Page 136 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 136

118                           POPUfJATION
                     3-MAR[AGES                          3-MARRIAGES
          Le nombre des marin.ges varie directement  The number of marrillg'fJS varies iu direct
         en rfl\ation de la situation éoonomique du pays.  relation to the economic situation of tho
         Durant la dépression 1fJ'29-,'33, CODUne le d~  country.  During the 1929-33 dcpression, as
        mOntre le tabloou Ci-dCRsouS, nous avons liure-  will be seen in the table below, tho number or
         gistl"é les plus faibles totaux de lUll.rïllges.  lnMTÜl,ges registcred att3.ined the lowest level.
         Durant la période 194D-45, période de guerre  FI'olo 1940 to 1945, a wn.rtirne period of
         et d'économie élevée, nous comptons un nom-  economic prosperity, the number of marriages
         bre de maringBs jamais vu à. date.  1946 a en-  was highor tban evar before.  fn 1946, the
         regi-'tré un grand total de 36,650 mariag ,ce  total numbcr of marringo8 rl1j,7Îsterod was
         qui un taux de 10.1 pa.l" 1,000 de popula-  36.650. wbich gives a I.'I.ÜÎfI uf 10.1 per 1,000
         tion.  Au cours des années 1947 iL 1950 la.  popull1tion.  From 1(}<17 to 19,JO the marri~o
         uuptil1lité a l6gûrement diminué; cependMt,  rate de 'rellscd slightly.  IIowever, tho nurn-
         les ml1nagos sont toujours très nombreux ct le  bor of marriages is still very high and in
         tAux, en 1953, s'ost fixé 1\ 8.4 par 1,000 ames.  1953 the rate per 1,000 population W!l.S 8.4.

              57-Mariages et taUJl de nuptialité au Canada, par provincos, 1926-53
                   57-Marriages and Rates in Canada, by Provinces, 1926-53
         AD~O·I  "-P.-E.  N.-K  N.·B.  Qué.  Ont.  Mun.  SIl.>lk.  Alt~  C.B.  Cunud..
          y""r.  P.E.!.  N.S.  N.B.  Que.                     Alta.  B.C.   (1)
                           1      1            1      1     1
         W21\-:10  473  3.221  2,970  18,731  25,440  4.1l51  0,036  5,20G  4.786  71.880
         1Il~ 1-:1;,.  4110  a,a22  2,737  17,089  24,21\0  r.,OI.,  5,680  5.5:10  4.207  08.01l4
         W:1B-40.  023  4.7\)6  1  3.81l1  27.111  32.71\1  Ii,U31  0 ..599  7.102  7.053  00,821
         1041 ....  673  0.f>90  4,941  32,782  43,270  8,300  7,030  8,~70  9.760  121,~42
         1912....  778  0.871  4.9a4  33.R57  1" ,41,6  8,31l5  1.2i17  0,0.14  10,827  127.372
         194:1....  Ml3  0.105  3.985  33.850  :10,101)  6.901  0,172  7,771  9.381)  110.037
         1\1'14....  040  5.fl12  3.813  31,922  31.227  6.2\'11  ô,OI\)  7,20fl  IL·nl  101,490
         laol,L ..  gRo  t~,O~}2  4.40\  33.211  3·1,137  0,570  0,300  7,310  iJ.~tl2  108.031
         194ft ...  :37  6,5-19  11,866  30,650  46.073  8.594  8.279  0,178  11.763  1:\4 ,088
         100Ï7....  (i76  6.~01  11.189  35,4fl1  14.050  7,712  7,074  8.797  1 L.~5:l  1:l7, ~Il
         11l48....  (\:36  0.093  4.640  34.640  43.2,12  7,32S  7,171  8,841  11,718  12~. 314
         1010....  611l  S.O:,8  4,251  33.485  43.300l  7.:W.1  7.037  9,037  Il.370  2) 123.t177
         10::;0....  010  5.005  4,370  34.09:\  '13.744.  7,1.28  0.004  9,294  Il,110  124..8-15
         1051 ....  583  ii.004  4.380  36,704  45.108  7.aGQ  0,805  9,305  Il.272  128,230
         lDr)2...  013  ".300  1,270  35,:174  4f>.2f>1  7, 1~8  0,014  0,51 4  11.081  128.301
         wr>3 ...  0·17  5.378  4.2:12  35.968  45.054  7.277  7.1811  10.1211  Il.208  130.837
                         Taux par 1,000 hahltaot_Rsto. po, 1,000 population
         102.6-30.  .~. 4  6 3  7."   6.0   7.8    7.5    7,0   B.O    7.6    7.3
         [931.35.  5.5  0.7    0.6    5.8   6.9    7.1    6.1   7.4    6.0    6.0
         1U:l(l·IO.  6.6  86   8.6    6.11  8.9    Il 0   7,2   Q .2   0.1    87
         1041. ...  7.1  11.1  10.8   0.8   11.4  11.4   7.9    10.0  11.9   10.6
         1042..   8.6   JJ.I)  10.6  10.0   lL7   IL6     8.5   11.6  12.4   10.9
         1943..   7.2   10.1   8.0    9.8   9.2    g.5    7.3   \l.8  10.4    9.4
         1044...  7.\   9.7    8.3    9.1   7.0    8.6    7.0   8.0    0.0    8.0
         Il.''.......  7.4  0.6  0.6  0.3   8.,~   8.9    7.6   8.8    9.8    8.9
         W'lfl....  8.9  10.7  12.2  10.1   Il. 2  11.8   9.0   11.8  1J. 7  10.0
         19·17 ..  7.2  o 4   10. Il  0.0   10.5  10.4   0.1    10.7  11.4   10.1
         1948....  6.8  8.0    0.2    9 1   10.1   0.7    8.4   10.6  10.8    0.6
         1940....  6.6  7.8    8.2    8.6   9.B    0.3    8.2   10.4  10.2 2)  0 2
         10fiO....  6.4  7.0   8.6    8.6   9.8    9.3    8.3   10.2   0.8    9.1
         1061.. ..  5.0  7.9   8.6    8.8   0.8    9.5    8.2   9.9    9.7    0.2
         t<;J;I'J....  0.0  8.3  8.1  8.6   9.5    8.0    x. :~  0.8   0.2    ~.9
         [\J'3....  0.1  8.1   7.0    8.4   \J.4   0.0    8.:1  10 1   9.2    8.U
          (Il s~ur les Territoire•.            0) m.elu.ive 01 Terrll,onOll.
          (2) Comprend Torre-Neuve dopuie 1941l.  (2) rooludinl! Now(oundland sin,," 1949.
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