Page 197 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 197

F;COLES Mil TERNELLES-/ NFAN1'-SCflOOLS               179

               2-tCOLES MATERNELLES                    2-1NFANT-SCHOOLS
          Lcs écoles maternelles sont soumises /lUX  Infant schools or kindergllrtenB arc subjeet
        règlements établis par le comité cllt,ho!iquc  to the regulatiollB set down by thc Catholie
        du Conseil de l'Instruction publique ct i~ la  Committee of the Council of Educu,tion and
        surveillance de t'inspedeur d'écoles du dis-  to the supervisilJn of the dist.rict school
        trict.  Quelques-unes de ces écoles, cepcn-  illBpel:tor.  However, some of theii!: schools
        dant, Hont des inlltitutions indépendr.ntes.  are indeptlndent institutions.

        7-Écoles maternelles, personnel enseignant et élèves dans les écoles maternelles,
                               province de Québec, 1942-54
        7-lnfant-Schools, Teaching Staff and Pupils in Infant Schoola, Province  of
                                     Quebec, 1942-54

                                   P,.,rsonncl      Elch'ee in.orila-Pupil, enrolled
           ANNF.EB       l1:eol".  clleciA'nant
              -                                Garçooe      Fille.
            YEARS        Sehool.   T nohior,                            Totol
                                    atoll       Boy.        Girl.
        1941-42.............  27     82        1.470        1,059       2,629
        1042-43............  27      80        1,431         002        2,336
        1043-14.. ........  ZIl      10·1       1,520       1,092       2,612
        1944-15.........   20        171        1.710       1,001       2,766
        1915-40............  33      130        I,M6        l,lM        2,703
        1946·47......... "  27       113       1,600        1,272       2.872
        1947-18..........  37        laO        1,602       l,bOU       3,102
        1048-19 ..... , .•..  50     154       2.360        1,924       4.203
        1040,50... ..........  56    170       2,,162       1,817       4,270
        1050-5t. .....     60        170       2,42B        1,072       4,:\08
        1051-52....... :: . :.  b6   165       2,120        1,90(\      4,026
        1952-53 .......•....  70     10~       2.650        2,080       r, ,248
        1953-54 ............  78     212       2,(161       2,666       b.a27
          Le Conseil do l'Instruction Publique dél·",'ne  Tho Counail ofl·:dul:ation has awarded
        des cor1,iflcat~ d'études prinHl.ires depuis 1D~~2  primarT eertifieakl> sioee 1932 and attesta--
        et dea n.U./',lati(III.-' dp.puis 1039.  tions SiOCè 1f.l30.
          Le~ oeriifiCIl.!.>;l COU.rQUUlmt Il'~ étudt:1R aux  Cortiflell.tos are awardf'd at the comple-
        diiférenta (k~'rés du cours primilir,,: élémen-  tiou of the various degrN':; of the primary
        taire (7à), üomplémen\,i\,ire (91'l) ou supérieur  eour6e: elolnentary  (7th), complementary
        (12/),4/' ,,1. :là Hi!l'h) M.ndjs que les att stations  (01,h) or Bup"rior (12th, 4tJ. and 5th High);
        So.netioDuenl chacuM des 2 premii'll'es année~  attestations are awanled nt thl: ond of the
        du oourH Hup!\rieut (J(/," et. Ilè) et la 2è année  lOth and 1Hh yeaJ's o.nd 2nd y(%r of Higb
        du High R(,IIOOI.                    80hool.
          En t\)40, OBi.< divers examens sont dAvenll~  ln 1910 tbeso va.rious ()xaminations
        obligatoires eommo condition de promotioD.  a net.'l;)ss~try condition ur promotion.
        8-CertlficaU et attedatione d'étude. primair•• cathollqu•• accordé.  par  le
                            d'partement de l'In.truction Publlqu.
        8--Prlmary C.rtificat.. and Atte.tatlon. In Catholic Schooh Award.d  by the
                                  Department of Education
          NO'TP.-POllr 1939 ,,~ le. Ilnn6c••ntérlourt>3, vair  NOTF-For HlaO and tho previuuR ~', .cc 1044
        l'Annuaire IQ44, page 180.           Your Dook, p,.g 186.
                                                           JIJOIi acnoor..a
             -         7'    Oè     10è    114   I~è    2è     H    Scnlar  TOTAl.
            n~Anf:l  1  -    -      -      -     -      -      -    Matri·
                      7th    Otb    10Lb  Ilth  ._--   ~f1d    4th  cilla tian
        1040 .......... ...  19,771  8,711  l,MO  6.~1  :1!17  :J77  138  . ... . . .  31,1I8b
        11H01 ... ..........  19,741  7,~68  1,701  (lU!)  aBa  .~\ Il  ~27  ..,'  31,217
        104~.............  ~2,6211  7,llbl  1,"87  ,74  407  621  241  lb  34 ,lin
        1943 ........ , ....  ~~. 441  g,fl70  2,269  8~1  bll3  b80  209  21  36,803
        1044 ... ..........  23,796  l'L880  2,665  1,047  674  003  310  20  38  III~
        104.~.   ....  20,3~  10,1184  2.027  t ,310  ~n!l  704  H'    7f>  4:1,331
        10411 .............  24,813  lO,OO~  3,274  J ,406  OllO  938  3M  47  42,067
        10'7 .............  ~3, 373  11 ,(l7l  3,1'>26  1,000  I,O~9  074  480  34  43,031
        11l48 ...........  ~4 ,382  11,1122  3 ,~78  2,110  1,1.36  630  b88  66  44,2ll>
        1940 .....•.......  ~b ,903  10,127  3,092  2,142  1,200  800  630  ô6  45,224
        19ôO ... ..........  27. B02  Il ,r)~  3,070  2.307  1,148  042  668  40  48.U6
        1951 .. .. .....
        1952. ............  28,627  t2,:HO  4,22.~  2,420  1,2'11  918  673  42  60,001
        1953. ..... ,......  33,02Q  13,248  n, L77  :1,003  1,393  067  700  .~6  51,714
        tOM ....... ...  33,9n6  12,134  [,,7-19  3,123  1.801  1,088  972  lm  1 li9,102
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