Page 193 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 193

                 l-~COLl!:.s PRIMAIRES                I-PRIMARY SCHOOLS
          Bn 1054, drillS le~ 9,708 écol('~ primuires  111 J954, thcr(' wen·) 9,708 primary sehoob.;
        de la Provinc(', ;~5,1()G insti~ul"ur~ 0.t irll,Li-
                                             in the Provin(;(l wit.h  1\ lt-ndling sluff of
        lutrices  dispcnHuicnt  l'enHeigll"mtlnt  Ù.
        822,302 élèves.                      ;~5,19G ond 822,302 pupik
        3-Écoles primaires, personnel enseignant et élèves inscrits dans les écoles pri-
                maires catholiques et protestantes, province de Québec, 1938-54
        3--Primary Schools, Teaching Staff and Pupils Enrolled in Catholic and Pro-
                    testant Primary SchooIs, Province of Quebec, 1938-54

                                     Pel"lonncl onMignen t      11:1he. inBerit.
                                           -                        -
                                       Tellollinl! otafl        Pupils onroUod
             ANN~ES       teol••
               -           -    In.tituto\ll"l Inetit\ltriees
              YEARS       f!ell(>ole  -    -              Gllrçons  Fille.
                                  Male    Pontnlo  TOTAL   -        -     TOTAl.
                                 T""chero  Ton.her.        Boya    (Jirl.
        1037-38......•........  8,301  4,386  17,2G8  21,504-  284,800  286.831  570.631
        /938-30        .   8,600   1.410  17.680  22,099  200,070  280,078  570,148
        1930-.0        .   8,611   4,480  17,803  22,373  281i,504  284 ,883  571,477
        ltHO-·ll      .    8,054   4,623  17 ,910  22,.33  282,602  282,940  665,601
        1941-42        .   8,666   4,1108  18,138  22,7,16  277,:146  27D ,083  G56,429
        1042·43........•......  8,746  4,6\14  18,273  22,907  273,502  277,082  551.484
        1043-44        .   8,70.7  4,7:1I1  18,468  n,200  273,487  277,657  501,141
        1044·4;,.........•......  8,770  4,8U'.  ]8.646  2:1.,611  271,107  273,834  644.401
        1945-4(\, .....•....... ,.  8,777  .,920  18,771  2:1,607  270,010  272,480  543,096
        11146·47.• ,   .   8,814   o,08,~  10,261  24,336  272,IV8  276,150  647.367
        1047-48......•.........  8.020  6,079  10,760  24,82D  270,810  281,380  5GI,14fl
        1048·40   ,    .   8,OUO   6.066  20,340  2G,390  2SS,Goa  289,63G  578.239
        1940-50        .   8,986   ".116  20,810  25.066  30S,100  300,050  605,709
        1060-51.       ..  0,001   6,853  22.160  27.518  3/2,917  810.184  623,161
        1051·62        .   0.110   &,641  23,088  211,620  327,87H  :126.172  654 ,048
        1062·63.....  . .  Il, Il;2  li ,7211  24.:130  :lCJ.0511  3101 ,OM  342,406  686,400
        1963·f1<I (3)  .   Il,343  6,08r,  26,796  :lI. 781  366,562  363.968  732."20
        1037-38...... . , ........  676  500  2.287  2,787  38.581  37,177  75,768
        1938-30...... .........  fi8G  033  2,330  2,872  38,535  87,004   75,589
        10.~9-40..... , ...•......  678  5GO  2,3211  2,876  37, ll34  30, G24  74,3é8
        1D40~1................  655  M2    2,3:H   2,1170  37,306  30,296  73,091
        1041~2.. . , ....... .....  (130  ,jr.l2  2.a~6  2,1152  36.071  30,181  71,152
        1042.43................  603  424  2. :1111  2.805  34,733  33,889  08,622
        1943·41 ..............  675  ·Hl4  2.309   2./lH3  36, III  38.0G8  00.009
        19H~5.......... , .....  650  4118  2,:148  2,11:16  84.605  33,710  68,405
