Page 286 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 286


       26-Pourcentage des revenus des corporations municipales et scolaires au regard
                        du revenu pcr'sonnel, province de Québec
       26-PerCll!ntall'e of Revenue of Municipal and School Corporations as  Again8t
                       Per80nal Income, Provinco of Quebec

                               nC\'~nqB m\lni(üpnux  Rflvenu pel"s'ODPel  dn hAll
         ANNt::ES               Municipal rc"cnue     PorsoMI iDoome    à "B'
          YEARB                                                       Pereentllll"
                                                                       of "A"
                                        rC~'Awita           PC~'B-Pits  Bccording
                               Tot,,1              Tolal                to "B"
                     '000     .'    S      ,'000 ,000   li        %
       1033    , . ,.  2,072    80.6      27.12      730     ~·IR.M     10.0
       1030      .   3,230      08,4      ~0,40     1.083    33';·.20    0.1
       1044   ,  .   3.600      107.'1    :1O.(j8   2.114    604.00      0.1
       ]047   ,  .   3.710      12~.o     :1:1,21;  2.li08   702.06      •. 7
       10,111......••.  0,788   138.6     :le.MI    2,n30    773.40      4.7
       19411.........•..  3.882  153.0    :lU .1.1  3,100    800.10      •. 0
       Ill.'iO  , ..•..  :1.OfilJ  H .. H   3,200    828.02      0.4
       Ill.H  '  ,   o1.0f.t)  201.8      40.75     3,745    023,32      5 4
       1\162  ,  , .  4.174    22~.0      M.62      4,1(;3   091.72      6.5
       27-Revenus des corporations municipales et scolaires, province  dOl  Québec,
                          dollars courants et dollars constants
       27-R"venue of Municipal and School Corporations, Provinc" of Queb"c, Curr"nt
                                 and Constant Dollars
                                    Re cnllS                      Revecue
                                 (dollal'll eoumnta)  F..ateur de  (dolln.. con.tao"')
         AN"t::E:S                    -           correct.ion       -
           -        Popul.-tion     Rovernu~,        (1)          Revenue
          YEARB                  (omront <lollarll)  Tmplicit   (ool18t.o.nt doUaro)
                                                 priee deOntor
                               Total    Per C8pitll           Total    Per cnpit..
                      'noo    8'000,000                     1'000,000    •
       1933... '.........  2.1)72  80.6   27.12      [J!) .1   RI.2     27.32
       1930, ...........  3.230  08.4     30.40      \l\).1    0(1.3    30,14
       1911 ... ..... ....  3.600  107.4  30.68     12b.r.     85 ..1   24.12
       1047............  3.710    33.28     ):IIUI     00,4     24.30
       1048.. , ,., ......  3,7R8  36.li8   161. 2     111.7    24.21
       )040............  3,1;8~  (Da.O    30.'11    ]61.1      1J6.0    24.17
       lU60... , .... , ...  3,wm  177. (;  44.71   ]69,2     104.1)    26.'13
       1951.., . , ., ....  4,050  201,8  40,75     189.8     IOO.a     26.21
       1062....... ....  4,174  228.0     64.62     107. C,   lIü. [J.  27.67
        (1) La couver"ion  &0 dollnro cOllst~nto csç faito en  (1) The convel'llion into constant dollnr. is cff cted
       utiUoanL le facteur de correction (un"li"i. prkc dclintiJr)  by m~a[l8of a.n implicl,t. ~Jrjf~O dc·f1n(;(lr URGd in the NIL.t.ioul,l
       qUI> l'DO trouve dnno lea Comptea Nutioll8uX du Cl\1l1illn,  Accounta of Ca.nadn.
       26-·Dépenaes des corporations  m~nlcipalea et sca1aires, province  de  Québec,
                          dollars courante et dollars constants
       28-Expenditure or M'unicipall and School CorporaUons, Province  of  Quobec,
                            CUrrent and Constant Dollars
                                 (donnr. eour"nh)  Facteur do  (dol"'r. oonslants)
         ANNltES                                   corroctioD
            -       Popullltion    Expondituro       (1)         EXl cuditure
          Yf::ARS                (ourrent don"...)  ] rnplicit  (conot"nt <lc/Ulm.)
                                                  priee dolill tor
                                Total   Por olipita           ToLal    Pcr capito.
                      '000    lI'ooO,OOO   •                 "000.000     •
       1Il33.. ..........  2,072  !l4 ,0  :ll .011   0l1.4     (l3,4     31.42
       1039....       :1,2:JO   109,0     3,L02      [JII.I    108.0     34.30
       llH1 ...       :1. 600   107.8     :10,1;1)  125.5      8,.. 9    24.51
       lf147 ...      3.710     .128.1    :1-1.52   1:16.6     11:\.8    26.28
       1048..........•.  3,788  1-39.8    :ltl.!lfJ  trll.2    !l2.4     24.:lîJ
       1940..........•.  3,882  153.2     :m.10     161,1      05.1      24.40
       1%0......... ' •.  3 ,IlOt)  176.8  H.M      160.2      104.0     26.3il
       HIJI. .... , ......  4,056  201.0  4g.6~     1811.8    106.9      26.11
       1062....       4,174     226.3     64.21     197.6     114.0      27,43
         (1) Lu oonvel'8iun  611 < r.onetlll\tIl ".t raite en  (1) The oonvcrelon ln Ln ootlllten.t dalla.. ie ellooted
       utiliSAnt III fnctour de correction (implicit priee <lcflator)  by meon.o of an Iml,Ucit pria. rlnl'\..tor ",,,,d. in Lho No!·iuonl
       Que l'on trouve dalls le. Comptee Nationaux du CanAda.  Acoount. of C.ncWo.
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