Page 138 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 138

120                           POPULATION
           59-Mariages et taux de nuptialité dans la Province, par cités et villes (1)
               59-Marriages and Rates, in the Province, by Cities and Towne (1)

                            Mnrlag_M,-.riagee               Taux-Il&tee
         C1T&8 o:T V'LL
             -        !Ifoyenn_Avorage             Moyenn&-Avera,.
        C,TIE. AND TOWN8              10f.1  W62                   1961    1952
                      1926-35  1036-40             1926-35  1036-40
        Cnp-d<~la-Mudoleln.  -t5  91    182    167    5.3     8.6    9.7     8 6
        Ctuooutiml. ........  n~  19    206    2·17   8.0    12.3    8.9    10.3
        Drummondvillo.....  n2  123     119    138    11 .8  11.4    10.1    9.1
        Gmnt>r.............  87  160    201    2211   10.n    13.2   10.1
        OmnJ MlIro ........  :]3  96    108    107    4.8    11.0    0.7     Il.1
        Hull. ...............  248  389  463   472     8 3   II. 8   JO.ll  10.6
        Joli<:U•.............  74  129  l(i1   160     7.0    0.8    9.1    10.3
        Lévis..............  45  88     lOS     86     3.0    7.3    8.0     6.5
                          35     77     114     99     G.O   Il.4    10.3    8.6
        }{·;)~Tr~bl~........... :  ll,220  0,8\2  Il,267  Il,365  7.3  10. (;  11.0  11.0
         1.oohino..........  JO()  210  2'12   202     5.7   JO.l    8.7    10.2
         Out.rt~mont....... ,  Uj;~  a 0  325  311     6.4   11 .3   10.5   10.4
         Verdun ...........  32~  576   761    fl05    S.7    7.7    0.8     8.8
         Wootmollnl......  238  41l     102    484     9 9   16 0    18.3   19.2
        QUEA1·;C ..........  843  1,01:l  1. 61\  1.64(0  ll.1  lO.ll  Il.8  9.0
        H1vitlre-du-T,OUp.••..  35  73  74      58     1.0    8. J   7.8     fI.1
        &int.-H)·ucillt1'U.....  106  21~1  211  200   8.0   12.4    11.0    \1,8
        B$int.-.Tenn.... , . ....  78  151  174  202   6.6   Il.S    9.0    10.2
        Baint-L.t1nbert.... ..  18  51  60      112    3.0    7.6    7.0     7.0
        Bhowlnlgnn Fall•...  77  180    243    259     5.2    9.1    0.0     0.'1
        St>erbrook .........  240  456  578    517     8.5   13.1    11.6    0.0
        Sorel ...............  67  111  HO     1.17    5.6    0,2    0.4     9.f!
        'l'hotlord Minc".....  65  113  167    161     6.2    8.8    11 . 1  10.6
        TroiK-Rivièr 8 •..•...  2:18  308  465  410    ~.l    004    JO.I    Il.0
        VuUoyücld.........  10\  194    263    213      .9   12.6    11.7    0,3
           CITta----{;'TIE....  1,637  11,310  18,8"2  11,73"  7."  10.7  10.3  10."
        Jon~uillra...........  66  138  lU7    165     7.3   10.6    9.1     7.5
        u.  uque..........  3·1  711     74     "'9    4.4    8.8    7.8     9.2
        La.u1.un.....•.......  31  70    38     7.1   8.~    3.!1    7.1
        Mngog...........•.  66   102    1(),1  1011   10.7   Il. "   H.:l    8.5
        ~Iontnmp:n!o'........  31  50    97     80     5.1    9.ll   Hi 6   l:i .4
        Rtruoo!4ki        37     66      79    105     ll.1   9,2    6.8     ~.7
        &lint.-.J~rlJJ;;r·:"".',',: ~  72  134  1 1  162  8.4  11. ~  10.2   8.S
        VictodlLvilln.... ....  39  82  137     127    6.6    0.7    10.4    0.3
           V'LLi:l'-ToWN"  375   711    906    910     li.8   lU      '.9    8.7
        Rurale_Rurol. ....  7,898  12,856  15,966  13.343  6.4  7.6  8.5     fi.1l
        Urboillc_Urbnn ....  10,012  17,258  19,748  22.0.11  7.4  \0.6  9.1  10.0
           PnovINcIO......  17,910  30,114  35,704  35,37"  '.3  '.1  •••    '.5
         (Il Do 6,000 il.mea oL plua on 1020.  (1) HMing 6,000 populatioo o.ed OVOr ia 1926.
                  GO-Nuptialité de certains paya, par 1,000 habitante, 1951
              GO-Marriage Ratee of Variolu Countriee, per 1,000 Population, 1951
                                                      P AY-COUN,·n'E.
        l!;tats-Uni.•...........  United 8tlltool  . \0.6  ~co_... ,  Seotlnod  .  8 1
        ToM o.lovnquie (Il  .  Cr.eohOlllovnkin (Il  . 10.4.  Finlundo..  FillllLlld  .  8.0
        Hongrie (Il   .  Ilungary (1)  .  10.4  Japon  .    JI\.prm  ,  .    8.0
        Ail IlIIl~no oecidee",I•.  W  tern Gcrmuny  . 10.3  SUiSllO  .  Switzorlnnd  .  7.9
        Union  Slld - Africnine  Union of South Alric"  hilL  ..  hllo  .    7.8
         (Dlunca)     .  (Wltitus)    . 10.2  PurtuglLl.  .  PorLlJglIl.  , ..  7.;
        An.tmlio  .     Austmlla  .      9.2  8uMe       .  Swcdeo    .      7.6
        Co.nadn       .  C"neda       .  0.2  Fra.nce.. _  .                 7.6
        P,oainco de Qu~biJC  .  l'rovinea 01 QILcbcc  .  8.8  E;,pIIgn  , §~~Î~~".',', "::::~ :~ :~ ::  7.6
        Autriohe      .  Au.tria  .      0.1  ltalil:.~     Ceylon         .  6.0
        PaY8-BlI3     .  Netherlnnd  ' .  8.8       :: . : : : : : ..  Italy  .  6.9
        Nou\·cllo-Z,jJ"ndo  .  New Zealnnd  .  8.7  Irlnndti du Nord... .  Northern lrcllLnd  '  .  6.9
        Norvlllle     .  NorwlLY  .      8.3                Mexico         .  6.1
        Anll1eterro et Pa)'" de              ~I~~~~I. ':." " : : : ~ : : : . :  lroll\nd.............•..  5,4
         Gnll••..............  Engln",1 nnd WoJ  .  8.2  VénézuéJa  .  Venezuela... .. .. .  .  4.9
        Belgiquo      .  Bchdum      .   8.1  Pérou   .     Peru           .  2, fi
        Oanemark      .  OcDmnrk  .      8.1
         (1) 11150.                          (1) 1950,
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