        19411-'lO...... ... . ......  5:14  1136  2 ,2~1  2,886  34,033  32.061  67,l'l04
        194~17...............  403  r.ü7   2,140   2.703  83,207  31,040   66,246
        11147-'48....... , ........  400  670  2,132  2,702  33.1:1-10  32.460  66.309
        1\)48·40.........• " ....  ,130  li69  2.1A9  2,738  35,6113  31.~07  G7,660
        HHO·50., ... '" ........  430  606  2.283  2.888  36,6011  34,684  71,2Ir,
        )050-51 ................  4]3  nOI  2.3r,S  3.049  38.328  36,383  74.711
        1951-62....... , ........  >101  748  2,4!1îl  3, /56  40,351  :18,645  78,9\111
        1052-53 ..... , ..........  :1I11  782  2,'WO  :1.272  13.313  41,4\17  84,810
        Wna·54 (3) ..•.......•.  3116  814  2,001  3,415  4.-,,78\1  43,ll\l3  80,782
        1937-38  ,   ,  .  Il.027  4.8an  JO.6~5  24.381  323,381  323,008  646,98D
        1938-311  ,    .   O,I\lO  4,9ti2  20,019  24,971  328,005  326,132  654.737
        1930-40   ,    .   0,280   6.030  20,210  25,240  82-1,428  321,407  646.8.15
        1040-41.       .   \l.:WIJ  ,6,066  20',244  21\,300  320,047  319.246  M\) ,2\12
        1041~2         .   0.286   5, UO  20,488  25,698  313,317  314,264  627,581
        1042..13  , ..•. ,  .  9,340  . 5.118  20 ,6.~4  26,772  308.23:.  311,871  020,106
        1943-44        .   D,372   5.202  20.8(17  26,060  308,508  311 ,(115  620,218
        1044-4.,       .   9,320   5.363  20,n~4  2(j.347  :105.852  307,04.4  612.890
        1046-4CO..........•.....  9,311  5.fi61  21.022  20, ,'83  306,243  305,447  GIO.GOO
        1946..17       .   9,367  . fi,642  21.397  7r, g:19  ~O~,4~~  307,108  612,603
                                                          .H .•,tI.,,'
        1\)47-48      .    \J,:i/l2  6,64IJ  21.882  ~( J>.U      :.i13,701J  027.468
        1948-40  _~    .   9,3\)[I  5.626  22,600  28.134  324,286  321,603  645,880
        HJ49-S0        .   9.416   6.754  23.000  28,8&3  HI,781  336.143  676.924
        /060-51 ..........•.....  Il ,504  6,0014  24.523  30.667  361,246  346,667  697,812
        l.O51-62       ..  f).1'i:?-U  0,289  25,406  31,785  3Co8.227  3i14.817  733,0'14
         IHli2-5::i.. . .. ..  . ..  fi .r..1:5  6.r.ll  2tl.820  :1:1.331  387.:1R7  38:1,Îl03  771.270
        10r,3-54 (3)   .  . Il. 70S  6.7\19  ~8.3117  35,IIlG  4'" .:l·ll  407.91il  822.302
          (~) Elélllcntft,iI'C8, complômentaires l't 8upértoul'0I5.  (1) Elementary, (:o,nlp!'l n..nd 8uptrtOT.
          (2) EI(·mcntu.irca, iuternu~dilLires ct "HiAh Schuo),)".  (2) EI"l1lont"ty. intorrn"ùilLte ond Bigb Sehool•.
          (3)  UIlt) portio do l'nuj(m nt"tion llOMtlLt.éC olltrn  (3) Tluj inorcnse noL. ri fnml H'.=)2~5:l to 1953-54 is dlw
        19f)2-lt3 ct. HJG3·;'cl )")fflvÏl'nL du fniL quo les ~colCll lIl"tl~rr_  )11 pl1l't tu t,ho faet tllat, infant ~c11001H and l\gricnlturo.l
        n-lles et le. utllhclillnt."\ nQ;dC()!C!A compt.t'·g llnt,6rieuromc.nt  orph:mnA:<:'A, ((wlllorly nll..LMMcd Il1'lo t'J'unht.! SdlOO)S. ar(~ no","
        df\T1R les ôcvh")l, apéi'iÎu..lcs ont été vrrHés !lUX 6coles pl'i-  iud uded in prÎlIlory achoolit, Umt iR, in nU 87 schoohl.
        lIIl,irf'B, 80it dans l'onsclll)l)e 87 écoles. :lU2 profC61:Œurs  292 telL hors lLnd 6,601 pllpilH: of thi. numbor 3 .clwolo,
        ct, 6,G04 .~lAvo"; eur ce n<'>lnbl'o il )' " 3 <lcole., 10 1l'of.  JO  tClu.lhcrtJ and  iUO lll.1pilR repl''':'1ênt..ôd  I>rotcst.t..nt.
        8c:Ur:; et. 100 dl.'\'t~8 1ollr les ll111t·(;ruellcs rJl·ote.Ktnnl.<~.  kindergn rdel'lI6.
   188   189   190   191   192   193   194   195   196   197   198