! 3,14'1 1,87h
J"jvia, , ,.. . . . 272 43,625 Iw,an 38.110 35,650 5,';06 2,463
.Lotbiniè"" .... , 726 27,1l8fo 38.55 26,664 2:1.0:3'1 1,321 3,630
NIIJIlI lI'Ioronf'Y .. 2,1118 21.a89 g,73 18,fi()2 ln,!}:');' 2,787 J ,647
'Pol'tnOtl ( . , .. l,-HO 4a .153 30.18 :l8.996 3;;,96:J '1 ,-(!il 3,033
QlléIJue, .. ,., 2,71" 2:32,890 \)2 13 202,882 170,1l15 GO. 008 31,9ll7
15,226 254,130 16.69 217,933 193,175 36,197 24,758
t-hw titi 1~ r . 1,810 21,717 la.Ol 19,1i06 3 ,'18~ 1,727
hHlHpl~.lIIl .. 8,586 ~;" 741i \1.99 50,862 17,688 8, lU"
l\ln..l:irlf.1llJ,(ti......•• 2.378 10.478 8,19 16,0311 1,272 2,167
Nil'1I1{it.., , 13Z0 30,33;; 4 ,4(1 28,lJ73 250 1.'112
~t,-l\'IILtu·lce.. 1,820 Il.1.85:; 51 ..~7 OO,oor, 13.503 Il. ~~7
5··- C AN'rONti·Dlr.-l.' ElST
F:A8"~UN TU\VN'~II(I'H .. 7,230 396,475 54.84 324,035 281,494 72,440 42,541
ArtllUbu8klL ..... , . , , ....• 36.1157 55.49 30 , O:l1) 27,lM1 6,918 2,880
BrOlné.. . ..•.•.....• ~~~ 13.39;1 27,41 J~.4 ri 12,43a 008 52
CUlnpton ,. . .•.•..•• , • , 933 2:J,8[,(1 2,1j.57 22, \),~7 21.1)17 899 1,040
Drummond 532 ;;:1,426 100,42 36,683 26,179 16.743 10,504
Frontenac . 1,370 30,733 22,0\3 28':,96 25,681 2,137 2,910
tJ~~~,lll~'~~(i,' " 780 4r, ,325 58. LO 10,357 :-15,402 4,1168 4,805
27,4! 3
~"elTord, . , . 1)(17 1:1,722 77.11 ~3 ,,187 28.262 10,335 1i,12('
Shcl'hrooko.. 238 62,160 261.~O 4(;,574 37, aaa Ifi,.5n2 Il,18
>lt,"n~t.end.... 432 :14,(\'12 SO. III 27,972 25,118 lI,670 2,8:;'1
Wolf.·" ,.,. 080 18.153 211,70 17,4\)2 ItI,OIl 1161 581