Page 120 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 120

L02                           POPULATION

        49-Population llctive, 8gée de 14 ans et plus, par industries, sel{e et provinces,
        49-Cllinfully Occupied, 14 Yellrs of Ago llnd over, by Industries, Sel{ and Provinces.
                                      Pêche et
                                      nbntul!0  Mine. et  Manufl\C-  Itlo trieité,
                                      du bOl.  carrières  turcs  gaz et enu  Conet..ruotion
              PROVINCES      Agriculture  -      -        -       -        -
                                      Fiahing,  Mininll  nd  Mnnu!ao-  Eloctrici ty.  Building und
                                     Hnnt.1r1lllind  QunrryÎng  turing  ana  ConatnJ ction
                                      Trn.pping,                und Wnter
        Torr ,-NouVe... Newf()lIcdlaJld .  3.~O8  28.028  3,1i08  13.000  607  7,212
        lIe-du-P.-f.: .... P. KI .........  12.727  1,010  7  2,821  203   1,858
        Nou".-~coese.. Novu Scotia ...  22,787  15,558  15,465  32,455  2,300  1IJ,2L7
        N.-Hrunowiek................  26,403  20,805  1.178  26.264  1,&67  9,077
                                                                  II, 720
        8~~~;...·.·.·.·.::::::::::::::::  186,7\0  40,670  10.575  3H,142  27,676  10\,241
        Muoit<>h......................  70,100  3.04&  3,781  39.193  3,226  10,812
        &skl\tchewan................  141.6 7  2.071  l,li71  16,507  1,678  Il,321
        Alberta......................  Ill.470  2,624  14,9&4.  30,012  3,168  25,189
        Cclomb; Dril.. Brit. Columbia.  25.&1.2  29,163  II, 142  01.150  4.247  30.H8
              CA;iADA, ..•....••...  791,9:11  177,662  101,520  l,OlS,9U  56,412  344,889
        T rre-Neuve... New!oundland .  117  67     63     1,615     35       40
        lIe-du-~.-~.... P. E. 1.. .. : ....  200  7  ·· .... 'i05..  688  13  17
        Nouv.- •001186 •. Nov.. 8cot.l~ ...  644  12-1    4.464     17ij     170
        N.-Brunswick................  431  181     16     4.1\18    85       118
        guébe•.... , .................  8,073  622  324  108,031    8\)7   1,462
         nt"rio.............•.. , .....  10.703  {)97  040  12[>.910  3.028  2,610
        Maniloba....................  3.686  67   169     {),785    218     285
        SMkatoho,,"an................  6.014  36   72     2.L58     147     245
        Alborta......................  3,545  64  739     4,723     208     473
        Colomble-Rrit.. Drit. Columbi...  1,817  58<1  300  Il,551l  ~32     573
              CANADA.............  15,088  2,749  2,321  274,151   5,342   6,007
                             et OllnHnu~       FiolLOCO,          Non
                             nicQtioJla  Commerco  assurance    déclar'·ea
              PROVINCES        (1)      -        -      ServIe<.  -       Tolul
                            TrtlDSport<!-  Trode  Finance,        Not
                            lioo nna  00'-     1DttUronce        Stated    (2)
                                      HOMME   MALE
        Torro-N IIVO •.• Ncw!aucdl'Uld.  Il.471  9. 86Il  364  IL,727  1. 237  81l,460
        n(\-dll-~.-l1;....P. E. 1.. .. : ....  1,856  2,850  219  3.316  :l89  28.156
        N UY,- 14CQ  .• No\'1l. S QtlB ...  16.615  20.0·j8  2,(}l7  aO.ill7  3,078  178,087
        N.-Brun.wiek............. '.'  15,267  15,161\  1,&07  l,j,830  2,406  18<1,963
        8~t~:i~;..:.....~::::::::::::::::  100.057  127.08\1  23,000  14\1.3&1  2:1,0,,8  1.130,104
                                       184 ,00'1
        Manil()ba................. ...  26.7:14  31,225  4.682  31,682  1,907  232.290
        Saskatehewan........... .....  22,031  24,006  2,801l  25,209  1,388  251,077
        Albert<!..........     2.1.505  33,168   4,448   38.089   1,823   2111,200
        Colombie-BriL. Drii. 'Coi~';'b'~:  34,810  47.327  8.0[>6  50,147  5,342  340.374
              CANADA..... ..... -..  153,846  491,U5  10,021  676,805  54,545  4,121,832
        Terr(>-Nel~'a... NcwfouodJ"od .  647  4 ..182  2·16  9,835  .124  17.080
                                 109    l,fl82    1!12    3,'I:l2   70     6,QUO
        ~~~.~k:~o::~'o~o\j~';Ù~: ::  1.6.54  \1.121  1, 012  24.2'10  565  42,710
        N.-Brunswiok.............  1,410  7.047  1,179   18,097     664   3,1,085
        Québeo...... '" ......  13,303  '16,081  15,914  142,455  4,584   3'11 ,610
        Ontario...............  18,364  82.363  28,7il(\  167,225  1.400  444,076
        MlLnitolJa..............  2,857  16.337  4,250   28,121     580   00,205
        Sn8katchc\1.-u.n.......  1,067  0,350    1,001   28,760     386   ôI ,035
        Alherta......................  2,439  13.618  3,r.09  32,800  516  62,(}211
        Colombi,,·Bl'it.. Drit. Columhi...  5,083  23,258  6.620  45,6QO  1,174  07,978
              CAN AOA•••••••.••••.  41,742  .211.643  63,961  500,660  U,OU  ]..,164,121
          (1) Y compris mnployéB t\ l'.lltr.p....lle et emmnau-  (1) Icclud08 warebou811 .t.ornllo omployoeB.
          (2) Servlce I.LctÜ naD Gompritl.     (2) NOL lnoluding Activa Servico.
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